New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Changeset 10594 for NEMO/trunk/CONTRIBUTING.rst – NEMO

2019-01-28T16:45:31+01:00 (5 years ago)

details on contributing

1 edited



    r10591 r10594  
    66   :local: 
    8 Support 
    9 ======= 
     8Sending feedbacks 
    11 | First of all, :forge:`search <search on the developement platform>` in the most comprehensive way  
    12   (wiki, tickets, forum and online doc) to check if the subject has not already been discussed. 
    13 | If you found no answer after that, create the corresponding ressource online according to your need 
     11|  Sending feedbacks is a useful way to contribute to NEMO efficency and reliability. Before doing so, 
     12   please check here :forge:`search <search on the developement platform>` in wiki, tickets, forum and online 
     13   documentation if the subject has already been discussed. You can either contribute to an existing 
     14   discussion, or 
     15| Create an entry for the discussion online, according to your needs 
    15 - Question: create a topic in the appropriate :forge:`discussion <forum>` 
    16 - Issue: open a new ticket of the right type depending of its severity 
     17- You have a question: create a topic in the appropriate :forge:`discussion <forum>` 
     18- You would like to raise and issue: open a new ticket of the right type depending of its severity 
    1720  - "Unavoidable" :forge:`newticket?type=Bug       <bug>` 
    1822  - "Workable"    :forge:`newticket?type=Defect <defect>` 
    20 Please follow the guidelines and also be as specific as possible for the ticket description. 
     24Please follow the guidelines and try to be as specific as possible in the ticket description. 
    2226New development 
    25 You have developed something related to the NEMO project: a personal configuration,  
    26 an addition of the source code, a full fork of the reference, a {pre,post}-processing tool, ... 
    27 Done initially for your own purpose, you believe your work is of interest for the community. 
    28 You can report it in different ways depending on your motivation and your willingness to  
    29 see it included in the NEMO shared reference. 
     29You have build a development relevant for NEMO shared reference: an addition of the source code,   
     30a full fork of the reference, ... 
    31 Beforehand, you should know that the NEMO Developers Committee will decide  
    32 if the development is relevant and useful.  
    33 First criteria will be of course the scientific interest,  
    34 but the amount of work needed to successfully meet the quality control requirements is also going to be evaluated. 
     32You may want to share it with the community (see Hack below) or to propose it for implementation in the future 
     33NEMO release (see Proposal / Task below). 
     35The proposals for developments to be included in the shared NEMO reference are first examined by NEMO Developers 
     36Committee / Scientific Advisory Board.  
     37The implementation of a new development requires some additionnal work from the intial developer. 
     38These tasks will need to be scheduled with NEMO System Team. 
    39 You're not ready to do more other than to inform other users of your development,  
    40 you can promote your work by creating a specific topic on this :forge:`discussion/forum/5 <dedicated forum>`  
    41 which brings together all the contributions from the community. 
     44You only would like to inform NEMO community about your developments.  
     45You can promote your work on NEMO forum gathering  the contributions fromof the community by creating 
     46a specific topic here :forge:`discussion/forum/5 <dedicated forum>`  
    4349Proposal / Task 
    46 | You can suggest a :forge:`newticket?type=Enhancement <enhancement>` to be made which can be supplemented by  
    47   the output of ``svn diff`` from your working copy  
    48   (easier for integration with ``svn patch`` than the attachement of modified routines). 
    49 | But without a little more work,  
    51 If you really think your development worths the integration into the NEMO shared reference,  
    52 your ticket should describe the development and its implementation, so as the existing validations. 
    54 Once the approval of Developers Committee is given,  
    55 the development can be added to the yearly development work plan. 
    56 From there you will be in charge of an development action,  
    57 with the perspective of merging it by the end of civil year,  
    58 but also with the help of NEMO System Team to follow the different development steps. 
     52| Your development is quite small, and you would only like to offer it as a possible enhancement. Please suggest it 
     53  as an enhancement here :forge:`newticket?type=Enhancement <enhancement>` . It will be taken in account, if 
     54  feasible, by NEMO System Team. To ease the process, it is suggested, rather than attaching the modified 
     55  routines to the ticket, to highlight the proposed changes by adding to the ticket the output of ``svn diff`` 
     56  or ``svn patch`` from your working copy. 
     58| Your development seems relevant for addition into the future release of NEMO shared reference. 
     59  Implementing it into NEMO shared reference following the usual quality control will require some additionnal work 
     60  from you and also from the NEMO System Team in charge of NEMO development. In order to evaluate the work, 
     61  your suggestion should be send as a proposed enhancement here :forge:`newticket?type=Enhancement <enhancement>` 
     62  including description of the development, its implementation, and the existing validations. 
     64  The proposed enhancement will be examined  by NEMO Developers Committee / Scientific Advisory Board.  
     65  Once approved by the  Committee, the assicated development task can be scheduled in NEMO development work plan, 
     66  and tasks distributed between you as initial developer and PI of this development action, and the NEMO System Team. 
     68  Once sucessful (meeting the usual quality control steps) this action will allow the merge of these developments with 
     69  other developments of the year, building the future NEMO. 
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