Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Tags/196/Daily_Interpolation

2012-05-11T11:35:07+02:00 (12 years ago)



  • Tags/196/Daily_Interpolation

    v1 v2  
    44Since the version 196, you can now use daily meteorological forcing files.  
    55The following new variables are now requested: 
    6  - Tmin: minimal daily temperature (K) 
    7  - Tmax: maximal daily temperature (K) 
     6 - Tmin: minimal daily near-surface temperature (K) 
     7 - Tmax: maximal daily near-surface temperature (K) 
    88 - precip: daily mean precipitation (kg m-2 s-1) 
    99The other variables requested as previously are: 
    10  - Psurf: daily mean atmospheric pressure (hPa) 
    11  - Qair: daily mean specific humidity ( 
     10 - Psurf: daily mean surface pressure (hPa) 
     11 - Qair: daily mean near-surface specific humidity (kg/kg) 
    1212 - LWdown: daily mean long-wave incomming radiation (W m-2) 
    1313 - SWdown: daily mean short-wave incomming radiation (W m-2) 
    14  - Wind (or Wind_N and Wind_E): daily mean wind speed (m s-1) 
     14 - Wind (or Wind_N and Wind_E): daily mean near-surface wind speed (m s-1) 
     17== Interpolation principles == 
     18 - The temperature is varying within the day using a sinusoïdal function, maximal (Tmax value) at 2pm (local time) and minimal (Tmin value) at 2pm - daylength/2. The daylength is calculated and based on the solar angle calculation. 
     19 - The specific humidity is also varying within the day using a sinusoïdal function with qair_max and qair_min values calculated from the weathgen_qsat_2d function. 
     20 - The precipitation variable (precip) is split into rain and snow based on 0°C threshold. This split is done at each model time step (30 min usually) using the Tair interpolated value. 
     21 - The daily short-wave incomming radiation is distributed over the day using a the solar angle value at each time step as weight. 
     22 - Surface pressure, Long-wave radiation and Wind variables are linearly interpolated from day to day.