Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Documentation/UserGuide/VerifyClimate

2014-07-17T11:09:08+02:00 (10 years ago)



  • Documentation/UserGuide/VerifyClimate

    v2 v3  
     19(in French, a summary of what ATLAS is) 
    20 It appears that the post-treatment procedes in two steps: step 1 is to combine the raw data into files containing all the years you want to average over (given by SeasonalFrequency in the config.card).  Step 2 is to compare these files (located in JOBNAME/ATM/Analyse/SE/ in the IGCM directory tree...what comes before this depends on what you put in the config.card and what system you are running on) to a set of reference data. 
     24It appears that the post-treatment proceeds in two steps: step 1 is to combine the raw data into files containing all the years you want to average over (given by SeasonalFrequency in the config.card).  Step 2 is to compare these files (located in JOBNAME/ATM/Analyse/SE/ in the IGCM directory tree...what comes before this depends on what you put in the config.card and what system you are running on) to a set of reference data.  Step 2 then compares this data to the reference simulation or observations, depending on what you are trying to do. 
     26As an example, let's say I have two simulations that I want to compare. 
     30Notice that both of these runs have already been processed by the seasonal frequency script, and therefore the monthly simulation data has been combined into a single files covering two years (the length of SeasonalFrequency in config.card). 
     32If you have loaded all the ipsl paths on, for example, Curie, you should be able to find all the ferret scripts (*.jnl) and ATLAS configuration files (*.cfg) in the $FER_ATLAS directory. 
     35ls $FER_ATLAS/ 
     38We are interested in comparing two simulations, which according to the webpage above, means we need a diag2 ATLAS script.  If you open the LMDZ*diag2.cfg files with a text editor, you can look at all the variables they compare and decide if you want to run all of them, or just one.  We create an empty directory somewhere to hold the output, and go to that directory. 
     41mkdir ATLAS 
     42cd ATLAS 
     45Let's copy one of the ATLAS scripts here and modify it a bit. 
     48cp $FER_ATLAS/atlas_p_LMDZ3.3_diag2_a.cfg test.cfg 
     50sed -e "s%your_reference_file=.*%your_reference_file=${ref}%" $FER_ATLAS/atlas_p_LMDZ3.3_diag2_a.cfg > atlas_p_LMDZ3.3_diag2_a.cfg 
     53Now my 'reference' simulation is TNV32.  If you decide that you want to run multiple .cfg scripts, you will have to run the "sed" line for each script you want to use. 
     56atlas -o atlas_model_vs_model atlas_p_LMDZ3.3_diag2_*.cfg /ccc/store/cont003/dsm/p529grat/IGCM_OUT/LMDZOR/PROD/amip/MCOUP/ATM/Analyse/SE/ 
     59This command should be run in the same directory where I just created the modified .cfg files.  With the "atlas_p_LMDZ3.3_diag2_*.cfg", it will run all the .cfg files that it finds matching that expression.  The last argument is the name of the file I want to compare to my "reference" simulation, which I declared above. 
     61The output of this command is a series of folders all grouped into "atlas_model_vs_model/".  In there you have pdf and html summaries of all the variables, plus individual directories for each variable if you just want to look at one of them.