Changes between Version 95 and Version 96 of Documentation/TrunkFunctionality4

2021-04-02T21:33:07+02:00 (3 years ago)



  • Documentation/TrunkFunctionality4

    v95 v96  
    141141=== Configurations === 
    142 Describes r7140. The model comes with the following well-tested configurations (config/ORCHIDEE_OL). Well-tested means that these configuration have been tested on different servers and some are part of the trusting:  
     142Describes r7144. The model comes with the following well-tested configurations (config/ORCHIDEE_OL). Well-tested means that these configuration have been tested on different servers and some are part of the trusting:  
    143143* SPINUP: used for single pixel FLUXNET runs. 
    144144* ENSEMBLE: used for single pixel FLUXNET runs ([wiki:Documentation/UserGuide/FLUXNETValidation more details]). 
    145 * SPINUP_ANALYTIC_FG1: 2x2 degrees CRU-JRA forcing cycles over 1901-1910 between 1901 and 2240 ([ about the forcing]). Start from scratch. 15 PFTs, no land cover changes, nitrogen input for 1850, 1860 or 1900 depending on the species, and fixed CO2 concentrations ([ details and context]).  
    146 * OOL_SEC_STO_FG1trans: 2x2 degrees CRU-JRA forcing cycles over 1901-1910 between 1861 and 1900 ([ about the forcing]). Restart from SPINUP_ANALYTIC_FG1. 15 PFTs, no land cover changes, nitrogen input for 1900, and annual CO2 concentrations. 
    147 * OOL_SEC_STO_FG2: 2x2 degrees annual CRU-JRA forcing between 1901 and 2010 ([ about the forcing]). Restart from FG1trans. 15 PFTs, annual land cover changes, annual nitrogen input and annual CO2 concentrations. 
     145* SPINUP_ANALYTIC_FG0(nd): 2x2 degrees CRU-JRA forcing cycles over 1901-1910 between 1801 and 1900. ([ about the forcing]). Start from scratch. 15 PFTs, no land cover changes, nitrogen input for 1850, 1860 or 1900 depending on the species, and fixed CO2 concentrations. During this pre-spinup each forested PFT is clear cut once. This makes the age structure more heterogeneous. Clear cutting is prescribed according to a map such that the process is reproducible.  ([ details and context]).  
     146* SPINUP_ANALYTIC_FG1(nd): 2x2 degrees CRU-JRA forcing cycles over 1901-1910 between 1901 and 2240 ([ about the forcing]). Restart from SPINUP_ANALYTIC_FG0. 15 PFTs, no land cover changes, nitrogen input for 1850, 1860 or 1900 depending on the species, and fixed CO2 concentrations ([ details and context]).  
     147* OOL_SEC_STO_FG1trans(nd): 2x2 degrees CRU-JRA forcing cycles over 1901-1910 between 1861 and 1900 ([ about the forcing]). Restart from SPINUP_ANALYTIC_FG1. 15 PFTs, no land cover changes, nitrogen input for 1900, and annual CO2 concentrations. 
     148* OOL_SEC_STO_FG2(nd): 2x2 degrees annual CRU-JRA forcing between 1901 and 2010 ([ about the forcing]). Restart from FG1trans. 15 PFTs, annual land cover changes, annual nitrogen input and annual CO2 concentrations. 
    148149* OOL_SEC_STO_FG3: 0.5x0.5 degrees annual WFDEI_GPCC forcing between 1979-2009 ([ about the forcing]). Start from scratch. 15 PFTs, annual land cover changes, annual nitrogen input and annual CO2 concentrations. 
    149150* OOL_SEC_STO_FG3nd: 0.5x0.5 degrees annual WFDEI_GPCC forcing between 1979-2013 ([ about the forcing]). Start from scratch. 15 PFTs, annual land cover changes, annual nitrogen input and annual CO2 concentrations. 
    153154* OOL_SEC: 2x2 degrees annual CRU-JRA forcing between 1901 and 2010 ([ about the forcing]). Start from scratch. 15 PFTs prescribed by reading in a biomass map. Land cover changes, input deposition, CO2 concentrations, and all other biogeochemical and ecological processes are deactivated. This configuration is under development, waiting for a global LAI map (in case of CN-CAN this has become biomass map) to be tested. 
    154155* FORCESOIL: was restored for ORCHIDEE trunk 3 but was not maintained for ORCHIDEE trunk (see ticket #684). 
    156 The following configurations were found to be useful to share but are not part of the trusting. No guarantee that these run on all serves (most likely because the driver data may not be available on all servers): 
    157 * SPINUP_ANALYTIC_PRESENT: 2x2 degrees CRU-JRA forcing cycles over 1990-2000 between 2001 and 2340. Start from scratch. 15 PFTs, no land cover changes, nitrogen input for the year 2000 (except for biological nitrogen fixation for which the map is always fixed to the year 1850), and fixed CO2 concentrations. '''Intended use''': contemporary data contain the effect of elevated CO2, nitrogen deposition, and warming. If we use SPINUP_ANALYTIC_FG1, it can not be evaluated whether the parameters used in the spinup will result in acceptable contemporary pools and fluxes. Using SPINUP_ANALYTIC_PRESENT can overcome this issue. Following this spinup pools and fluxes should be close to contemporary values (note that forest management is not yet accounted for in either set-up). The land cover map for the year 1860 was used such that the results of SPINUP_ANALYTIC_PRESENT and SPINUP_ANALYTIC_FG1 can be easily compared to evaluate whether the simulated impact of CO2, nitrogen and warming seems reasonable.     