
Version 2 (modified by maignan, 8 years ago) (diff)


Evaluation datasets

A reduced list of datasets was selected for the core evaluation:

  • GPP: Jung
  • EVAP: Jung + GLEAM
  • Soil C Variables: ISRIC (TBC with BG)
  • BIOMASS: Avitabile V3
  • Soil Moisture: ESA-CCI V02.2
  • GRACE delta_storage
  • River discharge: to be seen with MG to have diagnostics on the largest basins
  • Snow extent: Globsnow
  • Snow water equivalent: Globsnow
  • Albedo: see with CO
  • Tsurf: ?
  • Radiative forcing at surface: CERES

These products will first be made available at LSCE here:
both in the original format and in the reprojected format (0.5° netcdf).

At the same location the complete catalogue with all products, data policy, references, ... is available in a pdf format.

We'll see later how to synchronize this directory on the other centers.