Version 19 (modified by maignan, 8 years ago) (diff)


MICT Versions

In this page you will find all releases done. They normally are done every week. Each one explains its major changes, its date and the last revision version that comprises it. It will be noted which revision is included, when there is a new merge from the TRUNK.

Development 08/03/2016

On-going updates from the TRUNK

V6.4.2 version 07/03/2016

Important bug correction in stomate_litter


V6.4 version 22/02/2016


V6.3 version 22/02/2016

New soil thermal properties from the TRUNK


V6.2 version 03/02/2016

New soil vertical discretisation from the TRUNK


V6.1.2 version 29/01/2016

  • New compilation flag STRICT_CHECK
  • Multiple bugfixes


V6.1.1 version 14/01/2016

  • Small bugfixes
  • Merges revisions from trunk


All previous revisions from TRUNK [0:2916/trunk/ORCHIDEE] are included in ORCHIDEE-MICT.

Note: fuel_1Xhr related commits are on hold as they lead to other issues.

V6.1 version = V6 + bugfixes + merge trunk

  • multiples bugfixes
  • merged revisions from trunk


V6 version = V5 + SPITFIRE


V5 version = V4bis + GM (Grasslands Management)

[2618] Compilation OK

V4bis version = V4 + DGVM

[2590] For recording only, do not use.

V4 version = V3 + wetlands + TOP model

[2521] For recording only, do not use.

V3 version = V2 + permafrost carbon dynamics


Former versions

V2 version = V1 + multiple-layer snow
V1 version = standard ORCHIDEE + soil freezing