


18:16 Changeset [140] by pinsard
new .html files from .xml files following the previous revision for Id …
18:08 Changeset [139] by pinsard
modification of some .xml (add Id, aspell checking), add style.css file …
11:52 Changeset [138] by smasson
update documentation and .idlwave_catalog
11:33 Changeset [137] by smasson
review of Colors and Calendar routines


17:20 Changeset [136] by pinsard
some improvements and corrections in some .pro file according to aspell …
10:42 Changeset [135] by pinsard
modif of savesaxo.sh for a better presentation of file_comments in idldoc …


12:19 Changeset [134] by navarro
change *.pro file properties (del eof-style, del executable, set keywords …
11:57 Changeset [133] by navarro
english and nicer header (1)
10:16 Changeset [132] by smasson
rm twin pro/functions


16:52 Changeset [131] by pinsard
improvements of ReadWrite/?*.pro header
16:48 Changeset [130] by pinsard
improvements of ReadWrite/?*.pro header
16:36 Changeset [129] by pinsard
improvements of Postscript/*.pro header
16:32 Changeset [128] by pinsard
improvements of Utilities/*.pro header
16:27 Changeset [127] by pinsard
improvements of Obsolete/*.pro header
16:13 Changeset [126] by pinsard
improvements of Calendar/*.pro header
16:10 Changeset [125] by pinsard
improvements of Interpolation/*.pro header
15:46 Changeset [124] by pinsard
improvements of Grid/*.pro header


17:01 Changeset [123] by pinsard
Add new documentations about evolution of commons (disseappeared, …
16:37 Changeset [122] by pinsard
Add svn:keyword Id ForOldVersion/?*.pro


22:46 Ticket #31 (plot roms outputs with SAXO) created by christophe.menkes@…
Sorry in french... Hello Seb, une nouveau defi pour toi. Je suis …
22:42 Ticket #30 (sigma coordinates etc...) created by smasson@…
How do we treat the sigma and other vertical generamized coordinates???
22:37 Ticket #29 (check that U, V W points work correctly with partial steps) created by smasson@…
I have to check - if the depth of the points is correctly set when doing …
22:31 Ticket #28 (create pltc: display the cells of the grid with colors (instead of using ...) created by smasson@…
this is similar to pltv, except that pltv is plotting the data in the …
22:19 Ticket #27 (create pltv: a mix between tvplus and plt) created by smasson@…
the idea is to have a quick view as with tvplus but the possibility to …


16:59 Changeset [121] by pinsard
correction of some *.pro using aspell list; introduction of default idldoc …
12:30 Changeset [120] by pinsard
correction of xmldoc/*.xml using aspell


12:30 Changeset [119] by smasson
add changemsk


17:47 Changeset [118] by pinsard
add $ in Calendar, Grid, Interpolation, Obsolete and Postscript *.pro …


18:10 Changeset [117] by pinsard
modify SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/*.xml in ordre to have id attribute for …
17:11 Ticket #20 (add Steve Navarro as navarro in the saxo project) closed by pinsard
17:10 Ticket #20 (add Steve Navarro as navarro in the saxo project) created by pinsard
Steve Navarro is going to work during July and August 2006 on translation …


10:17 Changeset [116] by smasson
bugfix in triangule + staring point of virtual machine


17:08 Ticket #19 (real names for milestones) closed by pinsard
17:07 Ticket #19 (real names for milestones) created by pinsard
At first, SAXO project on trac have 4 milestones named milestone1, …
10:33 Changeset [115] by smasson
add some missing compilation options + small updates


16:14 Changeset [114] by smasson
new compilation options (compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs) in each routine
15:20 Changeset [113] by smasson
bugfix in fromirr and fromreg + add full path to call IDL in save saxo
12:04 Changeset [112] by pinsard
add idldoc html files associated to new .pro file in [changeset:110
11:48 Changeset [111] by pinsard
modification of savesaxo.sh to add ?format=raw as often needed in one …
09:26 Changeset [110] by smasson
add interpolation from irregular grid


15:06 Ticket #17 (bad look of idldoc html output on trac) closed by pinsard
fixed: This bug is fixed. see savesaxo.sh in in changeset 109.
14:54 Changeset [109] by pinsard
modification of savesaxo.sh to fix ticket 17
14:49 Ticket #18 (add debug_w switch in common.pro + init.pro for print in debug mode) created by ericg@…
Instead of commenting/deleting print statements during/after debug, adding …
14:41 Ticket #17 (bad look of idldoc html output on trac) created by pinsard
When URL is …
10:10 Ticket #16 (missing SRC in after cd ${HOME}/SAXO_DIR before buildinit in getsaxo.*) closed by smasson
10:09 Changeset [108] by smasson
fix ticket #16
09:45 Ticket #14 (I2 is a keyword or a parameter in read_oasis.pro and write_oasis.pro ?) closed by smasson


18:23 Ticket #16 (missing SRC in after cd ${HOME}/SAXO_DIR before buildinit in getsaxo.*) created by pinsard
buildinit.pro move to SRC/ directory, but we forgot to change all the …
14:57 Ticket #15 (plttg: generalised axis type in pltt (use for wavelet for example)) created by ericg@…
09:23 Ticket #14 (I2 is a keyword or a parameter in read_oasis.pro and write_oasis.pro ?) reopened by anonymous


21:47 Ticket #14 (I2 is a keyword or a parameter in read_oasis.pro and write_oasis.pro ?) closed by anonymous
21:43 Changeset [107] by smasson
bugfix in ead/write_oasis
17:04 Ticket #14 (I2 is a keyword or a parameter in read_oasis.pro and write_oasis.pro ?) created by pinsard
in source code of read_oasis function, we can see […] so I2 seems to be …
16:55 Ticket #7 (upgrade according to cerbere.lodyc.jussieu.fr:/usr/home/smasson/IDL_RD/) closed by pinsard
16:54 Ticket #8 (SAXO added to viewcvs configuration) closed by pinsard
16:54 Ticket #2 (add smasson in saxo project) closed by pinsard
16:49 Changeset [106] by pinsard
start to modify headers of ReadWrite? *.pro files for better idldoc output
15:28 Changeset [105] by pinsard
bugfix compute_fromreg_imoms3_weigaddr and square2quadrilateral
14:54 Changeset [104] by pinsard
start to modify headers of Postscript *.pro files for better idldoc output …
14:12 Changeset [103] by pinsard
start to modify headers of Grid .pro files for better idldoc output
11:20 Changeset [102] by pinsard
start to modify headers of ForOldVersion? *.pro files for better idldoc …
10:29 Changeset [101] by pinsard
start to modify headers of Interpolation *.pro files for better idldoc …
08:11 Changeset [100] by smasson
compileall + add ipsl in saxo deposit
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.