Changes between Version 18 and Version 19 of DevelopmentActivities/CMIP6

2015-01-17T22:52:13+01:00 (9 years ago)



  • DevelopmentActivities/CMIP6

    v18 v19  
    7777 - Main responsibles: ?? 
    7878 - Objectives / roadmap : Possible roadmap (to be refined and detailed) 
    79   - Intégrer « discrétisation sol unique pour W et E  » (travail de Fuxing) => date ? 
    80   - Modifier couplage « neige multi-couche » - « sol » pour être totalement implicite => date ? 
    81   - Modifier éventuellement le gel du sol pour avoir du gel dans les couches de surface => ?? 
    82   - Améliorer « ponctuellement » l’albédo de la végétation / sol nu: Work that can be pushed by a Post-doc from CMUG project (to be recruited); => Aout 2015  
    83  - Remarks : The agreement and the details of such roadmap should be done; Possibly we need to have different TASKs with a different group of people for each.  
     79  - Integrate a « unique soil discretisation for W and E  » (travail de Fuxing) => date? 
     80    Current version of Fuxing is 8 Meter for both E and W. 
     81    Questions: AD and JP wonder about the impact on the runoff and thus river discharges and possibly the time for the spin up that would increase with a 8 m soil?  
     83  - Modify the coupling of the new  multi-layer snow with soil to be fully implicit. => date ? 
     84    The current version in MICT works in a couple mode but not fully implicit.  
     85    Work to make it fully implicit needs to be quantified. 
     87  - Eventually implement a soil freezing for the "thin layers of the new vertical discretization" => ?? 
     89  - Improve the albedo of the vegetation and bare soil: Work that can be pushed by a Post-doc from CMUG project (to be recruited); => Aout 2015; We can also try to re-activate the dependance of bare soil albedo to sol humidy with the 11 layers scheme. 
     91 - Remarks : The agreement and the details of such roadmap should be done; Possibly we need to separate the different TASKs with a different group of people for each ?  
    9098 - Objectives / roadmap :  
    9199  - FIRST objective) prepare a version of the coupling between C and N cycles that works globally and in a coupled mode with LMDz, based on the "merged OCN-ORC-CAN version" of Nicolas.  
    92   - SECOND objective (in Parallele ?): preparation for the use of SPITFIRE and possibly GM ?;  
     100  - SECOND objective (in Parallele ?): preparation for the use of SPITFIRE and possibly GM ? In the case of SPITFIRE, try at the same time to prepare for the coupling with ORC-CAN.  
    93101  - other objectives to be defined later ? 
    94102 - Remarks :