Changes between Version 29 and Version 30 of SourceCode

2013-04-16T15:53:33+02:00 (11 years ago)



  • SourceCode

    v29 v30  
    1414== Main changes on the trunk == 
     15 * [ rev 1263] and [ rev 1262]: Updated teststomate due to commit 1078. Teststomate can now run in sequential and parallel MPI mode. 
    1516 * [ rev 1229] : Bug fix : forcesoil can now again run in parallele MPI mode.  
    1617 * [ rev 1224] : Added possibility to read the vertical structure of the forcing data from the forcing file itself. No change in results. 
    2122 * [ rev 1091] : Correction of the carbon CMOR output C3PftFrac. Changes in stomate IPCC outputs.  
    2223 * [ rev 1082] : Added externalization for CWRR parameters. Some obsolete parameters were removed and some equations in Choisnel have been simplified. Implies some little changes in the results.   
    23  * [ rev 1078] : Added modifications for OpenMP. The interface intersurf_gathered was changed. The interface intersurf_gathered_2m was removed and variables q2m and t2m are integrated in the first interface as optional variables. The new interface was already added in LMDZ but the preprossor key ORCHIDEE_NOOPENMP must be removed to use this new interface. MPI parallelization is guaranteed but OpenMP is still under validation and debugging phase. Compiling and running is still done in mode MPI only. 
     24 * [ rev 1078] : Added modifications for OpenMP. The interface intersurf_gathered was changed. The interface intersurf_gathered_2m was removed and variables q2m and t2m are integrated in the first interface as optional variables. The new interface was already added in LMDZ but the preprossor key ORCHIDEE_NOOPENMP must be removed to use this new interface. MPI parallelization is guaranteed but OpenMP is still under validation and debugging phase. Compiling and running is still done in mode MPI only. Teststomate has not been adapted to run with these modifications and cannot be used before update. 
    2425 * [ rev 1042] : Re-organization 1 : moved driver source code from ORCHIDEE_OL into ORCHIDEE/src_driver 
    2526 * [ rev 1028] : Corrected bug for routing in coupled and offline mode. The bug was introduced in rev 947