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Changeset 12769 for NEMO/branches/2020/ticket_2444/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_misc.tex – NEMO

2020-04-17T17:06:11+02:00 (4 years ago)

#2444: update of the documentation (prior to changes suggested by Dave)

1 edited


  • NEMO/branches/2020/ticket_2444/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_misc.tex

    r12377 r12769  
    1616    Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 
    1717    \hline 
     18    {\em   X.X} & {\em Pierre Mathiot} & {update of the closed sea section} 
    1819    {\em   4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 
    1920    {\em   3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 
    111 \begin{figure}[!tbp] 
    112   \centering 
    113   \includegraphics[width=0.66\textwidth]{MISC_closea_mask_example} 
    114   \caption[Mask fields for the \protect\mdl{closea} module]{ 
    115     Example of mask fields for the \protect\mdl{closea} module. 
    116     \textit{Left}: a closea\_mask field; 
    117     \textit{Right}: a closea\_mask\_rnf field. 
    118     In this example, if \protect\np{ln_closea}{ln\_closea} is set to \forcode{.true.}, 
    119     the mean freshwater flux over each of the American Great Lakes will be set to zero, 
    120     and the total residual for all the lakes, if negative, will be put into 
    121     the St Laurence Seaway in the area shown.} 
    122   \label{fig:MISC_closea_mask_example} 
    123 \end{figure} 
    125112%% ================================================================================================= 
    126113\section[Closed seas (\textit{closea.F90})]{Closed seas (\protect\mdl{closea})} 
     117  \nlst{namclo} 
     118  \caption{\forcode{&namclo}} 
     119  \label{lst:namclo} 
    129122Some configurations include inland seas and lakes as ocean 
    138131to zero and put the residual flux into the ocean. 
    140 Prior to \NEMO\ 4 the locations of inland seas and lakes was set via 
    141 hardcoded indices for various ORCA configurations. From \NEMO\ 4 onwards 
    142 the inland seas and lakes are defined using mask fields in the 
    143 domain configuration file. The options are as follows. 
    145 \begin{enumerate} 
    146 \item {{\bfseries No ``closea\_mask'' field is included in domain configuration 
    147   file.} In this case the closea module does nothing.} 
    149 \item {{\bfseries A field called closea\_mask is included in the domain 
    150 configuration file and ln\_closea=.false. in namelist namcfg.} In this 
    151 case the inland seas defined by the closea\_mask field are filled in 
    152 (turned to land points) at run time. That is every point in 
    153 closea\_mask that is nonzero is set to be a land point.} 
    155 \item {{\bfseries A field called closea\_mask is included in the domain 
    156 configuration file and ln\_closea=.true. in namelist namcfg.} Each 
    157 inland sea or group of inland seas is set to a positive integer value 
    158 in the closea\_mask field (see \autoref{fig:MISC_closea_mask_example} 
    159 for an example). The net surface flux over each inland sea or group of 
     133The inland seas and lakes are defined using mask fields in the 
     134domain configuration file. Special treatment of the closed sea (redistribution of net freshwater or mask those), are defined in \autoref{lst:namclo} and 
     135can be trigger by \np{ln_closea}{ln\_closea}\forcode{=.true.} in namelist namcfg. 
     137The options available are the following: 
     139\item[\np{ln_maskcs}{ln\_maskcs}\forcode{ = .true.}] All the closed seas are masked using \textit{mask\_opensea} variable. 
     140\item[\np{ln_maskcs}{ln\_maskcs}\forcode{ = .false.}] The net surface flux over each inland sea or group of 
    160141inland seas is set to zero each timestep and the residual flux is 
    161 distributed over the global ocean (ie. all ocean points where 
    162 closea\_mask is zero).} 
    164 \item {{\bfseries Fields called closea\_mask and closea\_mask\_rnf are 
    165 included in the domain configuration file and ln\_closea=.true. in 
    166 namelist namcfg.} This option works as for option 3, except that if 
    167 the net surface flux over an inland sea is negative (net 
    168 precipitation) it is put into the ocean at specified runoff points. A 
    169 net positive surface flux (net evaporation) is still spread over the 
    170 global ocean. The mapping from inland seas to runoff points is defined 
    171 by the closea\_mask\_rnf field. Each mapping is defined by a positive 
    172 integer value for the inland sea(s) and the corresponding runoff 
    173 points. An example is given in 
    174 \autoref{fig:MISC_closea_mask_example}. If no mapping is provided for a 
    175 particular inland sea then the residual is spread over the global 
    176 ocean.} 
    178 \item {{\bfseries Fields called closea\_mask and closea\_mask\_emp are 
    179 included in the domain configuration file and ln\_closea=.true. in 
    180 namelist namcfg.} This option works the same as option 4 except that 
    181 the nonzero net surface flux is sent to the ocean at the specified 
    182 runoff points regardless of whether it is positive or negative. The 
    183 mapping from inland seas to runoff points in this case is defined by 
    184 the closea\_mask\_emp field.} 
    185 \end{enumerate} 
    187 There is a python routine to create the closea\_mask fields and append 
    188 them to the domain configuration file in the utils/tools/DOMAINcfg directory. 
     142distributed over a target area. 
     145When \np{ln_maskcs}{ln\_maskcs}\forcode{ = .false.},  
     1463 options are available for the redistribution (set up of these options is done in the tool DOMAINcfg): 
     147\begin{description}[font=$\bullet$ ] 
     148\item[ glo]: The residual flux is redistributed globally. 
     149\item[ emp]: The residual flux is redistributed as emp in a river outflow. 
     150\item[ rnf]: The residual flux is redistributed as rnf in a river outflow if negative. If there is a net evaporation, the residual flux is redistributed globally. 
     153For each case, 2 masks are needed (\autoref{fig:MISC_closea_mask_example}):  
     155\item $\bullet$ one describing the 'sources' (ie the closed seas concerned by each options) called \textit{mask\_csglo}, \textit{mask\_csrnf}, \textit{mask\_csemp}.  
     156\item $\bullet$ one describing each group of inland seas (the Great Lakes for example) and the target area (river outflow or world ocean) for each group of inland seas (St Laurence for the Great Lakes for example) called 
     157\textit{mask\_csgrpglo}, \textit{mask\_csgrprnf}, \textit{mask\_csgrpemp}. 
     161  \centering 
     162  \includegraphics[width=0.66\textwidth]{MISC_closea_mask_example} 
     163  \caption[Mask fields for the \protect\mdl{closea} module]{ 
     164    Example of mask fields for the \protect\mdl{closea} module. 
     165    \textit{Left}: a \textit{mask\_csrnf} field; 
     166    \textit{Right}: a \textit{mask\_csgrprnf} field. 
     167    In this example, if \protect\np{ln_closea}{ln\_closea} is set to \forcode{.true.}, 
     168    the mean freshwater flux over each of the American Great Lakes will be set to zero, 
     169    and the total residual for all the lakes, if negative, will be put into 
     170    the St Laurence Seaway in the area shown.} 
     171  \label{fig:MISC_closea_mask_example} 
     174Closed sea not defined (because too small, issue in the bathymetry definition ...) are defined in \textit{mask\_csundef}. 
     175These points can be masked using the namelist option \np{ln_mask_csundef}{ln\_mask\_csundef}\forcode{= .true.} or used to correct the bathymetry input file.\\ 
     177The masks needed for the closed sea can be created using the DOMAINcfg tool in the utils/tools/DOMAINcfg directory. 
     178See \autoref{sec:clocfg} for details on the usage of definition of the closed sea masks. 
    190180%% ================================================================================================= 
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