
Version 101 (modified by dgoll, 8 months ago) (diff)


HOWTO install/compile/run ORCHIDEE-CNP for stand-alone use with libIGCM.

This howto is based on the information which can be found in the ORCHIDEE wiki regarding the trunk version of ORCHIDEE. Please check the wiki for information regarding the respective commands listed here.

last update: 2023/10/07 by D.Goll

WARNING: the following assumes you run on obelix or curie

If you want to run on ada, please see the additional modification needed on the MICT wiki

For other machines, we currently have no support available.

1. install libIGCM & ORCHIDEE-CN-P

1.1 where to install

You should install the model NOT in the home directory; it is even too small to handle diagnostics like "out_execution" or "out_orchidee". You can use , for example, your work directory: curie:


or project storage space; here an example for the IMBALANCE-P project on obelix:


1.2 install libIGCM & trunk ORCHIDEE

The latest version of libIGCM can be used ( Last Changed Rev: 6657 ).

svn co modipsl
cd modipsl/util
./model ORCHIDEE_trunk

Since 2022, you are asked for a username and password during the installation which are

username: icmc_users
# Ask a collegue for the passwd or send an email to

REMARK: When you are running on ada, you need to install revision 3609. For ada additional modifications are needed which are documented on the MICT wiki page:

REMARK: The default libIGCM system has some efficiency flaws (i.e. it copies boundary files for ORCHIDEE input, instead of using links). To use links instead of hard copy you can take a few simple steps to make libIGCM more efficient. See description here

1.3 Exchange the trunk ORCHIDEE with ORCHIDEE-CN-P

for ORCHIDEE-CNP v1.2 (with CENTURY soil model):

cd ../modeles
svn co svn:// ORCHIDEE
cd ../util ; ./ins_make

for ORCHIDEE-CNP v1.3 (with MIMICS soil model):

cd ../modeles
svn co svn:// ORCHIDEE
cd ../util ; ./ins_make

1.4 Adjust IOIPSL

ORCHIDEE-CNP r4512 and newer

for ORCHIDEE newer than r4512 you need to use a modified version of IOIPSL. Follow the description here:

for ORCHIDEE-CNP before r4512

adjust IOIPSL to be able to write more variables into the output by increase the value of max_var by 50 in modeles/IOIPSL/src/restcom.f90

 &  max_var=550, max_file=50, max_dim=NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS

1.5 Exchange simulation configuration folder

You need to exchange the simulation configuration folder (ORCHIDEE_OL). The folder comes with example simulation setups, but they are not maintained. Ask your supervisor for recent configurations. Exchange ORCHIDEE_OL folder :

cd modipsl/config
svn co svn:// ORCHIDEE_OL
cd ../util ; ./ins_make

2. Compilation of ORCHIDEE-CNP

2.1 compile orchidee

A: on obelix



cd ../config/ORCHIDEE_OL
gmake with_xios

B: on curie

WARNING: before you do anything on curie; make sure you have copied the p86ipsl login environment to your home according to

cp ~p86ipsl/.bashrc_curie  ~/.
cp ~p86ipsl/.bash_profile ~/.

Then compile the standard way:

cd ../config/ORCHIDEE_OL
gmake without_xios

DEVELOPER INFORMATION 2.3 Re-compile after code modifications

When you re-compile ORCHIDEE after you changed the code, the compiler will only recompile the modules(?)/subroutines(?) which you modified. Sometimes this doesn't work properly and your executable will crash. You will have no indications that the crash is connected to the compilations. Thus, it is a good idea to prophylactically to a full clean before you compile the code: First to this in modeles/ORCHIDEE/:

./makeorchidee_fcm -clean

then this in config/ORCHIDEE_OL

make clean

Now, you can compile the model as described in 2.2


Please find some basic information how to run the model here:

3.3 MISC

ensemble configuration

WARNING: These scripts are broken and are not maintained anymore for the CNP version. you must use the OOL_SEC_STO to run site simulations or your own scripts.

Missing history files although the run successfully finished

FLUXNET sites are not all starting

activate 11-layer hydrology

information to the configuration of soil hydrology for (sub)tropical regions

use site specific soil characteristics (all setups)

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