New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Custom Query – NEMO

Custom Query (26 matches)


Show under each result:

Resolution: fixed (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Component Version Severity
#2218 PUBS-06_Z_coordinates_comparison techene low env minor
#2199 AGRIF-01_jchanut_small_jpi_jpj jchanut normal AGRIF trunk minor
#2315 ENHANCE-11_CEthe_Shaconemo_diags cetlod normal DIA trunk minor
#2011 HPC-04(2018WP)_Mocavero_mpi3 mocavero high OCE trunk minor
#2111 CMCC-01_sciliberti_BDYModel sciliberti high BDY minor
#2142 ENHANCE-02_Pierre Mathiot_ISF mathiot high TRA trunk minor
#2143 ENHANCE-03_PierreMathiot_DomcfgTools mathiot high DOM trunk minor
#2167 ENHANCE-04_AndrewC-reporting acc high env trunk minor
#2170 VALID-02_GeorgeN-evalOSMOSIS agn high TOP trunk minor
#2198 HPC-10_Mike_Tiling mikebell high TRA trunk minor
#2202 PUBS-01_ODea_WAD deazer high DYN trunk minor
#2207 TOP-01_cethe_PISCES_LBC cetlod high TOP trunk minor

Resolution: wontfix (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Component Version Severity
#2217 HPC-01_Mike Bell_OpenMP mikebell low DOM trunk minor
#2029 SI3-01(2018WP)_topographic_meltponds vancop high OCE trunk minor
#2033 SI3-02_crousset_validation_rheology clem high OCE trunk minor
#2034 SI3-03_crousset_validation_landfast clem high OCE trunk minor
#2035 SI3-04_crousset_evaluation_UM5vsPRATHER clem high OCE trunk minor
#2038 VALID-01(2018WP_cont)_clevy_AGRIF clevy high AGRIF trunk minor
#2045 ENHANCE-08(2018WP)_Gurvan-Implicit_Drags gm high OCE trunk minor
#2059 VALID-03_smasson_regional_agrif smasson high AGRIF trunk minor
#2176 ENHANCE-07_JamesH-sigma_under_ISF jamesharle high DOM trunk minor
#2188 SI3-07_tsamados_drags vancop high SI3 trunk minor
#2197 HPC-09_Mireck_OpenACC andmirek high TRA trunk minor
#2208 VALID-04_cetlod_TOP_offline cetlod high TOP trunk minor

Resolution: duplicate (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Component Version Severity
#2022 AGRIF-01_cbricaud-EWandNorthBC(2017WP) cbricaud high OCE trunk minor
#2166 HPC-06_SimonM-extendedhaloes smueller high TOP trunk minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.