Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of DevelopmentActivities/CMIP6/DevelopmentsCMIP6/V2/Nitrogen

2018-08-24T10:44:35+02:00 (6 years ago)



  • DevelopmentActivities/CMIP6/DevelopmentsCMIP6/V2/Nitrogen

    v7 v8  
    6666 * Nicolas Vui reminds that the share between the maintenance and growth respiration are almost the opposite of what they should be.  
    6767 * In addition, the tuning of these respiration terms are a bit problematic because in the current version, the growth respiration output combined the "true" growth respiration and the respiration term associated to the excess of labile pool when this pool reaches a certain threshold.  
    68  * Prior to work on the tuning of the growth and maitenance respirations, we propose to  remove the respiration term associated to the excess of labile Carbon. In replacement of this patch, we propose to downregulate the photosynthesis when the labile C becomes too high. Sebastiaan will ask to some Finish colleagues what could be the labile C level above which a downregulation may act.  
     68 * Prior to work on the tuning of the growth and maitenance respirations, we propose to  remove the respiration term associated to the excess of labile Carbon. In replacement of this patch, we propose to downregulate the photosynthesis when the labile C becomes too high. Sebastiaan will ask to some Finish colleagues what could be the labile C level above which a downregulation may act. 
    70 •       Problem with ioipslerr_p 
     70* Bertrand mentions that he has finish implementing the "permafrost" into the CN version. He is now testing it. There is a flag to switch on/off this feature. Vlad should do (or already did) a test to ensure that this version gives the same results when this flag is set to NO compared to the former version of CN. If this is the case, we agree to commit this in the branch, to work all with a single version.  
     72* Nicolas Vui mentions also that there are few modifications/bugs that should be commited 
     73 * One bug detected by Bertrand (missing initialization of a variable) 
     74 * One bug related to the land-use change detected by NVui 
     75 * Optionally, NVui added an option to read a map of CN ratio, in order to work globally with the CN fix configuration. This could be also commited. 