Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of Documentation/MetaforOrc

2011-12-01T15:19:13+01:00 (12 years ago)



  • Documentation/MetaforOrc

    v19 v20  
    241241||  Property||  Definition||  Type||  Options||  Value 
    242242||  General Attributes:SpecificTiling||  Is tiling used in the land surface snow scheme?||  One value from list||  no, yes|| no || 
    243 ||  General Attributes:NumberOfSnowLayers||  How many snow layers are included in the model?||  Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric")||  n/a|| || 
     243||  General Attributes:NumberOfSnowLayers||  How many snow layers are included in the model?||  Unrestricted (units="") (type="numeric")||  n/a|| 1 || 
    244244||  SchemeMethod:SnowAlbedo||  List of biome types of the classification used.||  One value from list||  constant, diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic||  diagnostic || 
    245 ||  SchemeMethod:SnowDensity||  Description of the treatment of snow density||  One value from list||  constant, N/A, other, prognostic|| no || 
     245||  SchemeMethod:SnowDensity||  Description of the treatment of snow density||  One value from list||  constant, N/A, other, prognostic|| constant || 
    246246||  SchemeMethod:SnowWaterEquivalent||  Description of the treatment of the 'snow water equivalent'||  One value from list||  diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic|| prognostic || 
    247247||  SchemeMethod:SnowHeatContent||  Description of the treatment of the heat content of snow||  One value from list||  diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic|| N/A || 
    248 ||  SchemeMethod:SnowTemperature||  Description of the treatment of snow temperature||  One value from list||  diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic|| other || 
    249 ||  SchemeMethod:SnowLiquidWaterContent||  Description of the treatment of the snow liquid water treatment||  One value from list||  diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic|| NA || 
     248||  SchemeMethod:SnowTemperature||  Description of the treatment of snow temperature||  One value from list||  diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic|| prognostic || 
     249||  SchemeMethod:SnowLiquidWaterContent||  Description of the treatment of the snow liquid water treatment||  One value from list||  diagnostic, N/A, other, prognostic|| N/A || 
    250250||  SchemeMethod:SnowCoverFractions||  Specify cover fractions used in the surface snow scheme||  One or more values from list||  ground snow fraction, N/A, other, vegetation snow fraction|| ground snow fraction || 
    251 ||  SchemeMethod:Processes||  Implemented snow-related processes||  One or more values from list||  blowing snow, N/A, other, snow interception, snow melting, snow refreezing|| || 
    253  ==== Additional information ==== 
     251||  SchemeMethod:Processes||  Implemented snow-related processes||  One or more values from list||  blowing snow, N/A, other, snow interception, snow melting, snow refreezing|| snow melting || 
     253 ==== Additional information ==== 
     254composite snow and top soil layer, one energy budget, one composite temperature 
    256256=== Land Surface Soil ===