New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Custom Query – NEMO

Custom Query (2547 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 2547)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#2373 acc smasson fixed dev_r11943_MERGE_2019 does not compile without key_iomput

the model does not compile without iomput… :-( same as #2372 but for dev_r11943_MERGE_2019 instead dev_r12072_MERGE_OPTION2_2019

#2387 systeam smasson fixed use uninitialized variable in sbcblk


Following the merge of 2019 developments, we use sf(jfpr)%clrootname before its initialization in sbcblk


line 263 in sbcblk, we test sf(jfpr)%clrootname :

         IF( TRIM(sf(jfpr)%clrootname) == 'NOT USED' ) THEN    !--  not used field  --!   (only now allocated and set to zero)

but this variable is initialized by the call to fld_fill line 283


Move the call to fld_fill before using sf(jfpr)%clrootname: line 260
In addition, once this call is done, it is better to avoid to use slf_i as this structure is created only to fill sf. So we will use sf instead of slf_i lines: 271, 274, 277

#2397 systeam smueller fixed Restart failure of the ORCA2_ICE_PISCES reference configuration


The restarted run carried out as part of the SETTE restartability test of the ORCA2_ICE_PISCES reference configuration crashes.


The model crash occurs following the call of subroutine fld_read in subroutine zdf_iwm_init (source:/NEMO/trunk/src/OCE/ZDF/zdfiwm.F90#L460). In this call of fld_read, the first argument identifies the time step index as 1 instead of nit000, which, in model runs with nit000 > 1, results in the omission of initialisation steps during the fld_read call made by subroutine zdf_iwm_init.


source:/NEMO/src/OCE/ZDF/zdfiwm.F90 could be adjusted according to

  • src/OCE/ZDF/zdfiwm.F90

    457457      sf_iwm(jp_dsc)%fnow(:,:,1) = 100. 
    459459      !                             ! read necessary fields 
    460       CALL fld_read( 1, 1, sf_iwm ) 
     460      CALL fld_read( nit000, 1, sf_iwm ) 
    462462      ebot_iwm(:,:) = sf_iwm(1)%fnow(:,:,1) * ssmask(:,:) ! energy flux for high-mode wave breaking [W/m2] 
    463463      epyc_iwm(:,:) = sf_iwm(2)%fnow(:,:,1) * ssmask(:,:) ! energy flux for pynocline-intensified wave breaking [W/m2] 

to reestablish a successful restartability test of reference configuration ORCA2_ICE_PISCES.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.