09/22/06 11:37:08 (18 years ago)

several bugfix + new strsed

1 edited


  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/LECTURE/read_ncdf.pro

    r181 r192  
    6767; (the first 1D array with unlimited dimension) is not the good one. 
    69 ; @keyword HFILENAME {default=FILENAME}{type=string} 
    70 ; For ROMS outputs. The filename of the file where h vriable should be read 
    71 ; 
    7269; @keyword ZETAFILENAME {default=FILENAME}{type=string} 
    7370; For ROMS outputs. The filename of the file where zeta vriable should be read 
    103100                    , TOUT = tout, NOSTRUCT = nostruct, CONT_NOFILL = CONT_NOFILL, INIT = init $ 
    104101                    , GRID = grid, FBASE2TBASE = fbase2tbase, CALLITSELF = callitself $ 
    105                     , HFILENAME = hfilename, ZETAFILENAME = zetafilename, ZETAZERO = zetazero $ 
     102                    , ZETAFILENAME = zetafilename, ZETAZERO = zetazero $ 
    106103                    , _EXTRA = ex 
    567564      ENDFOR 
    568565      CASE 1 OF 
    569         keyword_set(hfilename):  $ 
    570            hroms = read_ncdf('h', 0, 0, FILENAME = hfilename $ 
    571                              , /TIMESTEP, /NOSTRUCT, CONT_NOFILL = CONT_NOFILL $ 
    572                              , GRID = vargrid, /CALLITSELF, _EXTRA = ex) 
    573         (where(allvarnames EQ 'h'))[0] NE -1: $ 
    574            hroms = read_ncdf('h', 0, 0, FILENAME = filename $ 
    575                              , /TIMESTEP, /NOSTRUCT, CONT_NOFILL = CONT_NOFILL $ 
    576                              , GRID = vargrid, /CALLITSELF, _EXTRA = ex) 
    577         ELSE:return, report('The variable h was not found in the file, please use the keyword HFILENAME to specify the name of a file containing h') 
    578       ENDCASE 
    579       CASE 1 OF 
    580566        keyword_set(zetazero):zeta = fltarr(nx, ny, jpt) 
    581567        keyword_set(zetafilename):  $ 
    589575        ELSE:return, report('The variable zeta was not found in the file, please use the keyword ZETAFILENAME to specify the name of a file containing zeta or use  keyword ZETAZERO to define zeta to 0.') 
    590576      ENDCASE 
    591       romszinfos = {h:temporary(hroms), zeta:temporary(zeta), theta_s:theta_s, theta_b:theta_b, hc:hc} 
     577      romszinfos = {h:romszinfos.h, zeta:temporary(zeta), theta_s:theta_s, theta_b:theta_b, hc:hc} 
    592578    ENDIF ELSE romszinfos = {h:-1, zeta:-1, theta_s:-1, theta_b:-1, hc:-1} 
    593579  ENDIF 
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