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Changeset 11543 for NEMO/trunk/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_LDF.tex – NEMO

2019-09-13T15:57:52+02:00 (5 years ago)

Implementation of convention for labelling references + files renaming
Now each reference is supposed to have the information of the chapter in its name
to identify quickly which file contains the reference (\label{$prefix:$chap_...)

Rename the appendices from 'annex_' to 'apdx_' to conform with the prefix used in labels (apdx:...)
Suppress the letter numbering

1 edited


  • NEMO/trunk/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_LDF.tex

    r11537 r11543  
    15 The lateral physics terms in the momentum and tracer equations have been described in \autoref{eq:PE_zdf} and 
     15The lateral physics terms in the momentum and tracer equations have been described in \autoref{eq:MB_zdf} and 
    1616their discrete formulation in \autoref{sec:TRA_ldf} and \autoref{sec:DYN_ldf}). 
    1717In this section we further discuss each lateral physics option. 
    2525Note that this chapter describes the standard implementation of iso-neutral tracer mixing.  
    2626Griffies's implementation, which is used if \np{ln\_traldf\_triad}\forcode{=.true.}, 
    27 is described in \autoref{apdx:triad} 
     27is described in \autoref{apdx:TRIADS} 
    2929%-----------------------------------namtra_ldf - namdyn_ldf-------------------------------------------- 
    8282the cell of the quantity to be diffused. 
    8383For a tracer, this leads to the following four slopes: 
    84 $r_{1u}$, $r_{1w}$, $r_{2v}$, $r_{2w}$ (see \autoref{eq:tra_ldf_iso}), 
     84$r_{1u}$, $r_{1w}$, $r_{2v}$, $r_{2w}$ (see \autoref{eq:TRA_ldf_iso}), 
    8585while for momentum the slopes are  $r_{1t}$, $r_{1uw}$, $r_{2f}$, $r_{2uw}$ for $u$ and 
    8686$r_{1f}$, $r_{1vw}$, $r_{2t}$, $r_{2vw}$ for $v$.  
    9292In $s$-coordinates, geopotential mixing (\ie\ horizontal mixing) $r_1$ and $r_2$ are the slopes between 
    9393the geopotential and computational surfaces. 
    94 Their discrete formulation is found by locally solving \autoref{eq:tra_ldf_iso} when 
     94Their discrete formulation is found by locally solving \autoref{eq:TRA_ldf_iso} when 
    9595the diffusive fluxes in the three directions are set to zero and $T$ is assumed to be horizontally uniform, 
    9696\ie\ a linear function of $z_T$, the depth of a $T$-point.  
    100   \label{eq:ldfslp_geo} 
     100  \label{eq:LDF_slp_geo} 
    101101  \begin{aligned} 
    102102    r_{1u} &= \frac{e_{3u}}{ \left( e_{1u}\;\overline{\overline{e_{3w}}}^{\,i+1/2,\,k} \right)} 
    125125Their discrete formulation is found using the fact that the diffusive fluxes of 
    126126locally referenced potential density (\ie\ $in situ$ density) vanish. 
    127 So, substituting $T$ by $\rho$ in \autoref{eq:tra_ldf_iso} and setting the diffusive fluxes in 
     127So, substituting $T$ by $\rho$ in \autoref{eq:TRA_ldf_iso} and setting the diffusive fluxes in 
    128128the three directions to zero leads to the following definition for the neutral slopes: 
    131   \label{eq:ldfslp_iso} 
     131  \label{eq:LDF_slp_iso} 
    132132  \begin{split} 
    133133    r_{1u} &= \frac{e_{3u}}{e_{1u}}\; \frac{\delta_{i+1/2}[\rho]} 
    146146%gm% rewrite this as the explanation is not very clear !!! 
    147 %In practice, \autoref{eq:ldfslp_iso} is of little help in evaluating the neutral surface slopes. Indeed, for an unsimplified equation of state, the density has a strong dependancy on pressure (here approximated as the depth), therefore applying \autoref{eq:ldfslp_iso} using the $in situ$ density, $\rho$, computed at T-points leads to a flattening of slopes as the depth increases. This is due to the strong increase of the $in situ$ density with depth.  
    149 %By definition, neutral surfaces are tangent to the local $in situ$ density \citep{mcdougall_JPO87}, therefore in \autoref{eq:ldfslp_iso}, all the derivatives have to be evaluated at the same local pressure (which in decibars is approximated by the depth in meters). 
    151 %In the $z$-coordinate, the derivative of the  \autoref{eq:ldfslp_iso} numerator is evaluated at the same depth \nocite{as what?} ($T$-level, which is the same as the $u$- and $v$-levels), so  the $in situ$ density can be used for its evaluation.  
    153 As the mixing is performed along neutral surfaces, the gradient of $\rho$ in \autoref{eq:ldfslp_iso} has to 
     147%In practice, \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_iso} is of little help in evaluating the neutral surface slopes. Indeed, for an unsimplified equation of state, the density has a strong dependancy on pressure (here approximated as the depth), therefore applying \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_iso} using the $in situ$ density, $\rho$, computed at T-points leads to a flattening of slopes as the depth increases. This is due to the strong increase of the $in situ$ density with depth.  
     149%By definition, neutral surfaces are tangent to the local $in situ$ density \citep{mcdougall_JPO87}, therefore in \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_iso}, all the derivatives have to be evaluated at the same local pressure (which in decibars is approximated by the depth in meters). 
     151%In the $z$-coordinate, the derivative of the  \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_iso} numerator is evaluated at the same depth \nocite{as what?} ($T$-level, which is the same as the $u$- and $v$-levels), so  the $in situ$ density can be used for its evaluation.  
     153As the mixing is performed along neutral surfaces, the gradient of $\rho$ in \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_iso} has to 
    154154be evaluated at the same local pressure 
    155155(which, in decibars, is approximated by the depth in meters in the model). 
    156 Therefore \autoref{eq:ldfslp_iso} cannot be used as such, 
     156Therefore \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_iso} cannot be used as such, 
    157157but further transformation is needed depending on the vertical coordinate used: 
    161161\item[$z$-coordinate with full step: ] 
    162   in \autoref{eq:ldfslp_iso} the densities appearing in the $i$ and $j$ derivatives  are taken at the same depth, 
     162  in \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_iso} the densities appearing in the $i$ and $j$ derivatives  are taken at the same depth, 
    163163  thus the $in situ$ density can be used. 
    164164  This is not the case for the vertical derivatives: $\delta_{k+1/2}[\rho]$ is replaced by $-\rho N^2/g$, 
    173173  in the current release of \NEMO, iso-neutral mixing is only employed for $s$-coordinates if 
    174174  the Griffies scheme is used (\np{ln\_traldf\_triad}\forcode{=.true.}; 
    175   see \autoref{apdx:triad}). 
     175  see \autoref{apdx:TRIADS}). 
    176176  In other words, iso-neutral mixing will only be accurately represented with a linear equation of state 
    177177  (\np{ln\_seos}\forcode{=.true.}). 
    178   In the case of a "true" equation of state, the evaluation of $i$ and $j$ derivatives in \autoref{eq:ldfslp_iso} 
     178  In the case of a "true" equation of state, the evaluation of $i$ and $j$ derivatives in \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_iso} 
    179179  will include a pressure dependent part, leading to the wrong evaluation of the neutral slopes. 
    195   % \label{eq:ldfslp_iso2} 
     195  % \label{eq:LDF_slp_iso2} 
    196196  \begin{split} 
    197197    r_{1u} &= \frac{e_{3u}}{e_{1u}}\; \frac 
    230230To overcome this problem, several techniques have been proposed in which the numerical schemes of 
    231231the ocean model are modified \citep{weaver.eby_JPO97, griffies.gnanadesikan.ea_JPO98}. 
    232 Griffies's scheme is now available in \NEMO\ if \np{ln\_traldf\_triad}\forcode{=.true.}; see \autoref{apdx:triad}. 
     232Griffies's scheme is now available in \NEMO\ if \np{ln\_traldf\_triad}\forcode{ = .true.}; see \autoref{apdx:TRIADS}. 
    233233Here, another strategy is presented \citep{lazar_phd97}: 
    234234a local filtering of the iso-neutral slopes (made on 9 grid-points) prevents the development of 
    280280    \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{Fig_eiv_slp} 
    281281    \caption{ 
    282       \protect\label{fig:eiv_slp} 
     282      \protect\label{fig:LDF_eiv_slp} 
    283283      Vertical profile of the slope used for lateral mixing in the mixed layer: 
    284284      \textit{(a)} in the real ocean the slope is the iso-neutral slope in the ocean interior, 
    304304The iso-neutral diffusion operator on momentum is the same as the one used on tracers but 
    305305applied to each component of the velocity separately 
    306 (see \autoref{eq:dyn_ldf_iso} in section~\autoref{subsec:DYN_ldf_iso}). 
     306(see \autoref{eq:DYN_ldf_iso} in section~\autoref{subsec:DYN_ldf_iso}). 
    307307The slopes between the surface along which the diffusion operator acts and the surface of computation 
    308308($z$- or $s$-surfaces) are defined at $T$-, $f$-, and \textit{uw}- points for the $u$-component, and $T$-, $f$- and 
    309309\textit{vw}- points for the $v$-component. 
    310310They are computed from the slopes used for tracer diffusion, 
    311 \ie\ \autoref{eq:ldfslp_geo} and \autoref{eq:ldfslp_iso}: 
     311\ie\ \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_geo} and \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_iso}: 
    314   % \label{eq:ldfslp_dyn} 
     314  % \label{eq:LDF_slp_dyn} 
    315315  \begin{aligned} 
    316316    &r_{1t}\ \ = \overline{r_{1u}}^{\,i}       &&&    r_{1f}\ \ &= \overline{r_{1u}}^{\,i+1/2} \\ 
    373   \label{eq:constantah} 
     373  \label{eq:LDF_constantah} 
    374374  A_o^l = \left\{ 
    375375    \begin{aligned} 
    387387In the vertically varying case, a hyperbolic variation of the lateral mixing coefficient is introduced in which 
    388 the surface value is given by \autoref{eq:constantah}, the bottom value is 1/4 of the surface value, 
     388the surface value is given by \autoref{eq:LDF_constantah}, the bottom value is 1/4 of the surface value, 
    389389and the transition takes place around z=500~m with a width of 200~m. 
    390390This profile is hard coded in module \mdl{ldfc1d\_c2d}, but can be easily modified by users. 
    396396the type of operator used: 
    398   \label{eq:title} 
     398  \label{eq:LDF_title} 
    399399  A_l = \left\{ 
    400400    \begin{aligned} 
    411411model configurations presenting large changes in grid spacing such as global ocean models. 
    412412Indeed, in such a case, a constant mixing coefficient can lead to a blow up of the model due to 
    413 large coefficient compare to the smallest grid size (see \autoref{sec:STP_forward_imp}), 
     413large coefficient compare to the smallest grid size (see \autoref{sec:TD_forward_imp}), 
    414414especially when using a bilaplacian operator. 
    431   \label{eq:flowah} 
     431  \label{eq:LDF_flowah} 
    432432  A_l = \left\{ 
    433433    \begin{aligned} 
    447   \label{eq:smag1} 
     447  \label{eq:LDF_smag1} 
    448448  \begin{split} 
    449449    T_{smag}^{-1} & = \sqrt{\left( \partial_x u - \partial_y v\right)^2 + \left( \partial_y u + \partial_x v\right)^2  } \\ 
    457   \label{eq:smag2} 
     457  \label{eq:LDF_smag2} 
    458458  A_{smag} = \left\{ 
    459459    \begin{aligned} 
    466 For stability reasons, upper and lower limits are applied on the resulting coefficient (see \autoref{sec:STP_forward_imp}) so that: 
    467 \begin{equation} 
    468   \label{eq:smag3} 
     466For stability reasons, upper and lower limits are applied on the resulting coefficient (see \autoref{sec:TD_forward_imp}) so that: 
     468  \label{eq:LDF_smag3} 
    469469    \begin{aligned} 
    470470      & C_{min} \frac{1}{2}   \lvert U \rvert  e    < A_{smag} < C_{max} \frac{e^2}{   8\rdt}                 & \text{for laplacian operator } \\ 
    481481(1) the momentum diffusion operator acting along model level surfaces is written in terms of curl and 
    482 divergent components of the horizontal current (see \autoref{subsec:PE_ldf}). 
     482divergent components of the horizontal current (see \autoref{subsec:MB_ldf}). 
    483483Although the eddy coefficient could be set to different values in these two terms, 
    484484this option is not currently available.  
    486486(2) with an horizontally varying viscosity, the quadratic integral constraints on enstrophy and on the square of 
    487487the horizontal divergence for operators acting along model-surfaces are no longer satisfied 
    488 (\autoref{sec:dynldf_properties}). 
    490490% ================================================================ 
    527527the formulation of which depends on the slopes of iso-neutral surfaces. 
    528528Contrary to the case of iso-neutral mixing, the slopes used here are referenced to the geopotential surfaces, 
    529 \ie\ \autoref{eq:ldfslp_geo} is used in $z$-coordinates, 
    530 and the sum \autoref{eq:ldfslp_geo} + \autoref{eq:ldfslp_iso} in $s$-coordinates. 
     529\ie\ \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_geo} is used in $z$-coordinates, 
     530and the sum \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_geo} + \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_iso} in $s$-coordinates. 
    532532If isopycnal mixing is used in the standard way, \ie\ \np{ln\_traldf\_triad}\forcode{=.false.}, the eddy induced velocity is given by:  
    534   \label{eq:ldfeiv} 
     534  \label{eq:LDF_eiv} 
    535535  \begin{split} 
    536536    u^* & = \frac{1}{e_{2u}e_{3u}}\; \delta_k \left[e_{2u} \, A_{uw}^{eiv} \; \overline{r_{1w}}^{\,i+1/2} \right]\\ 
    554554\colorbox{yellow}{CASE \np{nn\_aei\_ijk\_t} = 21 to be added} 
    556 In case of setting \np{ln\_traldf\_triad}\forcode{=.true.}, a skew form of the eddy induced advective fluxes is used, which is described in \autoref{apdx:triad}. 
     556In case of setting \np{ln\_traldf\_triad}\forcode{ = .true.}, a skew form of the eddy induced advective fluxes is used, which is described in \autoref{apdx:TRIADS}. 
    558558% ================================================================ 
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