Changes between Version 97 and Version 98 of DevelopmentActivities/MergeOCN/Vuichard

2015-05-12T17:44:53+02:00 (9 years ago)



  • DevelopmentActivities/MergeOCN/Vuichard

    v97 v98  
    428428* __src_stomate/stomate_io.f90__ (12 diffs) => Restart for soil_n_min, cn_leaf_season and nstress_season was not done correctly 
    429429* __src_stomate/stomate_lcchange.f90__ (2 diffs) => Incorrect use of the LC parameter 
    430 * __src_stomate/stomate_litter.f90__ (52 diffs) => n_mineralisation variable is now used in litter. Dimension over the land points (npts) was not missing before for the variable litterfrac. Surface microbial pool is now considered as in Parton (1993). Use of the som_input variable instead of soilcarbon_input variable. Use of litter_turn variable instead of litter_tau. Calculation of the CN_target is now done in litter. 
    431 * src_stomate/stomate_lpj.f90 (23 diffs) 
    432 * src_stomate/stomate_prescribe.f90 (9 diffs) 
    433 * src_stomate/stomate_soilcarbon.f90 (36 diffs)  
     430* __src_stomate/stomate_litter.f90__ (52 diffs) => n_mineralisation variable is now used in litter. Dimension over the land points (npts) was not missing before for the variable litterfrac. Surface microbial pool is now considered as in Parton (1993). Use of the som_input variable instead of soilcarbon_input variable. Use of litter_turn variable instead of litter_tau. Calculation of the CN_target is now done in litter. Bug fixed in the heterotrophic calculation. 
     431* __src_stomate/stomate_lpj.f90__ (23 diffs) => Add many histwrite instructions for outputs of N-related variables.  
     432* __src_stomate/stomate_prescribe.f90__ (9 diffs) => Calculation of the N pools of bm_sapl, circ_class_biomass and biomass were not done before.  
     433* __src_stomate/stomate_soilcarbon.f90__ (36 diffs) => '''In som_dynamic''' :surface microbial pool is now considered as an input flow from litter. CN_target is no more calculated here. Heterotrophic component from the surface microbial pool decomposition was not accounted for before. Some confusion between the slow and surface pools in the MatrixA calculation has been removed. Air pressure is in hPa not Pa. '''In nitrogen_dynamic''' :  one dimension of the leaching variable was incorrectly set to nnspec instead of nionspec. soil_n_min was incorrectly impacted by immob : a "dt" was missing. Funbction ft_uptake was expected to get a temperature in Kelvin, not in degree celsius. Some 'dt' was missing in the calculation of the N-compounds emissions. Many histwrite instructions for N-related variables have been added.