Changes between Version 130 and Version 131 of Documentation/TrunkFunctionality4

2022-12-14T09:41:50+01:00 (19 months ago)



  • Documentation/TrunkFunctionality4

    v130 v131  
    269269=== Hydraulic architecture === 
    271 Describes r7829. A new hydraulic architecture resolution has been implemented in the hydrol.f90 module of ORCHIDEE trunk. This hydraulic architecture is controlled thanks to a set of flag. The flag '''ok_hydrol_arch''' imposes the model to solve a hydraulic architecture. By default, the hydraulic architecture developed in ORCHIDEE-CAN is solved (in hydraulic_arch.f90 module). To use the hydraulic architecture developed following Tuzet et al. (2017) model, another flag needs to be set : '''is_tuzet_hydrol_arch'''. When this hydrualic architecture is set up, several options can be added.  
     271Describes r7829. A new numerical solution for hydraulic architecture has been implemented in the hydrol.f90 module of ORCHIDEE trunk. This hydraulic architecture is controlled thanks to a set of flags. The flag '''ok_hydrol_arch''' imposes the model to solve a hydraulic architecture. By default, the hydraulic architecture developed in ORCHIDEE-CAN is solved (in hydraulic_arch.f90 module). To use the hydraulic architecture developed following Tuzet et al. (2017) model, another flag needs to be set : '''is_tuzet_hydrol_arch'''. When this hydrualic architecture is set up, several options can be added.  
    273273Two different ways of solving root absorption are implemented. One with low calculation time using a dynamic resistance or another one solving radially Richards' diffusion equation around the roots. The flag '''ok_tuzet_hydrol_arch_muff''' permits to activate the radial resolution around the roots (by default, it is set to False and the dynamic resistance is used).  
    275275This hydraulic architecture also permits to represent water storage in vegetation. This process is controlled thanks to the flag '''ok_tuzet_hydrol_arch_storage'''. By default, the flag is set to False and no storage pools are modelled. 
    277 Following discussions, it has been decided to also implement dynamic hydraulic resistances in the vegetation following Yao et al. (2022). Those dyanmic resistances (which for now lead to too strong instabilities) are controlled thanks to the flag '''ok_tuzet_hydrol_arch_dyn_resist'''. By default, the flag is set to False and fixed parameterised resistances are set. 
     277Following discussions, it has been decided to also implement dynamic hydraulic resistances in the vegetation following Yao et al. (2022). Those dynamic resistances (which for now lead to too strong instabilities) are controlled thanks to the flag '''ok_tuzet_hydrol_arch_dyn_resist'''. By default, the flag is set to False and fixed parameterised resistances are set. 
    279279Finally, for soil resolution purposes, two additional flags have been set up. The first one, '''split_soil_properties''' along with the parameters '''mcr_sup''', '''mcr_inf''', '''mcs_sup''', '''mcs_inf''' permits to impose different soil properties in the two soil horizons modelled in the hydraulic architecture (this is only used in the hydraulic architecture and does not change anything in hydrol vertical resolution). By default, the flag is set to False and the soil properties are the same in both horizons and are equal to the ones used in hydrol. The other one, '''is_vg''' permits to change the way soil water potential and soil hydraulic conductivity are calculated. By default, it is set to False and the hydraulic architecture follows the calculation in Campbell (1985). If it is set to True, the hydraulic architecture will use Van Genuchten (1980) calculation. 