Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of Documentation/Ancillary

2021-03-22T18:28:42+01:00 (3 years ago)



  • Documentation/Ancillary

    v10 v11  
    7474== 2. Soil texture and other soil properties == 
    76 Two soil maps are available on the shared accounts and compatible with all versions of ORCHIDEE : 
     76Two soil texture maps are available on the shared accounts and compatible with all versions of ORCHIDEE: 
    7777- '''': '''Zobler map''' at 1° resolution, with 7 soil texture classes reduced in ORCHIDEE into three texture classes (coarse, medium, fine) 
    7878- '''': '''Reynolds map''', at 5 arc-min resolution (1/12°), with 12 USDA texture classes directly usable in ORCHIDEE 
    8181In branch 2.2 (starting r6954), we've introduced the possibility to describe the soil properties with other maps : 
    82 - '''' and '''': the 1km SoilGrids maps of %sand,silt,clay have been converted to the 12 USDA classes, and upscaled at two resolutions :  
    83 - '''': modified Reynolds soil texture map, in which the clay texture (nsc=12) is split in two classes, the swelling Clays which keep the class index 12 and the corersponding soil parameters, and the non-swelling Clays (Oxisols), corresponding to a new soil class 13, with new soil hard-coded parameters, (cf the [ PhD thesis of Salma Tafasca, 2020], chapter 4). 
    84 - soil parameters (Ks, porosity, residual moisture content, Van Genuchten n and alpha), using KEYWORD SPMIPEXP = exp1 
     82- alternative soil texture maps: 
     83   - '''' and '''': the 1km SoilGrids maps of %sand,silt,clay have been converted to the 12 USDA classes, and upscaled at two resolutions :  
     84   - '''': modified Reynolds soil texture map, in which the clay texture (nsc=12) is split in two classes, the swelling Clays which keep the class index 12 and the corersponding soil parameters, and the non-swelling Clays (Oxisols), corresponding to a new soil class 13, with new soil hard-coded parameters, (cf the [ PhD thesis of Salma Tafasca, 2020], chapter 4). 
     85- maps of soil parameters (Ks, porosity, residual moisture content, Van Genuchten n and alpha), using KEYWORD SPMIPEXP = exp1 
    8586   - '''': this file contains soil hydraulic parameters given by the SP-MIP team  
    8687   - '''': ks, theta_s and theta_r are taken from Zhang et al. (2018), n and alpha are obtained using the texture map and the Schaap et al. (2001) pedo-transfer function. NA is replaced with the parameters of the Loam class. More details in the PhD thesis of Salma Tafasca chapter 5, where this map is used in the simulation SIMUSOC2