Changes between Version 118 and Version 119 of Documentation/Forcings

2021-02-12T14:29:31+01:00 (3 years ago)



  • Documentation/Forcings

    v118 v119  
    100100* '''SPRED_PREC''': In the driver files precipitation is the accumulated value over the time step of the driver file (e.g. 6 hours). In ORCHIDEE it needs to be decided whether over which time period (in seconds) this precip will come down. Short periods make rain storms, long periods make drizzel. In the new driver, we have '''SPRED_PREC_SEC''' in PARAM/run.def with a relative small value, ie., 3600 (ie., 1hour) by default. 
     102The structure of the new driver code is quite different from the older driver. While the older driver has the main code dim2_driver.f90 by calling readdim2.f90, the main code of new driver is  orchideedriver.f90 by calling globgrd.f90, forcing_tools.f90, forcingdaily_tools etc.  
     104* The organisation and the structure of orchideedriver.f90 are improved compared to dim2_driver.f90, with more comments in the codes. 
     106* forcing_tools.f90: deals with forcing files, open, interpolation, writing.  The most important routines of foring_tools are forcing_open and forcing_getvalues. 
     108* globgrd.f90:  manage the spatial grid of the forcing. It can either read a file containing the grid information, as is the case for WRF forcing, or obtain the grid from the forcing files. 
    103110== 1.3 Previous discussion and recent efforts about the new driver == 
    106113The work on the new driver has been picked up since July 2020 by X. W. A short report summarizes the first part of this efforts and can be found on 
    108 A summary of recent progress on the integraton of new driver in the trunk (until the end of 2020): 
     115'''Summary of recent progress ''' on the integraton of new driver in the trunk (until the end of 2020): 
    110117* the recent version of new driver from Jan. P is included in the trunk  
    113120* identified that the old and the new drivers have the reversed order of latitude when writing the restart file 
    115 Several codes or files were modified and a new script added: 
     122'''Codes or files modified or added:''' 
    117124* fortran code: significant modification to src_driver/forcing_tools.f90, slight change to src_driver/orchideedriver.f90 
    123 A few remarks in the blow for the knowledge of users of the new driver: 
     130'''Remarks for the knowledge of users of the new driver:''' 
    1251321) The new driver need the forcing files of previous, current, and next year. 
    1301372) The number of MPI is 63 in the config.card by default if using WFDEI 0.5 degree, and it is smaller if using CRU 2degree. So the users should choose the right forcing files for their simulation firstly, and then use a good MPI number.  
     1393) in PARAM/orchidee.def: if we use forcing file of coarse resolution, it would be better to set RIVER_ROUTING = n to avoid possible errors. 
    133 A few more things to do: 
     142'''A few more things to do:''' 
    135144* to make sure of the complete integration of the new driver in the recent version of trunk (libIGCM, script) 
    137146* to discuss if we would like to do more comprehensive comparisons of the simulation results from the new and the old driver 
    138147* if yes, need decide some strategy of the comparisons, ie., which parameters to evaluate (gpp, evaporation, lai and others), which statistics, using some observations for comparison or not etc 