03/16/07 15:12:31 (17 years ago)

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1 edited


  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/fromirr.pro

    r205 r228  
    3939; @keyword ADDR {type=2d array} 
    40 ; 2D arrays, weig and addr are the weight and addresses used to 
    41 ; perform the interpolation: 
     40; 1) at the first call of fromirr:  
     41; This keyword can be set to a named variable (undefined or equal to 0) into which the 
     42; addresses used to perform the interpolation will be copied when the current routine exits. 
     43; 2) Next, once this keyword is set to a defined 2d array, it is used to bypass the computation 
     44; of the weights and addresses used to perform the interpolation. In this case, fromirr simply 
     45; compute the interpolated field as: 
    4246;          dataout = total(weig*datain[addr], 1) 
    4347;          dataout = reform(dataout, jpio, jpjo, /over) 
    44 ; Those keywords can be set to named variables (that are undefined or equal to 0) into which the 
    45 ; values will be copied when the current routine exits. Next, they can be used to perform 
    46 ; the interpolation without computing again those 2 parameters. This greatly 
    47 ; speed-up the interpolation! In that case, lonin, latin, lonout and latout are not necessary. 
     48; In that case, method, lonin, latin, are not used (but are necessary). 
     49; lonout, latout are used only to know the output domain size 
    4951; @returns 
    5860; @examples 
     62;  To interpolate 1 field: 
    6064; IDL> tncep = fromirr('bilinear', topa, glamt, gphit, tmask[*,*,0], lonout, latout, mskout) 
    62 ;  or 
     66;  or if you have several fields to interpolate from the same source and target grids 
     68; 1) get back the weights and addresses in variables a and b 
     69;   (that must be undefined or equal to 0 before calling fromirr) 
    6471; IDL> t1ncep = fromirr('bilinear', topa, glamt, gphit, tmask[*,*,0], lonout, latout, mskout $ 
    6572;                            , WEIG = a, ADDR = b) 
    6673; IDL> help, a, b 
     75; 2) use a and b that are now defined to bypass the computation of the weights and addresses  
     76; and speed-up the computation! 
    6778; IDL> t2ncep = fromirr('bilinear', topa, WEIG = a, ADDR = b) 
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