Changes between Version 49 and Version 50 of Documentation/TrunkFunctionality4

2020-05-08T17:36:04+02:00 (4 years ago)



  • Documentation/TrunkFunctionality4

    v49 v50  
    246246ORCHIDEE trunk 4 calculates the number of individuals and uses this as a criterion to initiate a stand replacing disturbance. This approach, guided by the self-thinning relationship, avoids the need for a stand-level turnover time. ORCHIDEE-CN, and ORCHIDEE-CNP still make use of stand-level turnover. Note that the meaning of residence_time is very different between the CAN branch and the trunk.  In the trunk biomass has no age and thus the residence time accounts for all forest dynamics including self-thinning, pests, diseases and windthrow. In the CAN branch, biomass does have an age and self-thinning is explicitly accounted for, hence, the residence time should be much higher as it only accounts for pest, diseases and windthrow. Even the latter is not exact because as long as those disturbances are small scale they are probably accounted for in the parametrization of self-thinning. 
    248249=== Nitrogen cycle (r6614) === 
    249250ORCHIDEE trunk 4 strictly follows ORCHIDEE trunk 3 where it concerns the implementation of the N-cycle. Following mass balance problems caused by negative N mineralization and followed by negative immobilization, the code has been slightly adjusted to ensure mass balance closure. First the flag '''stomate_ok_ncycle''' needs to be set to y, to run the model with a N-cycle. Subsequently the parameter '''impose_cn''' is used to control the N-cycle calculations. If set to y, C/N ratios are calculated but whenever N appears to be limiting, it is taken from the atmosphere to satisfy this need. This is the preferred setting when testing/developing the code without a proper spin-up. N-limitation will only be accounted for when setting impose_cn = n. With this setting the N-cycle is closed (checked when checking for mass balance closure) it requires a spin-up to produce reasonable results. 
    365366* Single layer, using the original enerbil scheme (i.e. choice A above) 
    367 1 - DEFAULT uses the enerbil module in combination with the hydraulic architecture (ok_hydrol_arch and ok_gs_feedback true, while ok_mleb and ok_impose_canopy_structure are set to false). 
     3681 - DEFAULT uses the enerbil module in combination with the hydraulic architecture (ok_hydrol_arch and ok_gs_feedback true, while ok_mleb, ok_impose_canopy_structure and ok_bare_soil_new are set to false). 
    3683692 - option to use enerbil module and original water stress (not hydraulic architecture). 
    369 3 - The energy budget is calculated using the multi-layer energy scheme with a single layer: ok_hydrol_arch, ok_gs_feedback, ok_impose_canopy_structure and ok_mleb all TRUE, but The energy budget is only calculated for a single layer (jnlvls is 1,jnlvls_under is 0,jnlvls_canopy is 1,jnlvls_over is 0). No mleb output, ok_mleb_history_file is set to FALSE. 
    370 4 - multi-layer energy budget: ok_hydrol_arch, ok_gs_feedback and ok_mleb all TRUE. ok_impose_canopy_structure is False, and the energy budget is calculated for multiple layers (jnlvls is 29,jnlvls_under is 10,jnlvls_canopy is 10,jnlvls_over is 9). No mleb output, ok_mleb_history_file is set to  FALSE. 
     3703 - The energy budget is calculated using the multi-layer energy scheme with a single layer: ok_hydrol_arch, ok_gs_feedback, ok_impose_canopy_structure and ok_mleb all TRUE, but The energy budget is only calculated for a single layer (jnlvls is 1,jnlvls_under is 0,jnlvls_canopy is 1,jnlvls_over is 0). No mleb output, ok_mleb_history_file and ok_bare_soil_new are set to FALSE. 
     3714 - multi-layer energy budget: ok_hydrol_arch, ok_gs_feedback and ok_mleb all TRUE. ok_impose_canopy_structure is False, and the energy budget is calculated for multiple layers (jnlvls is 29,jnlvls_under is 10,jnlvls_canopy is 10,jnlvls_over is 9). No mleb output, ok_mleb_history_file is set to  FALSE. ok_bare_soil_new is set to TRUE  
    3713725 - user specific: user specific settings for these controls and layers as defined in the run.def by the user. 
    377378* '''ok_impose_can_structure:''' This flag is for debugging only! It allows developers to use a prescribed canopy structure rather then the structure calculate by ORCHIDEE. The flag activates the sections of code which directly link the energy budget scheme to the the size and LAI profile of the canopy for the respective PFT and age class that is calculated in stomate, for the albedo. If set to TRUE and the multi-layer budget is activated the model takes LAI profile information and canopy level heights from the run.def. If set to FALSE, and the multi-layer energy budget is used the profile information and canopy levels heights comes from the PGap-based processes for calculation of stand profile information in stomate. 
    378379* '''ok_mleb_history_file:''' Flag that controls the writing of an output file with the multi-layer energy simulations (true/false). Note that this is a large file and writing slows down the code. 
     380* '''ok_bare_soil_new: ''' This flag is described in a separate [ section]. 