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Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Changeset 14789 for NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles – NEMO

2021-05-05T13:18:04+02:00 (3 years ago)

[2021/HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU] Update externals

26 edited


  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU

    • Property svn:externals

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        33^/utils/build/mk@HEAD         mk 
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        5 ^/vendors/AGRIF/dev_r12970_AGRIF_CMEMS      ext/AGRIF 
         5^/vendors/AGRIF/dev@HEAD      ext/AGRIF 
        66^/vendors/FCM@HEAD            ext/FCM 
        77^/vendors/IOIPSL@HEAD         ext/IOIPSL 
         8^/vendors/PPR@HEAD            ext/PPR 
        910# SETTE 
        10 ^/utils/CI/sette@13559        sette 
         11^/utils/CI/sette@14244        sette 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles

    • Property svn:ignore

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        2 *.ilg 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/apdx_DOMAINcfg.tex

    r11693 r14789  
    8 %    {\em 4.0} & {\em Andrew Coward} & {\em Created at v4.0 from materials removed from chap\_DOM that are still relevant to the \forcode{DOMAINcfg} tool and which illustrate and explain the choices to be made by the user when setting up new domains }  \\ 
    10 \thispagestyle{plain} 
    1713  \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 
    18     Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 
    19     \hline 
    20     {\em   4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 
    21     {\em   3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 
    22     {\em   3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 
    23     {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 
     14    Release     & Author(s)            & Modifications                                                \\ 
     15    \hline 
     16    {\em  next} & {\em Pierre Mathiot} & {\em Add ice shelf and closed sea option description        } \\ 
     17    {\em   4.0} & {\em  Andrew Coward} & {\em Creation from materials removed from \autoref{chap:DOM} 
     18                                              that are still relevant to the DOMAINcfg tool 
     19                                              when setting up new domains                            } 
    2420  \end{tabularx} 
    48   \nlst{namdom_domcfg} 
     44  \begin{forlines} 
     46&namdom        !   space and time domain (bathymetry, mesh, timestep) 
     48   nn_bathy    =    1      !  compute analyticaly (=0) or read (=1) the bathymetry file 
     49                           !  or compute (2) from external bathymetry 
     50   nn_interp   =    1                          ! type of interpolation (nn_bathy =2)                        
     51   cn_topo     =  ''  ! external topo file (nn_bathy =2) 
     52   cn_bath     =  'Bathymetry'                 ! topo name in file  (nn_bathy =2) 
     53   cn_lon      =  'nav_lon'                    ! lon  name in file  (nn_bathy =2) 
     54   cn_lat      =  'nav_lat'                    ! lat  name in file  (nn_bathy =2) 
     55   rn_scale    = 1 
     56   rn_bathy    =    0.     !  value of the bathymetry. if (=0) bottom flat at jpkm1 
     57   jphgr_msh   =       0               !  type of horizontal mesh 
     58   ppglam0     =  999999.0             !  longitude of first raw and column T-point (jphgr_msh = 1) 
     59   ppgphi0     =  999999.0             ! latitude  of first raw and column T-point (jphgr_msh = 1) 
     60   ppe1_deg    =  999999.0             !  zonal      grid-spacing (degrees) 
     61   ppe2_deg    =  999999.0             !  meridional grid-spacing (degrees) 
     62   ppe1_m      =  999999.0             !  zonal      grid-spacing (degrees) 
     63   ppe2_m      =  999999.0             !  meridional grid-spacing (degrees) 
     64   ppsur       =   -4762.96143546300   !  ORCA r4, r2 and r05 coefficients 
     65   ppa0        =     255.58049070440   ! (default coefficients) 
     66   ppa1        =     245.58132232490   ! 
     67   ppkth       =      21.43336197938   ! 
     68   ppacr       =       3.0             ! 
     69   ppdzmin     =  999999.              !  Minimum vertical spacing 
     70   pphmax      =  999999.              !  Maximum depth 
     71   ldbletanh   =  .FALSE.              !  Use/do not use double tanf function for vertical coordinates 
     72   ppa2        =  999999.              !  Double tanh function parameters 
     73   ppkth2      =  999999.              ! 
     74   ppacr2      =  999999.              ! 
     76  \end{forlines} 
    4977  \caption{\forcode{&namdom_domcfg}} 
    5078  \label{lst:namdom_domcfg} 
    5886 \item [{\np{jphgr_mesh}{jphgr\_mesh}=0}]  The most general curvilinear orthogonal grids. 
    5987  The coordinates and their first derivatives with respect to $i$ and $j$ are provided 
    60   in a input file (\ifile{coordinates}), read in \rou{hgr\_read} subroutine of the domhgr module. 
     88  in a input file (\textit{}), read in \rou{hgr\_read} subroutine of the domhgr module. 
    6189  This is now the only option available within \NEMO\ itself from v4.0 onwards. 
    6290\item [{\np{jphgr_mesh}{jphgr\_mesh}=1 to 5}] A few simple analytical grids are provided (see below). 
    123151The reference coordinate transformation $z_0(k)$ defines the arrays $gdept_0$ and 
    124152$gdepw_0$ for $t$- and $w$-points, respectively. See \autoref{sec:DOMCFG_sco} for the 
    125 S-coordinate options.  As indicated on \autoref{fig:DOM_index_vert} \jp{jpk} is the number of 
    126 $w$-levels.  $gdepw_0(1)$ is the ocean surface.  There are at most \jp{jpk}-1 $t$-points 
     153S-coordinate options.  As indicated on \autoref{fig:DOM_index_vert} \texttt{jpk} is the number of 
     154$w$-levels.  $gdepw_0(1)$ is the ocean surface.  There are at most \texttt{jpk}-1 $t$-points 
    127155inside the ocean, the additional $t$-point at $jk = jpk$ is below the sea floor and is not 
    128156used.  The vertical location of $w$- and $t$-levels is defined from the analytic 
    135163It is possible to define a simple regular vertical grid by giving zero stretching 
    136 (\np[=0]{ppacr}{ppacr}).  In that case, the parameters \jp{jpk} (number of $w$-levels) 
     164(\np[=0]{ppacr}{ppacr}).  In that case, the parameters \texttt{jpk} (number of $w$-levels) 
    137165and \np{pphmax}{pphmax} (total ocean depth in meters) fully define the grid. 
    148 where $k = 1$ to \jp{jpk} for $w$-levels and $k = 1$ to $k = 1$ for $t-$levels.  Such an 
     176where $k = 1$ to \texttt{jpk} for $w$-levels and $k = 1$ to $k = 1$ for $t-$levels.  Such an 
    149177expression allows us to define a nearly uniform vertical location of levels at the ocean 
    150178top and bottom with a smooth hyperbolic tangent transition in between (\autoref{fig:DOMCFG_zgr}). 
    196 With the choice of the stretching $h_{cr} = 3$ and the number of levels \jp{jpk}~$= 31$, 
     224With the choice of the stretching $h_{cr} = 3$ and the number of levels \texttt{jpk}~$= 31$, 
    197225the four coefficients $h_{sur}$, $h_0$, $h_1$, and $h_{th}$ in 
    198226\autoref{eq:DOMCFG_zgr_ana_2} have been determined such that \autoref{eq:DOMCFG_zgr_coef} 
    212240  Values from $3$ to $10$ are usual. 
    213241\item \np{ppkth}{ppkth}~$= h_{th}$: is approximately the model level at which maximum stretching occurs 
    214   (nondimensional, usually of order 1/2 or 2/3 of \jp{jpk}) 
     242  (nondimensional, usually of order 1/2 or 2/3 of \texttt{jpk}) 
    215243\item \np{ppdzmin}{ppdzmin}: minimum thickness for the top layer (in meters). 
    216244\item \np{pphmax}{pphmax}: total depth of the ocean (meters). 
    219247As an example, for the $45$ layers used in the DRAKKAR configuration those parameters are: 
    220 \jp{jpk}~$= 46$, \np{ppacr}{ppacr}~$= 9$, \np{ppkth}{ppkth}~$= 23.563$, \np{ppdzmin}{ppdzmin}~$= 6~m$, 
     248\texttt{jpk}~$= 46$, \np{ppacr}{ppacr}~$= 9$, \np{ppkth}{ppkth}~$= 23.563$, \np{ppdzmin}{ppdzmin}~$= 6~m$, 
    221249\np{pphmax}{pphmax}~$= 5750~m$. 
    313341  This is meant for the "EEL-R5" configuration, a periodic or open boundary channel with a seamount. 
    314342\item [{\np[=1]{nn_bathy}{nn\_bathy}}]: read a bathymetry and ice shelf draft (if needed). 
    315   The \ifile{bathy\_meter} file (Netcdf format) provides the ocean depth (positive, in meters) at 
     343  The \textit{bathy\} file (Netcdf format) provides the ocean depth (positive, in meters) at 
    316344  each grid point of the model grid. 
    317345  The bathymetry is usually built by interpolating a standard bathymetry product (\eg\ ETOPO2) onto 
    319347  Defining the bathymetry also defines the coastline: where the bathymetry is zero, 
    320348  no wet levels are defined (all levels are masked). 
    322   The \ifile{isfdraft\_meter} file (Netcdf format) provides the ice shelf draft (positive, in meters) at 
    323   each grid point of the model grid. 
    324   This file is only needed if \np[=.true.]{ln_isfcav}{ln\_isfcav}. 
    325   Defining the ice shelf draft will also define the ice shelf edge and the grounding line position. 
    363386bathymetry varies by less than one level thickness from one grid point to the next).  The 
    364387reference layer thicknesses $e_{3t}^0$ have been defined in the absence of bathymetry. 
    365 With partial steps, layers from 1 to \jp{jpk}-2 can have a thickness smaller than 
     388With partial steps, layers from 1 to \texttt{jpk-2} can have a thickness smaller than 
    368 The model deepest layer (\jp{jpk}-1) is allowed to have either a smaller or larger 
     391The model deepest layer (\texttt{jpk-1}) is allowed to have either a smaller or larger 
    369392thickness than $e_{3t}(jpk)$: the maximum thickness allowed is $2*e_{3t}(jpk - 1)$. 
    383406\subsubsection[$S$-coordinate (\forcode{ln_sco})]{$S$-coordinate (\protect\np{ln_sco}{ln\_sco})} 
    386   \nlst{namzgr_sco_domcfg} 
    387410  \caption{\forcode{&namzgr_sco_domcfg}} 
    388411  \label{lst:namzgr_sco_domcfg} 
     412  \begin{forlines} 
     414&namzgr_sco    !   s-coordinate or hybrid z-s-coordinate                (default: OFF) 
     416   ln_s_sh94   = .false.    !  Song & Haidvogel 1994 hybrid S-sigma   (T)| 
     417   ln_s_sf12   = .false.   !  Siddorn & Furner 2012 hybrid S-z-sigma (T)| if both are false the NEMO tanh stretching is applied 
     418   ln_sigcrit  = .false.   !  use sigma coordinates below critical depth (T) or Z coordinates (F) for Siddorn & Furner stretch 
     419                           !  stretching coefficients for all functions 
     420   rn_sbot_min =   10.0    !  minimum depth of s-bottom surface (>0) (m) 
     421   rn_sbot_max = 7000.0    !  maximum depth of s-bottom surface (= ocean depth) (>0) (m) 
     422   rn_hc       =  150.0    !  critical depth for transition to stretched coordinates 
     423                        !!!!!!!  Envelop bathymetry 
     424   rn_rmax     =    0.3    !  maximum cut-off r-value allowed (0<r_max<1) 
     425                        !!!!!!!  SH94 stretching coefficients  (ln_s_sh94 = .true.) 
     426   rn_theta    =    6.0    !  surface control parameter (0<=theta<=20) 
     427   rn_bb       =    0.8    !  stretching with SH94 s-sigma 
     428                        !!!!!!!  SF12 stretching coefficient  (ln_s_sf12 = .true.) 
     429   rn_alpha    =    4.4    !  stretching with SF12 s-sigma 
     430   rn_efold    =    0.0    !  efold length scale for transition to stretched coord 
     431   rn_zs       =    1.0    !  depth of surface grid box 
     432                           !  bottom cell depth (Zb) is a linear function of water depth Zb = H*a + b 
     433   rn_zb_a     =    0.024  !  bathymetry scaling factor for calculating Zb 
     434   rn_zb_b     =   -0.2    !  offset for calculating Zb 
     435                        !!!!!!!! Other stretching (not SH94 or SF12) [also uses rn_theta above] 
     436   rn_thetb    =    1.0    !  bottom control parameter  (0<=thetb<= 1) 
     438  \end{forlines} 
    390 Options are defined in \nam{zgr_sco}{zgr\_sco} (\texttt{DOMAINcfg} only). 
     441Options are defined in \forcode{&zgr_sco} (\texttt{DOMAINcfg} only). 
    391442In $s$-coordinate (\np[=.true.]{ln_sco}{ln\_sco}), the depth and thickness of the model levels are defined from 
    392443the product of a depth field and either a stretching function or its derivative, respectively: 
    530581This option is described in the Report by Levier \textit{et al.} (2007), available on the \NEMO\ web site. 
     583\section{Ice shelf cavity definition} 
     586  If the under ice shelf seas are opened (\np{ln_isfcav}{ln\_isfcav}), the depth of the ice shelf/ocean interface has to be include in  
     587  the \textit{isfdraft\_meter} file (Netcdf format). This file need to include the \textit{isf\_draft} variable.  
     588  A positive value will mean ice shelf/ocean or ice shelf bedrock interface below the reference 0m ssh.  
     589  The exact shape of the ice shelf cavity (grounding line position and minimum thickness of the water column under an ice shelf, ...) can be specify in \nam{zgr_isf}{zgr\_isf}. 
     592  \caption{\forcode{&namzgr_isf}} 
     593  \label{lst:namzgr_isf} 
     594  \begin{forlines} 
     596&namzgr_isf    !   isf cavity geometry definition                       (default: OFF) 
     598   rn_isfdep_min    = 10.         ! minimum isf draft tickness (if lower, isf draft set to this value) 
     599   rn_glhw_min      = 1.e-3       ! minimum water column thickness to define the grounding line 
     600   rn_isfhw_min     = 10          ! minimum water column thickness in the cavity once the grounding line defined. 
     601   ln_isfchannel    = .false.     ! remove channel (based on 2d mask build from isfdraft-bathy) 
     602   ln_isfconnect    = .false.     ! force connection under the ice shelf (based on 2d mask build from isfdraft-bathy) 
     603      nn_kisfmax       = 999         ! limiter in level on the previous condition. (if change larger than this number, get back to value before we enforce the connection) 
     604      rn_zisfmax       = 7000.       ! limiter in m     on the previous condition. (if change larger than this number, get back to value before we enforce the connection) 
     605   ln_isfcheminey   = .false.     ! close cheminey 
     606   ln_isfsubgl      = .false.     ! remove subglacial lake created by the remapping process 
     607      rn_isfsubgllon   =    0.0      !  longitude of the seed to determine the open ocean 
     608      rn_isfsubgllat   =    0.0      !  latitude  of the seed to determine the open ocean 
     610  \end{forlines} 
     613   The options available to define the shape of the under ice shelf cavities are listed in \nam{zgr_isf}{zgr\_isf} (\texttt{DOMAINcfg} only, \autoref{lst:namzgr_isf}). 
     615\subsection{Model ice shelf draft definition} 
     618First of all, the tool make sure, the ice shelf draft ($h_{isf}$) is sensible and compatible with the bathymetry. 
     619There are 3 compulsory steps to achieve this: 
     622\item{\np{rn_isfdep_min}{rn\_isfdep\_min}:} this is the minimum ice shelf draft. This is to make sure there is no ridiculous thin ice shelf. If \np{rn_isfdep_min}{rn\_isfdep\_min} is smaller than the surface level, \np{rn_isfdep_min}{rn\_isfdep\_min} is set to $e3t\_1d(1)$.  
     623  Where $h_{isf} < MAX(e3t\_1d(1),rn\_isfdep\_min)$, $h_{isf}$ is set to \np{rn_isfdep_min}{rn\_isfdep\_min}. 
     625\item{\np{rn_glhw_min}{rn\_glhw\_min}:} This parameter is used to define the grounding line position. 
     626  Where the difference between the bathymetry and the ice shelf draft is smaller than \np{rn_glhw_min}{rn\_glhw\_min}, the cell are grounded (ie masked).  
     627  This step is needed to take into account possible small mismatch between ice shelf draft value and bathymetry value (sources are coming from different grid, different data processes, rounding error, ...). 
     629\item{\np{rn_isfhw_min}{rn\_isfhw\_min}:} This parameter is the minimum water column thickness in the cavity.  
     630  Where the water column thickness is lower than \np{rn_isfhw_min}{rn\_isfhw\_min}, the ice shelf draft is adjusted to match this criterion.  
     631  If for any reason, this adjustement break the minimum ice shelf draft allowed (\np{rn_isfdep_min}{rn\_isfdep\_min}), the cell is masked. 
     634Once all these adjustements are made, if the water column thickness contains one cell wide channels, these channels can be closed using \np{ln_isfchannel}{ln\_isfchannel}.   
     636\subsection{Model top level definition} 
     637After the definition of the ice shelf draft, the tool defines the top level.  
     638The compulsory criterion is that the water column needs at least 2 wet cells in the water column at U- and V-points. 
     639To do so, if there one cell wide water column, the tools adjust the ice shelf draft to fillful the requierement.\\ 
     641The process is the following: 
     643\item{step 1:} The top level is defined in the same way as the bottom level is defined. 
     644\item{step 2:} The isolated grid point in the bathymetry are filled (as it is done in a domain without ice shelf) 
     645\item{step 3:} The tools make sure, the top level is above or equal to the bottom level 
     646\item{step 4:} If the water column at a U- or V- point is one wet cell wide, the ice shelf draft is adjusted. So the actual top cell become fully open and the new 
     647  top cell thickness is set to the minimum cell thickness allowed (following the same logic as for the bottom partial cell). This step is iterated 4 times to ensure the condition is fullfill along the 4 sides of the cell. 
     650In case of steep slope and shallow water column, it likely that 2 cells are disconnected (bathymetry above its neigbourging ice shelf draft).  
     651The option \np{ln_isfconnect}{ln\_isfconnect} allow the tool to force the connection between these 2 cells. 
     652Some limiters in meter or levels on the digging allowed by the tool are available (respectively, \np{rn_zisfmax}{rn\_zisfmax} or \np{rn_kisfmax}{rn\_kisfmax}). 
     653This will prevent the formation of subglacial lakes at the expense of long vertical pipe to connect cells at very different levels. 
     655\subsection{Subglacial lakes} 
     656Despite careful setting of your ice shelf draft and bathymetry input file as well as setting described in \autoref{subsec:zgrisf_isfd}, some situation are unavoidable. 
     657For exemple if you setup your ice shelf draft and bathymetry to do ocean/ice sheet coupling,  
     658you may decide to fill the whole antarctic with a bathymetry and an ice shelf draft value (ice/bedrock interface depth when grounded).  
     659If you do so, the subglacial lakes will show up (Vostock for example). An other possibility is with coarse vertical resolution, some ice shelves could be cut in 2 parts:  
     660one connected to the main ocean and an other one closed which can be considered as a subglacial sea be the model.\\ 
     662The namelist option \np{ln_isfsubgl}{ln\_isfsubgl} allow you to remove theses subglacial lakes. 
     663This may be useful for esthetical reason or for stability reasons: 
     666\item $\bullet$ In a subglacial lakes, in case of very weak circulation (often the case), the only heat flux is the conductive heat flux through the ice sheet.  
     667  This will lead to constant freezing until water reaches -20C.  
     668  This is one of the defitiency of the 3 equation melt formulation (for details on this formulation, see: \autoref{sec:isf}). 
     669\item $\bullet$ In case of coupling with an ice sheet model,  
     670  the ssh in the subglacial lakes and the main ocean could be very different (ssh initial adjustement for example),  
     671  and so if for any reason both a connected at some point, the model is likely to fall over.\\ 
     674\section{Closed sea definition} 
     678  \caption{\forcode{&namclo}} 
     679  \label{lst:namdom_clo} 
     680  \begin{forlines} 
     682&namclo ! (closed sea : need ln_domclo = .true. in namcfg) 
     684   rn_lon_opnsea = -2.0     ! longitude seed of open ocean 
     685   rn_lat_opnsea = -2.0     ! latitude  seed of open ocean 
     686   nn_closea = 8           ! number of closed seas ( = 0; only the open_sea mask will be computed) 
     687   !                name   ! lon_src ! lat_src ! lon_trg ! lat_trg ! river mouth area   ! net evap/precip correction scheme ! radius tgt   ! id trg 
     688   !                       ! (degree)! (degree)! (degree)! (degree)! local/coast/global ! (glo/rnf/emp)                     !     (m)      ! 
     689   ! North American lakes 
     690   sn_lake(1) = 'superior' ,  -86.57 ,  47.30  , -66.49  , 50.45   , 'local'            , 'rnf'                             ,   550000.0 , 2     
     691   sn_lake(2) = 'michigan' ,  -87.06 ,  42.74  , -66.49  , 50.45   , 'local'            , 'rnf'                             ,   550000.0 , 2     
     692   sn_lake(3) = 'huron'    ,  -82.51 ,  44.74  , -66.49  , 50.45   , 'local'            , 'rnf'                             ,   550000.0 , 2     
     693   sn_lake(4) = 'erie'     ,  -81.13 ,  42.25  , -66.49  , 50.45   , 'local'            , 'rnf'                             ,   550000.0 , 2     
     694   sn_lake(5) = 'ontario'  ,  -77.72 ,  43.62  , -66.49  , 50.45   , 'local'            , 'rnf'                             ,   550000.0 , 2     
     695   ! African Lake 
     696   sn_lake(6) = 'victoria' ,   32.93 ,  -1.08  ,  30.44  , 31.37   , 'coast'            , 'emp'                             ,   100000.0 , 3     
     697   ! Asian Lakes 
     698   sn_lake(7) = 'caspian'  ,   50.0  ,  44.0   ,   0.0   ,  0.0    , 'global'           , 'glo'                             ,        0.0 , 1      
     699   sn_lake(8) = 'aral'     ,   60.0  ,  45.0   ,   0.0   ,  0.0    , 'global'           , 'glo'                             ,        0.0 , 1     
     701   \end{forlines} 
     704The options available to define the closed seas and how closed sea net fresh water input will be redistributed by NEMO are listed in \nam{dom_clo}{dom\_clo} (\texttt{DOMAINcfg} only). 
     705The individual definition of each closed sea is managed by \np{sn_lake}{sn\_lake}. In this fields the user needs to define:\\ 
     706   \begin{description} 
     707   \item $\bullet$    the name of the closed sea (print output purposes). 
     708   \item $\bullet$    the seed location to define the area of the closed sea (if seed on land because not present in this configuration, this closed sea will be ignored).\\ 
     709   \item $\bullet$    the seed location for the target area. 
     710   \item $\bullet$    the type of target area ('local','coast' or 'global'). See point 6 for definition of these cases. 
     711   \item $\bullet$    the type of redistribution scheme for the net fresh water flux over the closed sea (as a runoff in a target area, as emp in a target area, as emp globally). For the runoff case, if the net fwf is negative, it will be redistribut globally. 
     712   \item $\bullet$    the radius of the target area (not used for the 'global' case). So the target defined by a 'local' target area of a radius of 100km, for example, correspond to all the wet points within this radius. The coastal case will return only the coastal point within the specifid radius. 
     713   \item $\bullet$    the target id. This target id is used to group multiple lakes into the same river ouflow (Great Lakes for example). 
     714   \end{description} 
     716The closed sea module defines a number of masks in the \textit{domain\_cfg} output: 
     717   \begin{description} 
     718   \item[\textit{mask\_opensea}:] a mask of the main ocean without all the closed seas closed. This mask is defined by a flood filling algorithm with an initial seed (localisation defined by \np{rn_lon_opnsea}{rn\_lon\_opnsea} and \np{rn_lat_opnsea}{rn\_lat\_opnsea}). 
     719   \item[\textit{mask\_csglo}, \textit{mask\_csrnf}, \textit{mask\_csemp}:] a mask of all the closed seas defined in the namelist by \np{sn_lake}{sn\_lake} for each redistribution scheme. The total number of defined closed seas has to be defined in \np{nn_closea}{nn\_closea}. 
     720   \item[\textit{mask\_csgrpglo}, \textit{mask\_csgrprnf}, \textit{mask\_csgrpemp}:] a mask of all the closed seas and targets grouped by target id for each type of redistribution scheme. 
     721   \item[\textit{mask\_csundef}:] a mask of all the closed sea not defined in \np{sn_lake}{sn\_lake}. This will allows NEMO to mask them if needed or to inform the user of potential minor issues in its bathymetry. 
     722   \end{description} 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/apdx_algos.tex

    r11693 r14789  
    55\chapter{Note on some algorithms} 
    8 \thispagestyle{plain} 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/apdx_diff_opers.tex

    r11693 r14789  
    55\chapter{Diffusive Operators} 
    8 \thispagestyle{plain} 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/apdx_invariants.tex

    r11693 r14789  
    55\chapter{Discrete Invariants of the Equations} 
    8 \thispagestyle{plain} 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/apdx_s_coord.tex

    r11693 r14789  
    88%    {\em 4.0} & {\em Mike Bell} & {\em review}  \\ 
    99%    {\em 3.x} & {\em Gurvan Madec} & {\em original}  \\ 
    11 \thispagestyle{plain} 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/apdx_triads.tex

    r11693 r14789  
    3 %% Local cmds 
    4 \newcommand{\rML}[1][i]{\ensuremath{_{\mathrm{ML}\,#1}}} 
    5 \newcommand{\rMLt}[1][i]{\tilde{r}_{\mathrm{ML}\,#1}} 
    6 %% Move to ../../global/new_cmds.tex to avoid error with \listoffigures 
    7 %\newcommand{\triad}[6][]{\ensuremath{{}_{#2}^{#3}{\mathbb{#4}_{#1}}_{#5}^{\,#6}} 
    8 \newcommand{\triadd}[5]{\ensuremath{{}_{#1}^{#2}{\mathbb{#3}}_{#4}^{\,#5}}} 
    9 \newcommand{\triadt}[5]{\ensuremath{{}_{#1}^{#2}{\tilde{\mathbb{#3}}}_{#4}^{\,#5}}} 
    10 \newcommand{\rtriad}[2][]{\ensuremath{\triad[#1]{i}{k}{#2}{i_p}{k_p}}} 
    11 \newcommand{\rtriadt}[1]{\ensuremath{\triadt{i}{k}{#1}{i_p}{k_p}}} 
    155\chapter{Iso-Neutral Diffusion and Eddy Advection using Triads} 
    18 \thispagestyle{plain} 
    3725%% ================================================================================================= 
    38 \section[Choice of \forcode{namtra\_ldf} namelist parameters]{Choice of \protect\nam{tra_ldf}{tra\_ldf} namelist parameters} 
     26\section[Choice of \forcode{namtra_ldf} namelist parameters]{Choice of \protect\nam{tra_ldf}{tra\_ldf} namelist parameters} 
    4028Two scheme are available to perform the iso-neutral diffusion. 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_ASM.tex

    r11693 r14789  
    88%    {\em 4.0} & {\em D. J. Lea} & {\em \NEMO\ 4.0 updates}  \\ 
    99%    {\em 3.4} & {\em D. J. Lea, M. Martin, K. Mogensen, A. Weaver} & {\em Initial version}  \\ 
    11 \thispagestyle{plain} 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_DIA.tex

    r12377 r14789  
    1111%    {\em 3.4} & {\em Gurvan Madec, Rachid Benshila, Andrew Coward } & {\em }  \\ 
    1212%    {\em }      & {\em Christian Ethe, Sebastien Masson } & {\em }  \\ 
    14 \thispagestyle{plain} 
    119117\subsection{XIOS: Reading and writing restart file} 
    121 XIOS may be used to read single file restart produced by \NEMO. Currently only the variables written to 
    122 file \forcode{numror} can be handled by XIOS. To activate restart reading using XIOS, set \np[=.true. ]{ln_xios_read}{ln\_xios\_read} 
     119XIOS may be used to read single file restart produced by \NEMO. The variables written to 
     120file \forcode{numror} (OCE), \forcode{numrir} (SI3), \forcode{numrtr} (TOP), \forcode{numrsr} (SED) can be handled by XIOS.  
     121To activate restart reading using XIOS, set \np[=.true. ]{ln_xios_read}{ln\_xios\_read} 
    123122in \textit{namelist\_cfg}. This setting will be ignored when multiple restart files are present, and default \NEMO 
    124123functionality will be used for reading. There is no need to change iodef.xml file to use XIOS to read 
    142141have to be rebuild before continuing the run. This option aims to reduce number of restart files generated by \NEMO\ only, 
    143142and may be useful when there is a need to change number of processors used to run simulation. 
    145 If an additional variable must be written to a restart file, the following steps are needed: 
    146 \begin{enumerate} 
    147 \item Add variable name to a list of restart variables (in subroutine \rou{iom\_set\_rst\_vars,} \mdl{iom}) and 
    148 define correct grid for the variable (\forcode{grid_N_3D} - 3D variable, \forcode{grid_N} - 2D variable, \forcode{grid_vector} - 
    149 1D variable, \forcode{grid_scalar} - scalar), 
    150 \item Add variable to the list of fields written by restart.  This can be done either in subroutine 
    151 \rou{iom\_set\_rstw\_core} (\mdl{iom}) or by calling  \rou{iom\_set\_rstw\_active} (\mdl{iom}) with the name of a variable 
    152 as an argument. This convention follows approach for writing restart using iom, where variables are 
    153 written either by \rou{rst\_write} or by calling \rou{iom\_rstput} from individual routines. 
    154 \end{enumerate} 
    156144An older versions of XIOS do not support reading functionality. It's recommended to use at least XIOS2@1451. 
    678 \noindent will give the following file name radical: \ifile{myfile\_ORCA2\_19891231\_freq1d} 
     666\noindent will give the following file name radical: \textit{myfile\_ORCA2\_19891231\_freq1d} 
    680668%% ================================================================================================= 
    19521940When \np[=.true.]{ln_subbas}{ln\_subbas}, transports and stream function are computed for the Atlantic, Indian, 
    19531941Pacific and Indo-Pacific Oceans (defined north of 30\deg{S}) as well as for the World Ocean. 
    1954 The sub-basin decomposition requires an input file (\ifile{subbasins}) which contains three 2D mask arrays, 
     1942The sub-basin decomposition requires an input file (\textit{subbasins}) which contains three 2D mask arrays, 
    19551943the Indo-Pacific mask been deduced from the sum of the Indian and Pacific mask (\autoref{fig:DIA_mask_subasins}). 
    1958   \nlst{namptr} 
     1946%  \nlst{namptr} 
    19591947  \caption{\forcode{&namptr}} 
    19601948  \label{lst:namptr} 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_DIU.tex

    r11693 r14789  
    55\chapter{Diurnal SST Models (DIU)} 
    8 \thispagestyle{plain} 
    5351This namelist contains only two variables: 
    5554\item [{\np{ln_diurnal}{ln\_diurnal}}] A logical switch for turning on/off both the cool skin and warm layer. 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_DOM.tex

    r11693 r14789  
    1414% -    domclo: closed sea and lakes.... 
    1515%              management of closea sea area: specific to global cfg, both forced and coupled 
    17 \thispagestyle{plain} 
    370 The total size of the computational domain is set by the parameters \jp{jpiglo}, \jp{jpjglo} and 
    371 \jp{jpkglo} for the $i$, $j$ and $k$ directions, respectively. 
     368The total size of the computational domain is set by the parameters \texttt{jpiglo}, \texttt{jpjglo} and 
     369\texttt{jpkglo} for the $i$, $j$ and $k$ directions, respectively. 
    372370Note, that the variables \texttt{jpi} and \texttt{jpj} refer to 
    373371the size of each processor subdomain when the code is run in parallel using domain decomposition 
    379377in which case \np{cn_cfg}{cn\_cfg} and \np{nn_cfg}{nn\_cfg} are set from these values accordingly). 
    381 The global lateral boundary condition type is selected from 8 options using parameter \jp{jperio}. 
     379The global lateral boundary condition type is selected from 8 options using parameters \texttt{l\_Iperio}, \texttt{l\_Jperio}, \texttt{l\_NFold} and \texttt{c\_NFtype}. 
    382380See \autoref{sec:LBC_jperio} for details on the available options and 
    383 the corresponding values for \jp{jperio}. 
     381the corresponding values for \texttt{l\_Iperio}, \texttt{l\_Jperio}, \texttt{l\_NFold} and \texttt{c\_NFtype}. 
    385383%% ================================================================================================= 
    398 int    jpiglo, jpjglo, jpkglo     /* global domain sizes                                    */ 
    399 int    jperio                     /* lateral global domain b.c.                             */ 
    400 double glamt, glamu, glamv, glamf /* geographic longitude (t,u,v and f points respectively) */ 
    401 double gphit, gphiu, gphiv, gphif /* geographic latitude                                    */ 
    402 double e1t, e1u, e1v, e1f         /* horizontal scale factors                               */ 
    403 double e2t, e2u, e2v, e2f         /* horizontal scale factors                               */ 
     396integer   Ni0glo, NjOglo, jpkglo       /* global domain sizes (without MPI halos)                */ 
     397logical   l\_Iperio, l\_Jperio         /* lateral global domain b.c.: i- j-periodicity           */ 
     398logical   l\_NFold                     /* lateral global domain b.c.: North Pole folding         */ 
     399char(1)   c\_NFtype                    /*    type of North pole Folding: T or F point            */ 
     400real      glamt, glamu, glamv, glamf   /* geographic longitude (t,u,v and f points respectively) */ 
     401real      gphit, gphiu, gphiv, gphif   /* geographic latitude                                    */ 
     402real      e1t, e1u, e1v, e1f           /* horizontal scale factors                               */ 
     403real      e2t, e2u, e2v, e2f           /* horizontal scale factors                               */ 
    466466\item the bathymetry given in meters; 
    467 \item the number of levels of the model (\jp{jpk}); 
     467\item the number of levels of the model (\texttt{jpk}); 
    468468\item the analytical transformation $z(i,j,k)$ and the vertical scale factors 
    469469  (derivatives of the transformation); and 
    575575every gridcell in the model regardless of the choice of vertical coordinate. 
    576576With constant z-levels, e3 metrics will be uniform across each horizontal level. 
    577 In the partial step case each e3 at the \jp{bottom\_level} 
    578 (and, possibly, \jp{top\_level} if ice cavities are present) 
     577In the partial step case each e3 at the \texttt{bottom\_level} 
     578(and, possibly, \texttt{top\_level} if ice cavities are present) 
    579579may vary from its horizontal neighbours. 
    580580And, in s-coordinates, variations can occur throughout the water column. 
    585585those arising from a flat sea surface with zero elevation. 
    587 The \jp{bottom\_level} and \jp{top\_level} 2D arrays define 
    588 the \jp{bottom\_level} and top wet levels in each grid column. 
    589 Without ice cavities, \jp{top\_level} is essentially a land mask (0 on land; 1 everywhere else). 
    590 With ice cavities, \jp{top\_level} determines the first wet point below the overlying ice shelf. 
     587The \texttt{bottom\_level} and \texttt{top\_level} 2D arrays define 
     588the \texttt{bottom\_level} and top wet levels in each grid column. 
     589Without ice cavities, \texttt{top\_level} is essentially a land mask (0 on land; 1 everywhere else). 
     590With ice cavities, \texttt{top\_level} determines the first wet point below the overlying ice shelf. 
    592592%% ================================================================================================= 
    596 From \jp{top\_level} and \jp{bottom\_level} fields, the mask fields are defined as follows: 
     596From \texttt{top\_level} and \texttt{bottom\_level} fields, the mask fields are defined as follows: 
    598598  tmask(i,j,k) &= 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_DYN.tex

    r11693 r14789  
    55\chapter{Ocean Dynamics (DYN)} 
    8 \thispagestyle{plain} 
    657655Note that expression \autoref{eq:DYN_hpg_sco} is commonly used when the variable volume formulation is activated 
    658656(\texttt{vvl?}) because in that case, even with a flat bottom, 
    659 the coordinate surfaces are not horizontal but follow the free surface \citep{levier.treguier.ea_rpt07}. 
     657the coordinate surfaces are not horizontal but follow the free surface \citep{levier.treguier.ea_trpt07}. 
    660658The pressure jacobian scheme (\np[=.true.]{ln_dynhpg_prj}{ln\_dynhpg\_prj}) is available as 
    661659an improved option to \np[=.true.]{ln_dynhpg_sco}{ln\_dynhpg\_sco} when \texttt{vvl?} is active. 
    763761which imposes a very small time step when an explicit time stepping is used. 
    764762Two methods are proposed to allow a longer time step for the three-dimensional equations: 
    765 the filtered free surface, which is a modification of the continuous equations (see \autoref{eq:MB_flt?}), 
     763the filtered free surface, which is a modification of the continuous equations \iffalse (see \autoref{eq:MB_flt?}) \fi 
    766764and the split-explicit free surface described below. 
    767765The extra term introduced in the filtered method is calculated implicitly, 
    913911external gravity waves in idealized or weakly non-linear cases. 
    914912Although the damping is lower than for the filtered free surface, 
    915 it is still significant as shown by \citet{levier.treguier.ea_rpt07} in the case of an analytical barotropic Kelvin wave. 
     913it is still significant as shown by \citet{levier.treguier.ea_trpt07} in the case of an analytical barotropic Kelvin wave. 
    917915\cmtgm{               %%% copy from griffies Book 
    12451243the atmospheric pressure is taken into account when computing the surface pressure gradient. 
    1247 (2) When \np[=.true.]{ln_tide_pot}{ln\_tide\_pot} and \np[=.true.]{ln_tide}{ln\_tide} (see \autoref{sec:SBC_tide}), 
     1245(2) When \np[=.true.]{ln_tide_pot}{ln\_tide\_pot} and \np[=.true.]{ln_tide}{ln\_tide} (see \autoref{sec:SBC_TDE}), 
    12481246the tidal potential is taken into account when computing the surface pressure gradient. 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_LBC.tex

    r11693 r14789  
    55\chapter{Lateral Boundary Condition (LBC)} 
    8 \thispagestyle{plain} 
    1614    Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 
    1715    \hline 
     16    {\em  next} & {\em Simon M{\" u}ller} & {\em Minor update of \autoref{subsec:LBC_bdy_tides}} \\[2mm] 
    1817    {\em   4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 
    1918    {\em   3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 
    161160%% ================================================================================================= 
    162 \section[Model domain boundary condition (\forcode{jperio})]{Model domain boundary condition (\protect\jp{jperio})} 
     161\section{Model domain boundary condition} 
    170169%% ================================================================================================= 
    171 \subsection[Closed, cyclic (\forcode{=0,1,2,7})]{Closed, cyclic (\protect\jp{jperio}\forcode{=0,1,2,7})} 
     170\subsection{Closed, cyclic (\forcode{l_Iperio,l_jperio})} 
    174173The choice of closed or cyclic model domain boundary condition is made by 
    175 setting \jp{jperio} to 0, 1, 2 or 7 in namelist \nam{cfg}{cfg}. 
     174setting \forcode{l_Iperio,l_jperio} to true or false in namelist \nam{cfg}{cfg}. 
    176175Each time such a boundary condition is needed, it is set by a call to routine \mdl{lbclnk}. 
    177176The computation of momentum and tracer trends proceeds from $i=2$ to $i=jpi-1$ and from $j=2$ to $j=jpj-1$, 
    184 \item [For closed boundary (\jp{jperio}\forcode{=0})], solid walls are imposed at all model boundaries: 
     183\item [For closed boundary (\forcode{l_Iperio = .false.,l_jperio = .false.})], solid walls are imposed at all model boundaries: 
    185184  first and last rows and columns are set to zero. 
    187 \item [For cyclic east-west boundary (\jp{jperio}\forcode{=1})], first and last rows are set to zero (closed) whilst the first column is set to 
     186\item [For cyclic east-west boundary (\forcode{l_Iperio = .true.,l_jperio = .false.})], first and last rows are set to zero (closed) whilst the first column is set to 
    188187  the value of the last-but-one column and the last column to the value of the second one 
    189188  (\autoref{fig:LBC_jperio}-a). 
    190189  Whatever flows out of the eastern (western) end of the basin enters the western (eastern) end. 
    192 \item [For cyclic north-south boundary (\jp{jperio}\forcode{=2})], first and last columns are set to zero (closed) whilst the first row is set to 
     191\item [For cyclic north-south boundary (\forcode{l_Iperio = .false.,l_jperio = .true.})], first and last columns are set to zero (closed) whilst the first row is set to 
    193192  the value of the last-but-one row and the last row to the value of the second one 
    194193  (\autoref{fig:LBC_jperio}-a). 
    195194  Whatever flows out of the northern (southern) end of the basin enters the southern (northern) end. 
    197 \item [Bi-cyclic east-west and north-south boundary (\jp{jperio}\forcode{=7})] combines cases 1 and 2. 
     196\item [Bi-cyclic east-west and north-south boundary (\forcode{l_Iperio = .true.,l_jperio = .true.})] combines cases 1 and 2. 
    209208%% ================================================================================================= 
    210 \subsection[North-fold (\forcode{=3,6})]{North-fold (\protect\jp{jperio}\forcode{=3,6})} 
     209\subsection{North-fold (\forcode{l_NFold = .true.})} 
    221220  \includegraphics[width=0.66\textwidth]{LBC_North_Fold_T} 
    222221  \caption[North fold boundary in ORCA 2\deg, 1/4\deg and 1/12\deg]{ 
    223     North fold boundary with a $T$-point pivot and cyclic east-west boundary condition ($jperio=4$), 
     222    North fold boundary with a $T$-point pivot and cyclic east-west boundary condition ($c\_NFtype='T'$), 
    224223    as used in ORCA 2\deg, 1/4\deg and 1/12\deg. 
    225224    Pink shaded area corresponds to the inner domain mask (see text).} 
    287286Each processor is independent and without message passing or synchronous process, programs run alone and access just its own local memory. 
    288287For this reason, 
    289 the main model dimensions are now the local dimensions of the subdomain (pencil) that are named \jp{jpi}, \jp{jpj}, \jp{jpk}. 
     288the main model dimensions are now the local dimensions of the subdomain (pencil) that are named \texttt{jpi}, \texttt{jpj}, \texttt{jpk}. 
    290289These dimensions include the internal domain and the overlapping rows. 
    291 The number of rows to exchange (known as the halo) is usually set to one (nn\_hls=1, in \mdl{par\_oce}, 
     290The number of rows to exchange (known as the halo) is usually set to one (\forcode{nn_hls=1}, in \mdl{par\_oce}, 
    292291and must be kept to one until further notice). 
    293 The whole domain dimensions are named \jp{jpiglo}, \jp{jpjglo} and \jp{jpk}. 
     292The whole domain dimensions are named \texttt{jpiglo}, \texttt{jpjglo} and \texttt{jpk}. 
    294293The relationship between the whole domain and a sub-domain is: 
    300 One also defines variables nldi and nlei which correspond to the internal domain bounds, and the variables nimpp and njmpp which are the position of the (1,1) grid-point in the global domain (\autoref{fig:LBC_mpp}). Note that since the version 4, there is no more extra-halo area as defined in \autoref{fig:LBC_mpp} so \jp{jpi} is now always equal to nlci and \jp{jpj} equal to nlcj. 
     299One also defines variables nldi and nlei which correspond to the internal domain bounds, and the variables nimpp and njmpp which are the position of the (1,1) grid-point in the global domain (\autoref{fig:LBC_mpp}). Note that since the version 4, there is no more extra-halo area as defined in \autoref{fig:LBC_mpp} so \texttt{jpi} is now always equal to nlci and \texttt{jpj} equal to nlcj. 
    302301An element of $T_{l}$, a local array (subdomain) corresponds to an element of $T_{g}$, 
    308307with $1 \leq i \leq jpi$, $1  \leq j \leq jpj $ , and  $1  \leq k \leq jpk$. 
    310 The 1-d arrays $mig(1:\jp{jpi})$ and $mjg(1:\jp{jpj})$, defined in \rou{dom\_glo} routine (\mdl{domain} module), should be used to get global domain indices from local domain indices. The 1-d arrays, $mi0(1:\jp{jpiglo})$, $mi1(1:\jp{jpiglo})$ and $mj0(1:\jp{jpjglo})$, $mj1(1:\jp{jpjglo})$ have the reverse purpose and should be used to define loop indices expressed in global domain indices (see examples in \mdl{dtastd} module).\\ 
     309The 1-d arrays $mig(1:\texttt{jpi})$ and $mjg(1:\texttt{jpj})$, defined in \rou{dom\_glo} routine (\mdl{domain} module), should be used to get global domain indices from local domain indices. The 1-d arrays, $mi0(1:\texttt{jpiglo})$, $mi1(1:\texttt{jpiglo})$ and $mj0(1:\texttt{jpjglo})$, $mj1(1:\texttt{jpjglo})$ have the reverse purpose and should be used to define loop indices expressed in global domain indices (see examples in \mdl{dtastd} module).\\ 
    312311The \NEMO\ model computes equation terms with the help of mask arrays (0 on land points and 1 on sea points). It is therefore possible that an MPI subdomain contains only land points. To save ressources, we try to supress from the computational domain as much land subdomains as possible. For example if $N_{mpi}$ processes are allocated to NEMO, the domain decomposition will be given by the following equation: 
    358357The BDY module was modelled on the OBC module (see \NEMO\ 3.4) and shares many features and 
    359 a similar coding structure \citep{chanut_rpt05}. 
     358a similar coding structure \citep{chanut_trpt05}. 
    360359The specification of the location of the open boundary is completely flexible and 
    361360allows any type of setup, from regular boundaries to irregular contour (it includes the possibility to set an open boundary able to follow an isobath). 
    371370The number of boundary sets is defined by \np{nb_bdy}{nb\_bdy}. 
    372371Each boundary set can be either defined as a series of straight line segments directly in the namelist 
    373 (\np[=.false.]{ln_coords_file}{ln\_coords\_file}, and a namelist block \nam{bdy_index}{bdy\_index} must be included for each set) or read in from a file (\np[=.true.]{ln_coords_file}{ln\_coords\_file}, and a ``\ifile{coordinates.bdy}'' file must be provided). 
    374 The coordinates.bdy file is analagous to the usual \NEMO\ ``\ifile{coordinates}'' file. 
     372(\np[=.false.]{ln_coords_file}{ln\_coords\_file}, and a namelist block \forcode{&nambdy_index} must be included for each set) or read in from a file (\np[=.true.]{ln_coords_file}{ln\_coords\_file}, and a ``\textit{}'' file must be provided). 
     373The coordinates.bdy file is analagous to the usual \NEMO\ ``\textit{}'' file. 
    375374In the example above, there are two boundary sets, the first of which is defined via a file and 
    376375the second is defined in the namelist. 
    568567\autoref{fig:LBC_bdy_geom} shows an example of an irregular boundary. 
    570 The boundary geometry for each set may be defined in a namelist nambdy\_index or 
    571 by reading in a ``\ifile{coordinates.bdy}'' file. 
    572 The nambdy\_index namelist defines a series of straight-line segments for north, east, south and west boundaries. 
    573 One nambdy\_index namelist block is needed for each boundary condition defined by indexes. 
     569The boundary geometry for each set may be defined in a namelist \forcode{&nambdy_index} or 
     570by reading in a ``\textit{}'' file. 
     571The \forcode{&nambdy_index} namelist defines a series of straight-line segments for north, east, south and west boundaries. 
     572One \forcode{&nambdy_index} namelist block is needed for each boundary condition defined by indexes. 
    574573For the northern boundary, \texttt{nbdysegn} gives the number of segments, 
    575 \jp{jpjnob} gives the $j$ index for each segment and \jp{jpindt} and 
    576 \jp{jpinft} give the start and end $i$ indices for each segment with similar for the other boundaries. 
     574\texttt{jpjnob} gives the $j$ index for each segment and \texttt{jpindt} and 
     575\texttt{jpinft} give the start and end $i$ indices for each segment with similar for the other boundaries. 
    577576These segments define a list of $T$ grid points along the outermost row of the boundary ($nbr\,=\, 1$). 
    578577The code deduces the $U$ and $V$ points and also the points for $nbr\,>\, 1$ if \np[>1]{nn_rimwidth}{nn\_rimwidth}. 
    580 The boundary geometry may also be defined from a ``\ifile{coordinates.bdy}'' file. 
     579The boundary geometry may also be defined from a ``\textit{}'' file. 
    581580\autoref{fig:LBC_nc_header} gives an example of the header information from such a file, based on the description of geometrical setup given above. 
    582581The file should contain the index arrays for each of the $T$, $U$ and $V$ grids. 
    632631  \centering 
    633632  \includegraphics[width=0.66\textwidth]{LBC_nc_header} 
    634   \caption[Header for a \protect\ifile{coordinates.bdy} file]{ 
    635     Example of the header for a \protect\ifile{coordinates.bdy} file} 
     633  \caption[Header for a \textit{} file]{ 
     634    Example of the header for a \textit{} file} 
    636635  \label{fig:LBC_nc_header} 
    666665Tidal forcing at open boundaries requires the activation of surface 
    667 tides (i.e., in \nam{_tide}{\_tide}, \np{ln_tide}{ln\_tide} needs to be set to 
    668 \forcode{.true.} and the required constituents need to be activated by 
    669 including their names in the \np{clname}{clname} array; see 
    670 \autoref{sec:SBC_tide}). Specific options related to the reading in of 
     666tides (i.e., in \nam{_tide}{\_tide}, \np[=.true.]{ln_tide}{ln\_tide} with the active tidal 
     667constituents listed in the \np{sn_tide_cnames}{sn\_tide\_cnames} array; see 
     668\autoref{sec:SBC_TDE}). The specific options related to the reading in of 
    671669the complex harmonic amplitudes of elevation (SSH) and barotropic 
    672 velocity (u,v) at open boundaries are defined through the 
    673 \nam{bdy_tide}{bdy\_tide} namelist parameters.\\ 
     670velocity components (u,v) at the open boundaries are defined through the 
     671\nam{bdy_tide}{bdy\_tide} namelist parameters.\par 
    675673The tidal harmonic data at open boundaries can be specified in two 
    676674different ways, either on a two-dimensional grid covering the entire 
    677675model domain or along open boundary segments; these two variants can 
    678 be selected by setting \np{ln_bdytide_2ddta }{ln\_bdytide\_2ddta } to \forcode{.true.} or 
    679 \forcode{.false.}, respectively. In either case, the real and 
    680 imaginary parts of SSH and the two barotropic velocity components for 
    681 each activated tidal constituent \textit{tcname} have to be provided 
    682 separately: when two-dimensional data is used, variables 
    683 \textit{tcname\_z1} and \textit{tcname\_z2} for real and imaginary SSH, 
    684 respectively, are expected in input file \np{filtide}{filtide} with suffix 
    685 \ifile{\_grid\_T}, variables \textit{tcname\_u1} and 
    686 \textit{tcname\_u2} for real and imaginary u, respectively, are 
    687 expected in input file \np{filtide}{filtide} with suffix \ifile{\_grid\_U}, and 
    688 \textit{tcname\_v1} and \textit{tcname\_v2} for real and imaginary v, 
    689 respectively, are expected in input file \np{filtide}{filtide} with suffix 
    690 \ifile{\_grid\_V}; when data along open boundary segments is used, 
    691 variables \textit{z1} and \textit{z2} (real and imaginary part of SSH) 
    692 are expected to be available from file \np{filtide}{filtide} with suffix 
    693 \ifile{tcname\_grid\_T}, variables \textit{u1} and \textit{u2} (real 
    694 and imaginary part of u) are expected to be available from file 
    695 \np{filtide}{filtide} with suffix \ifile{tcname\_grid\_U}, and variables 
    696 \textit{v1} and \textit{v2} (real and imaginary part of v) are 
    697 expected to be available from file \np{filtide}{filtide} with suffix 
    698 \ifile{tcname\_grid\_V}. If \np{ln_bdytide_conj}{ln\_bdytide\_conj} is set to 
    699 \forcode{.true.}, the data is expected to be in complex conjugate 
    700 form. 
     676be selected by setting \np[=.true.]{ln_bdytide_2ddta}{ln\_bdytide\_2ddta} or 
     677\np[=.false.]{ln_bdytide_2ddta}{ln\_bdytide\_2ddta}, respectively. In either 
     678case, the real and imaginary parts of SSH, u, and v amplitudes associated with 
     679each activated tidal constituent \texttt{<constituent>} have to be provided 
     680separately as fields in input files with names based on 
     681\np[=<input>]{filtide}{filtide}: when two-dimensional data is used, variables 
     682\texttt{<constituent>\_z1} and \texttt{<constituent>\_z2} for the real and imaginary parts of 
     683SSH, respectively, are expected to be available in file 
     684\textit{<input>\_grid\}, variables \texttt{<constituent>\_u1} and 
     685\texttt{<constituent>\_u2} for the real and imaginary parts of u, respectively, in file 
     686\textit{<input>\_grid\}, and \texttt{<constituent>\_v1} and 
     687\texttt{<constituent>\_v2} for the real and imaginary parts of v, respectively, in file 
     688\textit{<input>\_grid\}; when data along open boundary segments is used, 
     689variables \texttt{z1} and \texttt{z2} (real and imaginary part of SSH) are 
     690expected to be available in file \textit{<input><constituent>\_grid\}, 
     691variables \texttt{u1} and \texttt{u2} (real and imaginary part of u) in file 
     692\textit{<input><constituent>\_grid\}, and variables \texttt{v1} and \texttt{v2} 
     693(real and imaginary part of v) in file 
    702696Note that the barotropic velocity components are assumed to be defined 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_LDF.tex

    r11693 r14789  
    55\chapter{Lateral Ocean Physics (LDF)} 
    8 \thispagestyle{plain} 
    418416\subsection[Deformation rate dependent viscosities (\forcode{nn_ahm_ijk_t=32})]{Deformation rate dependent viscosities (\protect\np[=32]{nn_ahm_ijk_t}{nn\_ahm\_ijk\_t})} 
    420 This option refers to the \citep{smagorinsky_MW63} scheme which is here implemented for momentum only. Smagorinsky chose as a 
     418This option refers to the \citep{smagorinsky_MWR63} scheme which is here implemented for momentum only. Smagorinsky chose as a 
    421419characteristic time scale $T_{smag}$ the deformation rate and for the lengthscale $L_{smag}$ the maximum wavenumber possible on the horizontal grid, e.g.: 
    542 If  \np[=.true.]{ln_mle}{ln\_mle} in \nam{tra_mle}{tra\_mle} namelist, a parameterization of the mixing due to unresolved mixed layer instabilities is activated (\citet{foxkemper.ferrari_JPO08}). Additional transport is computed in \rou{ldf\_mle\_trp} and added to the eulerian transport in \rou{tra\_adv} as done for eddy induced advection. 
     540If  \np[=.true.]{ln_mle}{ln\_mle} in \nam{tra_mle}{tra\_mle} namelist, a parameterization of the mixing due to unresolved mixed layer instabilities is activated (\citet{}). Additional transport is computed in \rou{ldf\_mle\_trp} and added to the eulerian transport in \rou{tra\_adv} as done for eddy induced advection. 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_OBS.tex

    r11708 r14789  
    1414%    {\em --\texttt{"}--} & {\em ... K. Mogensen, A. Vidard, A. Weaver} & {\em ---\texttt{"}---}  \\ 
    17 \thispagestyle{plain} 
    421419To use Sea Level Anomaly (SLA) data the mean dynamic topography (MDT) must be provided in a separate file defined on 
    422 the model grid called \ifile{slaReferenceLevel}. 
     420the model grid called \textit{}. 
    423421The MDT is required in order to produce the model equivalent sea level anomaly from the model sea surface height. 
    424422Below is an example header for this file (on the ORCA025 grid). 
    894 The simplest way to use the executable is to edit and append the \textbf{sao.nml} namelist to 
     892The simplest way to use the executable is to edit and append the \nam{sao}{sao} namelist to 
    895893a full \NEMO\ namelist and then to run the executable as if it were nemo.exe. 
    914912For example, to read the second time counter from a single file the namelist would be. 
    916 \begin{forlines} 
     915  \begin{forlines} 
    918917!       namsao Standalone obs_oper namelist 
    924923   nn_sao_idx = 2 
    926 \end{forlines} 
     925  \end{forlines} 
     926  \caption{\forcode{&namsao}} 
     927  \label{lst:namsao} 
    928930%% ================================================================================================= 
    11191121To plot some data run IDL and then: 
    1121 \begin{minted}{idl} 
    11221124IDL> dataplot, "filename" 
    1123 \end{minted} 
    11251127To read multiple files into dataplot, 
    11271129the easiest method is to use the spawn command to generate a list of files which can then be passed to dataplot. 
    1129 \begin{minted}{idl} 
    11301132IDL> spawn, 'ls profb*.nc', files 
    11311133IDL> dataplot, files 
    1132 \end{minted} 
    11341136\autoref{fig:OBS_dataplotmain} shows the main window which is launched when dataplot starts. 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_SBC.tex

    r13165 r14789  
    2 \usepackage{fontspec} 
    3 \usepackage{fontawesome} 
    7 \chapter{Surface Boundary Condition (SBC, SAS, ISF, ICB)} 
     5\chapter{Surface Boundary Condition (SBC, SAS, ISF, ICB, TDE)} 
    10 \thispagestyle{plain} 
    1814    Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 
    1915    \hline 
     16    {\em  next} & {\em Simon M{\" u}ller} & {\em Update of \autoref{sec:SBC_TDE}; revision of \autoref{subsec:SBC_fwb}}\\[2mm] 
     17    {\em  next} & {\em Pierre Mathiot} & {\em update of the ice shelf section (2019 developments)}\\[2mm]   
    2018    {\em   4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 
    2119    {\em   3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 
    7573  (\np[=0..3]{nn_ice}{nn\_ice}), 
    7674\item the addition of river runoffs as surface freshwater fluxes or lateral inflow (\np[=.true.]{ln_rnf}{ln\_rnf}), 
    77 \item the addition of ice-shelf melting as lateral inflow (parameterisation) or 
    78   as fluxes applied at the land-ice ocean interface (\np[=.true.]{ln_isf}{ln\_isf}), 
    7975\item the addition of a freshwater flux adjustment in order to avoid a mean sea-level drift 
    8076  (\np[=0..2]{nn_fwb}{nn\_fwb}), 
    10096One of these is modification by icebergs (see \autoref{sec:SBC_ICB_icebergs}), 
    10197which act as drifting sources of fresh water. 
    102 Another example of modification is that due to the ice shelf melting/freezing (see \autoref{sec:SBC_isf}), 
    103 which provides additional sources of fresh water. 
    10599%% ================================================================================================= 
    525519See \autoref{subsec:SBC_ssr} for its specification. 
    533 %% ================================================================================================= 
    534 \pagebreak 
    535 \newpage 
     521%% ================================================================================================= 
    536522\section[Bulk formulation (\textit{sbcblk.F90})]{Bulk formulation (\protect\mdl{sbcblk})} 
    558544Note: all the NEMO Fortran routines involved in the present section have been 
    559  initially developed (and are still developed in parallel) in 
    560  the \href{}{\texttt{AeroBulk}} open-source project 
    561 \citep{brodeau.barnier.ea_JPO17}. 
     545initially developed (and are still developed in parallel) in 
     546the \href{}{\texttt{AeroBulk}} open-source project 
    563549%%% Bulk formulae are this: 
    564 \subsection{Bulk formulae}\label{subsec:SBC_blkform} 
    565 % 
     550\subsection{Bulk formulae} 
    566553In NEMO, the set of equations that relate each component of the surface fluxes 
    567554to the near-surface atmosphere and sea surface states writes 
    568 % 
    569 \begin{subequations}\label{eq_bulk} 
     557  \label{eq:SBC_bulk} 
    570558  \label{eq:SBC_bulk_form} 
    571   \begin{eqnarray} 
    572     \mathbf{\tau} &=& \rho~ C_D ~ \mathbf{U}_z  ~ U_B \\ 
    573     Q_H           &=& \rho~C_H~C_P~\big[ \theta_z - T_s \big] ~ U_B \\ 
    574     E             &=& \rho~C_E    ~\big[    q_s   - q_z \big] ~ U_B \\ 
    575     Q_L           &=& -L_v \, E \\ 
    576     % 
    577     Q_{sr}        &=& (1 - a) Q_{sw\downarrow} \\ 
    578     Q_{ir}        &=& \delta (Q_{lw\downarrow} -\sigma T_s^4) 
    579   \end{eqnarray} 
     559  \begin{align} 
     560    \mathbf{\tau} &= \rho~ C_D ~ \mathbf{U}_z  ~ U_B \\ 
     561    Q_H           &= \rho~C_H~C_P~\big[ \theta_z - T_s \big] ~ U_B \\ 
     562    E             &= \rho~C_E    ~\big[    q_s   - q_z \big] ~ U_B \\ 
     563    Q_L           &= -L_v \, E \\ 
     564    Q_{sr}        &= (1 - a) Q_{sw\downarrow} \\ 
     565    Q_{ir}        &= \delta (Q_{lw\downarrow} -\sigma T_s^4) 
     566  \end{align} 
    581 % 
    583570   \[ \theta_z \simeq T_z+\gamma z \] 
    584571   \[  q_s \simeq 0.98\,q_{sat}(T_s,p_a ) \] 
    585 % 
    586572from which, the the non-solar heat flux is \[ Q_{ns} = Q_L + Q_H + Q_{ir} \] 
    587 % 
    588573where $\mathbf{\tau}$ is the wind stress vector, $Q_H$ the sensible heat flux, 
    589574$E$ the evaporation, $Q_L$ the latent heat flux, and $Q_{ir}$ the net longwave 
    591 % 
    592576$Q_{sw\downarrow}$ and $Q_{lw\downarrow}$ are the surface downwelling shortwave 
    593577and longwave radiative fluxes, respectively. 
    594 % 
    595578Note: a positive sign for $\mathbf{\tau}$, $Q_H$, $Q_L$, $Q_{sr}$ or $Q_{ir}$ 
    596579implies a gain of the relevant quantity for the ocean, while a positive $E$ 
    597580implies a freshwater loss for the ocean. 
    598 % 
    599581$\rho$ is the density of air. $C_D$, $C_H$ and $C_E$ are the bulk transfer 
    600582coefficients for momentum, sensible heat, and moisture, respectively. 
    601 % 
    602583$C_P$ is the heat capacity of moist air, and $L_v$ is the latent heat of 
    603584vaporization of water. 
    604 % 
    605585$\theta_z$, $T_z$ and $q_z$ are the potential temperature, absolute temperature, 
    606586and specific humidity of air at height $z$ above the sea surface, 
    607587respectively. $\gamma z$ is a temperature correction term which accounts for the 
    608588adiabatic lapse rate and approximates the potential temperature at height 
    609 $z$ \citep{josey.gulev.ea_2013}. 
    610 % 
     589$z$ \citep{josey.gulev.ea_OCC13}. 
    611590$\mathbf{U}_z$ is the wind speed vector at height $z$ above the sea surface 
    612 (possibly referenced to the surface current $\mathbf{u_0}$, 
    613 section \ref{s_res1}.\ref{ss_current}). 
    614 % 
     591(possibly referenced to the surface current $\mathbf{u_0}$).%, 
     592%\autoref{s_res1}.\autoref{ss_current}). %% Undefined references 
    615593The bulk scalar wind speed, namely $U_B$, is the scalar wind speed, 
    616594$|\mathbf{U}_z|$, with the potential inclusion of a gustiness contribution. 
    617 % 
    618595$a$ and $\delta$ are the albedo and emissivity of the sea surface, respectively.\\ 
    619 % 
    620596%$p_a$ is the mean sea-level pressure (SLP). 
    621 % 
    622597$T_s$ is the sea surface temperature. $q_s$ is the saturation specific humidity 
    623598of air at temperature $T_s$; it includes a 2\% reduction to account for the 
    624 presence of salt in seawater \citep{sverdrup.johnson.ea_1942,kraus.businger_QJRMS96}. 
     599presence of salt in seawater \citep{sverdrup.johnson.ea_bk42,kraus.businger_QJRMS96}. 
    625600Depending on the bulk parametrization used, $T_s$ can either be the temperature 
    626601at the air-sea interface (skin temperature, hereafter SSST) or at typically a 
    627602few tens of centimeters below the surface (bulk sea surface temperature, 
    628603hereafter SST). 
    629 % 
    630604The SSST differs from the SST due to the contributions of two effects of 
    631605opposite sign, the \emph{cool skin} and \emph{warm layer} (hereafter CS and WL, 
    632 respectively, see section\,\ref{subsec:SBC_skin}). 
    633 % 
     606respectively, see \autoref{subsec:SBC_skin}). 
    634607Technically, when the ECMWF or COARE* bulk parametrizations are selected 
    635608(\np[=.true.]{ln_ECMWF}{ln\_ECMWF} or \np[=.true.]{ln_COARE*}{ln\_COARE\*}), 
    640613For more details on all these aspects the reader is invited to refer 
    641 to \citet{brodeau.barnier.ea_JPO17}. 
    645 \subsection{Bulk parametrizations}\label{subsec:SBC_blk_ocean} 
     614to \citet{brodeau.barnier.ea_JPO16}. 
     616\subsection{Bulk parametrizations} 
    653625height (from \np{rn_zqt}{rn\_zqt} to \np{rn_zu}{rn\_zu}). 
    657627For the open ocean, four bulk parametrization algorithms are available in NEMO: 
    659 \item NCAR, formerly known as CORE, \citep{large.yeager_rpt04,large.yeager_CD09} 
     630\item NCAR, formerly known as CORE, \citep{large.yeager_trpt04,large.yeager_CD09} 
    660631\item COARE 3.0 \citep{fairall.bradley.ea_JC03} 
    661632\item COARE 3.6 \citep{edson.jampana.ea_JPO13} 
    666636With respect to version 3, the principal advances in version 3.6 of the COARE 
    667637bulk parametrization are built around improvements in the representation of the 
    668638effects of waves on 
    669 fluxes \citep{edson.jampana.ea_JPO13,brodeau.barnier.ea_JPO17}. This includes 
     639fluxes \citep{edson.jampana.ea_JPO13,brodeau.barnier.ea_JPO16}. This includes 
    670640improved relationships of surface roughness, and whitecap fraction on wave 
    671641parameters. It is therefore recommended to chose version 3.6 over 3. 
    676 \subsection{Cool-skin and warm-layer parametrizations}\label{subsec:SBC_skin} 
    677 %\subsection[Cool-skin and warm-layer parameterizations 
    678 %(\forcode{ln_skin_cs} \& \forcode{ln_skin_wl})]{Cool-skin and warm-layer parameterizations (\protect\np{ln_skin_cs}{ln\_skin\_cs} \& \np{ln_skin_wl}{ln\_skin\_wl})} 
    679 %\label{subsec:SBC_skin} 
    680 % 
     643\subsection[Cool-skin and warm-layer parameterizations (   \forcode{ln_skin_cs}               \& \forcode{ln_skin_wl}              )] 
     644           {Cool-skin and warm-layer parameterizations (\protect\np{ln_skin_cs}{ln\_skin\_cs} \&      \np{ln_skin_wl}{ln\_skin\_wl})} 
    681647As opposed to the NCAR bulk parametrization, more advanced bulk 
    682648parametrizations such as COARE3.x and ECMWF are meant to be used with the skin 
    683649temperature $T_s$ rather than the bulk SST (which, in NEMO is the temperature at 
    684 the first T-point level, see section\,\ref{subsec:SBC_blkform}). 
    685 % 
     650the first T-point level, see \autoref{subsec:SBC_blkform}). 
    686652As such, the relevant cool-skin and warm-layer parametrization must be 
    687653activated through \np[=T]{ln_skin_cs}{ln\_skin\_cs} 
    693659For the cool-skin scheme parametrization COARE and ECMWF algorithms share the same 
    694 basis: \citet{fairall.bradley.ea_JGR96}. With some minor updates based 
    695 on \citet{zeng.beljaars_GRL05} for ECMWF, and \citet{fairall.ea_19} for COARE 
     660basis: \citet{fairall.bradley.ea_JGRO96}. With some minor updates based 
     661on \citet{zeng.beljaars_GRL05} for ECMWF \iffalse, and \citet{fairall.ea_19?} for COARE \fi 
    700666turbulence input from Langmuir circulation). 
    702 Importantly, COARE warm-layer scheme \citep{fairall.ea_19} includes a prognostic 
     668Importantly, COARE warm-layer scheme \iffalse \citep{fairall.ea_19?} \fi includes a prognostic 
    703669equation for the thickness of the warm-layer, while it is considered as constant 
    704670in the ECWMF algorithm. 
    707672\subsection{Appropriate use of each bulk parametrization} 
    713678temperature is the bulk SST. Hence the following namelist parameters must be 
    715 % 
    716 \begin{verbatim} 
    717682  ... 
    718683  ln_NCAR    = .true. 
    725690  ... 
    726691  ln_humi_sph = .true. ! humidity "sn_humi" is specific humidity  [kg/kg] 
    727 \end{verbatim} 
    731 % 
    732696With an atmospheric forcing based on a reanalysis of the ECMWF, such as the 
    733697Drakkar Forcing Set \citep{brodeau.barnier.ea_OM10}, we strongly recommend to 
    736700humidity are provided at the 2\,m height, and given that the humidity is 
    737701distributed as the dew-point temperature, the namelist must be tuned as follows: 
    738 % 
    739 \begin{verbatim} 
    740704  ... 
    741705  ln_ECMWF   = .true. 
    749713  ln_humi_dpt = .true. !  humidity "sn_humi" is dew-point temperature [K] 
    750714  ... 
    751 \end{verbatim} 
    752 % 
    753717Note: when \np{ln_ECMWF}{ln\_ECMWF} is selected, the selection 
    754718of \np{ln_skin_cs}{ln\_skin\_cs} and \np{ln_skin_wl}{ln\_skin\_wl} implicitly 
    756720respectively (found in \textit{sbcblk\_skin\_ecmwf.F90}). 
    759722\subsubsection{COARE 3.x} 
    760 % 
    761724Since the ECMWF parametrization is largely based on the COARE* parametrization, 
    762725the two algorithms are very similar in terms of structure and closure 
    763726approach. As such, the namelist tuning for COARE 3.x is identical to that of 
    765 % 
    766 \begin{verbatim} 
    767730  ... 
    768731  ln_COARE3p6 = .true. 
    771734  ln_skin_wl = .true. ! use the warm-layer parameterization 
    772735  ... 
    773 \end{verbatim} 
    775738Note: when \np[=T]{ln_COARE3p0}{ln\_COARE3p0} is selected, the selection 
    778741respectively (found in \textit{sbcblk\_skin\_coare.F90}). 
    785745% In a typical bulk algorithm, the BTCs under neutral stability conditions are 
    791751% and $q_z$. 
    795753\subsection{Prescribed near-surface atmospheric state} 
    799757different bulk formulae are used for the turbulent fluxes computation over the 
    800758ocean and over sea-ice surface. 
    801 % 
    803760%The choice is made by setting to true one of the following namelist 
    861818the namsbc\_blk namelist (see \autoref{subsec:SBC_fldread}). 
    864820\subsubsection{Air humidity} 
    867823[kg/kg], relative humidity [\%], or dew-point temperature [K] (LINK to namelist 
    871 ~\\ 
    882826%% ================================================================================================= 
    888832%their neutral transfer coefficients relationships with neutral wind. 
    890 %\item NCAR (\np[=.true.]{ln_NCAR}{ln\_NCAR}): The NCAR bulk formulae have been developed by \citet{large.yeager_rpt04}. 
     834%\item NCAR (\np[=.true.]{ln_NCAR}{ln\_NCAR}): The NCAR bulk formulae have been developed by \citet{large.yeager_trpt04}. 
    891835%  They have been designed to handle the NCAR forcing, a mixture of NCEP reanalysis and satellite data. 
    892836%  They use an inertial dissipative method to compute the turbulent transfer coefficients 
    893837%  (momentum, sensible heat and evaporation) from the 10m wind speed, air temperature and specific humidity. 
    894 %  This \citet{large.yeager_rpt04} dataset is available through 
     838%  This \citet{large.yeager_trpt04} dataset is available through 
    895839%  the \href{}{GFDL web site}. 
    896840%  Note that substituting ERA40 to NCEP reanalysis fields does not require changes in the bulk formulea themself. 
    911854 For sea-ice, three possibilities can be selected: 
    912855a constant transfer coefficient (1.4e-3; default 
    913 value), \citet{lupkes.gryanik.ea_JGR12} (\np{ln_Cd_L12}{ln\_Cd\_L12}), 
     856value), \citet{lupkes.gryanik.ea_JGRA12} (\np{ln_Cd_L12}{ln\_Cd\_L12}), 
    914857and \citet{lupkes.gryanik_JGR15} (\np{ln_Cd_L15}{ln\_Cd\_L15}) parameterizations 
    920860Surface turbulent fluxes between sea-ice and the atmosphere can be computed in three different ways: 
    923 \item Constant value (\np[ Cd_ice=1.4e-3 ]{constant value}{constant\ value}): 
     863\item Constant value (\forcode{Cd_ice=1.4e-3}): 
    924864  default constant value used for momentum and heat neutral transfer coefficients 
    925 \item \citet{lupkes.gryanik.ea_JGR12} (\np[=.true.]{ln_Cd_L12}{ln\_Cd\_L12}): 
     865\item \citet{lupkes.gryanik.ea_JGRA12} (\np[=.true.]{ln_Cd_L12}{ln\_Cd\_L12}): 
    926866  This scheme adds a dependency on edges at leads, melt ponds and flows 
    927867  of the constant neutral air-ice drag. After some approximations, 
    1014954%% ================================================================================================= 
    1015 \section[Surface tides (\textit{sbctide.F90})]{Surface tides (\protect\mdl{sbctide})} 
    1016 \label{sec:SBC_tide} 
     955\section{Surface tides (TDE)} 
    1024 The tidal forcing, generated by the gravity forces of the Earth-Moon and Earth-Sun sytems, 
    1025 is activated if \np{ln_tide}{ln\_tide} and \np{ln_tide_pot}{ln\_tide\_pot} are both set to \forcode{.true.} in \nam{_tide}{\_tide}. 
    1026 This translates as an additional barotropic force in the momentum \autoref{eq:MB_PE_dyn} such that: 
     964\subsection{Tidal constituents} 
     965Ocean model component TDE provides the common functionality for tidal forcing 
     966and tidal analysis in the model framework. This includes the computation of the gravitational 
     967surface forcing, as well as support for lateral forcing at open boundaries (see 
     968\autoref{subsec:LBC_bdy_tides}) and tidal harmonic analysis \iffalse (see 
     969\autoref{subsec:DIA_diamlr?} and \autoref{subsec:DIA_diadetide?}) \fi . The module is 
     970activated with \np[=.true.]{ln_tide}{ln\_tide} in namelist 
     971\nam{_tide}{\_tide}. It provides the same 34 tidal constituents that are 
     972included in the 
     974  ocean tide model}: Mf, Mm, Ssa, Mtm, Msf, Msqm, Sa, K1, O1, P1, Q1, J1, S1, 
     975M2, S2, N2, K2, nu2, mu2, 2N2, L2, T2, eps2, lam2, R2, M3, MKS2, MN4, MS4, M4, 
     976N4, S4, M6, and M8; see file \textit{tide.h90} and \mdl{tide\_mod} for further 
     977information and references\footnote{As a legacy option \np{ln_tide_var}{ln\_tide\_var} can be 
     978  set to \forcode{0}, in which case the 19 tidal constituents (M2, N2, 2N2, S2, 
     979  K2, K1, O1, Q1, P1, M4, Mf, Mm, Msqm, Mtm, S1, MU2, NU2, L2, and T2; see file 
     980  \textit{tide.h90}) and associated parameters that have been available in NEMO version 
     981  4.0 and earlier are available}. Constituents to be included in the tidal forcing 
     982(surface and lateral boundaries) are selected by enumerating their respective 
     983names in namelist array \np{sn_tide_cnames}{sn\_tide\_cnames}.\par 
     985\subsection{Surface tidal forcing} 
     986Surface tidal forcing can be represented in the model through an additional 
     987barotropic force in the momentum equation (\autoref{eq:MB_PE_dyn}) such that: 
    1028   % \label{eq:SBC_PE_dyn_tides} 
    1029   \frac{\partial {\mathrm {\mathbf U}}_h }{\partial t}= ... 
    1030   +g\nabla (\Pi_{eq} + \Pi_{sal}) 
     989  \frac{\partial {\mathrm {\mathbf U}}_h }{\partial t} = \ldots +g\nabla (\gamma 
     990  \Pi_{eq} + \Pi_{sal}) 
    1032 where $\Pi_{eq}$ stands for the equilibrium tidal forcing and 
    1033 $\Pi_{sal}$ is a self-attraction and loading term (SAL). 
    1035 The equilibrium tidal forcing is expressed as a sum over a subset of 
    1036 constituents chosen from the set of available tidal constituents 
    1037 defined in file \hf{SBC/tide} (this comprises the tidal 
    1038 constituents \textit{M2, N2, 2N2, S2, K2, K1, O1, Q1, P1, M4, Mf, Mm, 
    1039   Msqm, Mtm, S1, MU2, NU2, L2}, and \textit{T2}). Individual 
    1040 constituents are selected by including their names in the array 
    1041 \np{clname}{clname} in \nam{_tide}{\_tide} (e.g., \np{clname}{clname}\forcode{(1)='M2', } 
    1042 \np{clname}{clname}\forcode{(2)='S2'} to select solely the tidal consituents \textit{M2} 
    1043 and \textit{S2}). Optionally, when \np{ln_tide_ramp}{ln\_tide\_ramp} is set to 
    1044 \forcode{.true.}, the equilibrium tidal forcing can be ramped up 
    1045 linearly from zero during the initial \np{rdttideramp}{rdttideramp} days of the 
    1046 model run. 
     992where $\gamma \Pi_{eq}$ stands for the equilibrium tidal forcing scaled by a spatially 
     993uniform tilt factor $\gamma$, and $\Pi_{sal}$ is an optional 
     994self-attraction and loading term (SAL). These additional terms are enabled when, 
     995in addition to \np[=.true.]{ln_tide}{ln\_tide}), 
     998The equilibrium tidal forcing is expressed as a sum over the subset of 
     999constituents listed in \np{sn_tide_cnames}{sn\_tide\_cnames} of 
     1000\nam{_tide} (e.g., 
     1002      sn_tide_cnames(1) = 'M2' 
     1003      sn_tide_cnames(2) = 'K1' 
     1004      sn_tide_cnames(3) = 'S2' 
     1005      sn_tide_cnames(4) = 'O1' 
     1007to select the four tidal constituents of strongest equilibrium tidal 
     1008potential). The tidal tilt factor $\gamma = 1 + k - h$ includes the 
     1009Love numbers $k$ and $h$ \citep{love_PRSL09}; this factor is 
     1010configurable using \np{rn_tide_gamma}{rn\_tide\_gamma} (default value 0.7). Optionally, 
     1011when \np[=.true.]{ln_tide_ramp}{ln\_tide\_ramp}, the equilibrium tidal 
     1012forcing can be ramped up linearly from zero during the initial 
     1013\np{rn_tide_ramp_dt}{rn\_tide\_ramp\_dt} days of the model run.\par 
    10481015The SAL term should in principle be computed online as it depends on 
    10491016the model tidal prediction itself (see \citet{arbic.garner.ea_DSR04} for a 
    1050 discussion about the practical implementation of this term). 
    1051 Nevertheless, the complex calculations involved would make this 
    1052 computationally too expensive. Here, two options are available: 
    1053 $\Pi_{sal}$ generated by an external model can be read in 
    1054 (\np[=.true.]{ln_read_load}{ln\_read\_load}), or a ``scalar approximation'' can be 
    1055 used (\np[=.true.]{ln_scal_load}{ln\_scal\_load}). In the latter case 
     1017discussion about the practical implementation of this term). The complex 
     1018calculations involved in such computations, however, are computationally very 
     1019expensive. Here, two mutually exclusive simpler variants are available: 
     1020amplitudes generated by an external model for oscillatory $\Pi_{sal}$ 
     1021contributions from each of the selected tidal constituents can be read in 
     1022(\np[=.true.]{ln_read_load}{ln\_read\_load}) from the file specified in 
     1023\np{cn_tide_load}{cn\_tide\_load} (the variable names are comprised of the 
     1024tidal-constituent name and suffixes \forcode{_z1} and \forcode{_z2} for the two 
     1025orthogonal components, respectively); alternatively, a ``scalar approximation'' 
     1026can be used (\np[=.true.]{ln_scal_load}{ln\_scal\_load}), where 
    10571028  \Pi_{sal} = \beta \eta, 
    1059 where $\beta$ (\np{rn_scal_load}{rn\_scal\_load} with a default value of 0.094) is a 
    1060 spatially constant scalar, often chosen to minimize tidal prediction 
    1061 errors. Setting both \np{ln_read_load}{ln\_read\_load} and \np{ln_scal_load}{ln\_scal\_load} to 
    1062 \forcode{.false.} removes the SAL contribution. 
     1030with a spatially uniform coefficient $\beta$, which can be configured 
     1031via \np{rn_scal_load}{rn\_scal\_load} (default value 0.094) and is 
     1032often tuned to minimize tidal prediction errors.\par 
     1034For diagnostic purposes, the forcing potential of the individual tidal 
     1035constituents (incl. load ptential, if activated) and the total forcing 
     1036potential (incl. load potential, if activated) can be made available 
     1037as diagnostic output by setting 
     1038\np[=.true.]{ln_tide_dia}{ln\_tide\_dia} (fields 
     1039\forcode{tide_pot_<constituent>} and \forcode{tide_pot}).\par 
    10641041%% ================================================================================================= 
    12021179%% ================================================================================================= 
    1203 \section[Ice shelf melting (\textit{sbcisf.F90})]{Ice shelf melting (\protect\mdl{sbcisf})} 
     1180\section[Ice Shelf (ISF)]{Interaction with ice shelves (ISF)} 
    1207   \nlst{namsbc_isf} 
    1208   \caption{\forcode{&namsbc_isf}} 
    1209   \label{lst:namsbc_isf} 
     1184  \nlst{namisf} 
     1185  \caption{\forcode{&namisf}} 
     1186  \label{lst:namisf} 
    1212 The namelist variable in \nam{sbc}{sbc}, \np{nn_isf}{nn\_isf}, controls the ice shelf representation. 
    1213 Description and result of sensitivity test to \np{nn_isf}{nn\_isf} are presented in \citet{mathiot.jenkins.ea_GMD17}. 
    1214 The different options are illustrated in \autoref{fig:SBC_isf}. 
     1189The namelist variable in \nam{isf}{isf}, \np{ln_isf}{ln\_isf}, controls the ice shelf interactions: 
    1217   \item [{\np[=1]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf}}]: The ice shelf cavity is represented (\np[=.true.]{ln_isfcav}{ln\_isfcav} needed). 
    1218   The fwf and heat flux are depending of the local water properties. 
    1220   Two different bulk formulae are available: 
     1191   \item $\bullet$ representation of the ice shelf/ocean melting/freezing for opened cavity (cav, \np{ln_isfcav_mlt}{ln\_isfcav\_mlt}). 
     1192   \item $\bullet$ parametrisation of the ice shelf/ocean melting/freezing for closed cavities (par, \np{ln_isfpar_mlt}{ln\_isfpar\_mlt}). 
     1193   \item $\bullet$ coupling with an ice sheet model (\np{ln_isfcpl}{ln\_isfcpl}). 
     1196  \subsection{Ocean/Ice shelf fluxes in opened cavities} 
     1198     \np{ln_isfcav_mlt}{ln\_isfcav\_mlt}\forcode{ = .true.} activates the ocean/ice shelf thermodynamics interactions at the ice shelf/ocean interface.  
     1199     If \np{ln_isfcav_mlt}{ln\_isfcav\_mlt}\forcode{ = .false.}, thermodynamics interactions are desctivated but the ocean dynamics inside the cavity is still active. 
     1200     The logical flag \np{ln_isfcav}{ln\_isfcav} control whether or not the ice shelf cavities are closed. \np{ln_isfcav}{ln\_isfcav} is not defined in the namelist but in the input file.\\ 
     1202     3 options are available to represent to ice-shelf/ocean fluxes at the interface: 
     1203     \begin{description} 
     1204        \item[\np{cn_isfcav_mlt}{cn\_isfcav\_mlt}\forcode{ = 'spe'}]: 
     1205        The fresh water flux is specified by a forcing fields \np{sn_isfcav_fwf}{sn\_isfcav\_fwf}. Convention of the input file is: positive toward the ocean (i.e. positive for melting and negative for freezing). 
     1206        The latent heat fluxes is derived from the fresh water flux.  
     1207        The heat content flux is derived from the fwf flux assuming a temperature set to the freezing point in the top boundary layer (\np{rn_htbl}{rn\_htbl}) 
     1209        \item[\np{cn_isfcav_mlt}{cn\_isfcav\_mlt}\forcode{ = 'oasis'}]: 
     1210        The \forcode{'oasis'} is a prototype of what could be a method to spread precipitation on Antarctic ice sheet as ice shelf melt inside the cavity when a coupled model Atmosphere/Ocean is used.  
     1211        It has not been tested and therefore the model will stop if you try to use it.  
     1212        Actions will be undertake in 2020 to build a comprehensive interface to do so for Greenland, Antarctic and ice shelf (cav), ice shelf (par), icebergs, subglacial runoff and runoff. 
     1214        \item[\np{cn_isfcav_mlt}{cn\_isfcav\_mlt}\forcode{ = '2eq'}]: 
     1215        The heat flux and the fresh water flux (negative for melting) resulting from ice shelf melting/freezing are parameterized following \citet{Grosfeld1997}.  
     1216        This formulation is based on a balance between the vertical diffusive heat flux across the ocean top boundary layer (\autoref{eq:ISOMIP1})  
     1217        and the latent heat due to melting/freezing (\autoref{eq:ISOMIP2}): 
     1219        \begin{equation} 
     1220        \label{eq:ISOMIP1} 
     1221        \mathcal{Q}_h = \rho c_p \gamma (T_w - T_f) 
     1222        \end{equation} 
     1223        \begin{equation} 
     1224        \label{eq:ISOMIP2} 
     1225        q = \frac{-\mathcal{Q}_h}{L_f} 
     1226        \end{equation} 
     1228        where $\mathcal{Q}_h$($W.m^{-2}$) is the heat flux,q($kg.s^{-1}m^{-2}$) the fresh-water flux,  
     1229        $L_f$ the specific latent heat, $T_w$ the temperature averaged over a boundary layer below the ice shelf (explained below),  
     1230        $T_f$ the freezing point using  the  pressure  at  the  ice  shelf  base  and  the  salinity  of the water in the boundary layer,  
     1231        and $\gamma$ the thermal exchange coefficient. 
     1233        \item[\np{cn_isfcav_mlt}{cn\_isfcav\_mlt}\forcode{ = '3eq'}]: 
     1234        For realistic studies, the heat and freshwater fluxes are parameterized following \citep{Jenkins2001}. This formulation is based on three equations:  
     1235        a balance between the vertical diffusive heat flux across the boundary layer  
     1236        , the latent heat due to melting/freezing of ice and the vertical diffusive heat flux into the ice shelf (\autoref{eq:3eq1});  
     1237        a balance between the vertical diffusive salt flux across the boundary layer and the salt source or sink represented by the melting/freezing (\autoref{eq:3eq2});  
     1238        and a linear equation for the freezing temperature of sea water (\autoref{eq:3eq3}, detailed of the linearisation coefficient in \citet{AsayDavis2016}): 
     1240        \begin{equation} 
     1241        \label{eq:3eq1} 
     1242        c_p \rho \gamma_T (T_w-T_b) = -L_f q - \rho_i c_{p,i} \kappa \frac{T_s - T_b}{h_{isf}} 
     1243        \end{equation} 
     1244        \begin{equation} 
     1245        \label{eq:3eq2} 
     1246        \rho \gamma_S (S_w - S_b) = (S_i - S_b)q 
     1247        \end{equation} 
     1248        \begin{equation} 
     1249        \label{eq:3eq3} 
     1250        T_b = \lambda_1 S_b + \lambda_2 +\lambda_3 z_{isf} 
     1251        \end{equation} 
     1253        where $T_b$ is the temperature at the interface, $S_b$ the salinity at the interface, $\gamma_T$ and $\gamma_S$ the exchange coefficients for temperature and salt, respectively,  
     1254        $S_i$ the salinity of the ice (assumed to be 0), $h_{isf}$ the ice shelf thickness, $z_{isf}$ the ice shelf draft, $\rho_i$ the density of the iceshelf,  
     1255        $c_{p,i}$ the specific heat capacity of the ice, $\kappa$ the thermal diffusivity of the ice  
     1256        and $T_s$ the atmospheric surface temperature (at the ice/air interface, assumed to be -20C).  
     1257        The Liquidus slope ($\lambda_1$), the liquidus intercept ($\lambda_2$) and the Liquidus pressure coefficient ($\lambda_3$)  
     1258        for TEOS80 and TEOS10 are described in \citep{AsayDavis2016} and in \citep{Jourdain2017}. 
     1259        The linear system formed by \autoref{eq:3eq1}, \autoref{eq:3eq2} and the linearised equation for the freezing temperature of sea water (\autoref{eq:3eq3}) can be solved for $S_b$ or $T_b$.  
     1260        Afterward, the freshwater flux ($q$) and the heat flux ($\mathcal{Q}_h$) can be computed. 
     1262     \end{description} 
     1264     \begin{table}[h] 
     1265        \centering 
     1266        \caption{Description of the parameters hard coded into the ISF module} 
     1267        \label{tab:isf} 
     1268        \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|} 
     1269        \hline 
     1270        Symbol    & Description               & Value              & Unit               \\ 
     1271        \hline 
     1272        $C_p$     & Ocean specific heat       & 3992               & $^{-1}.K^{-1}$ \\ 
     1273        $L_f$     & Ice latent heat of fusion & $3.34 \times 10^5$ & $^{-1}$        \\ 
     1274        $C_{p,i}$ & Ice specific heat         & 2000               & $^{-1}.K^{-1}$ \\ 
     1275        $\kappa$  & Heat diffusivity          & $1.54 \times 10^{-6}$& $m^2.s^{-1}$     \\ 
     1276        $\rho_i$  & Ice density               & 920                & $kg.m^3$           \\ 
     1277        \hline 
     1278        \end{tabular} 
     1279     \end{table} 
     1281     Temperature and salinity used to compute the fluxes in \autoref{eq:ISOMIP1}, \autoref{eq:3eq1} and \autoref{eq:3eq2} are the average temperature in the top boundary layer \citep{losch_JGR08}.  
     1282     Its thickness is defined by \np{rn_htbl}{rn\_htbl}. 
     1283     The fluxes and friction velocity are computed using the mean temperature, salinity and velocity in the first \np{rn_htbl}{rn\_htbl} m. 
     1284     Then, the fluxes are spread over the same thickness (ie over one or several cells). 
     1285     If \np{rn_htbl}{rn\_htbl} is larger than top $e_{3}t$, there is no more direct feedback between the freezing point at the interface and the top cell temperature. 
     1286     This can lead to super-cool temperature in the top cell under melting condition. 
     1287     If \np{rn_htbl}{rn\_htbl} smaller than top $e_{3}t$, the top boundary layer thickness is set to the top cell thickness.\\ 
     1289     Each melt formula (\np{cn_isfcav_mlt}{cn\_isfcav\_mlt}\forcode{ = '3eq'} or \np{cn_isfcav_mlt}{cn\_isfcav\_mlt}\forcode{ = '2eq'}) depends on an exchange coeficient ($\Gamma^{T,S}$) between the ocean and the ice. 
     1290     Below, the exchange coeficient $\Gamma^{T}$ and $\Gamma^{S}$ are respectively defined by \np{rn_gammat0}{rn\_gammat0} and \np{rn_gammas0}{rn\_gammas0}.  
     1291     There are 3 different ways to compute the exchange velocity: 
     1293     \begin{description} 
     1294        \item[\np{cn_gammablk}{cn\_gammablk}\forcode{='spe'}]: 
     1295        The salt and heat exchange coefficients are constant and defined by: 
     1297\gamma^{T} = \Gamma^{T} 
     1300\gamma^{S} = \Gamma^{S} 
     1302        This is the recommended formulation for ISOMIP. 
     1304   \item[\np{cn_gammablk}{cn\_gammablk}\forcode{='vel'}]: 
     1305        The salt and heat exchange coefficients are velocity dependent and defined as 
     1307\gamma^{T} = \Gamma^{T} \times u_{*}  
     1310\gamma^{S} = \Gamma^{S} \times u_{*} 
     1312        where $u_{*}$ is the friction velocity in the top boundary layer (ie first \np{rn_htbl}{rn\_htbl} meters). 
     1313        See \citet{jenkins.nicholls.ea_JPO10} for all the details on this formulation. It is the recommended formulation for realistic application and ISOMIP+/MISOMIP configuration. 
     1315   \item[\np{cn_gammablk}{cn\_gammablk}\forcode{'vel\_stab'}]: 
     1316        The salt and heat exchange coefficients are velocity and stability dependent and defined as: 
     1318\gamma^{T,S} = \frac{u_{*}}{\Gamma_{Turb} + \Gamma^{T,S}_{Mole}}  
     1320        where $u_{*}$ is the friction velocity in the top boundary layer (ie first \np{rn_tbl}{rn\_htbl} meters), 
     1321        $\Gamma_{Turb}$ the contribution of the ocean stability and 
     1322        $\Gamma^{T,S}_{Mole}$ the contribution of the molecular diffusion. 
     1323        See \citet{holland.jenkins_JPO99} for all the details on this formulation.  
     1324        This formulation has not been extensively tested in NEMO (not recommended). 
     1325     \end{description} 
     1327\subsection{Ocean/Ice shelf fluxes in parametrised cavities} 
    12221329  \begin{description} 
    1223   \item [{\np[=1]{nn_isfblk}{nn\_isfblk}}]: The melt rate is based on a balance between the upward ocean heat flux and 
    1224     the latent heat flux at the ice shelf base. A complete description is available in \citet{hunter_rpt06}. 
    1225   \item [{\np[=2]{nn_isfblk}{nn\_isfblk}}]: The melt rate and the heat flux are based on a 3 equations formulation 
    1226     (a heat flux budget at the ice base, a salt flux budget at the ice base and a linearised freezing point temperature equation). 
    1227     A complete description is available in \citet{jenkins_JGR91}. 
     1331     \item[\np{cn_isfpar_mlt}{cn\_isfpar\_mlt}\forcode{ = 'bg03'}]: 
     1332     The ice shelf cavities are not represented. 
     1333     The fwf and heat flux are computed using the \citet{beckmann.goosse_OM03} parameterisation of isf melting. 
     1334     The fluxes are distributed along the ice shelf edge between the depth of the average grounding line (GL) 
     1335     (\np{sn_isfpar_zmax}{sn\_isfpar\_zmax}) and the base of the ice shelf along the calving front 
     1336     (\np{sn_isfpar_zmin}{sn\_isfpar\_zmin}) as in (\np{cn_isfpar_mlt}{cn\_isfpar\_mlt}\forcode{ = 'spe'}). 
     1337     The effective melting length (\np{sn_isfpar_Leff}{sn\_isfpar\_Leff}) is read from a file. 
     1338     This parametrisation has not been tested since a while and based on \citet{Favier2019},  
     1339     this parametrisation should probably not be used. 
     1341     \item[\np{cn_isfpar_mlt}{cn\_isfpar\_mlt}\forcode{ = 'spe'}]: 
     1342     The ice shelf cavity is not represented. 
     1343     The fwf (\np{sn_isfpar_fwf}{sn\_isfpar\_fwf}) is prescribed and distributed along the ice shelf edge between 
     1344     the depth of the average grounding line (GL) (\np{sn_isfpar_zmax}{sn\_isfpar\_zmax}) and 
     1345     the base of the ice shelf along the calving front (\np{sn_isfpar_zmin}{sn\_isfpar\_min}). Convention of the input file is positive toward the ocean (i.e. positive for melting and negative for freezing). 
     1346     The heat flux ($Q_h$) is computed as $Q_h = fwf \times L_f$. 
     1348     \item[\np{cn_isfpar_mlt}{cn\_isfpar\_mlt}\forcode{ = 'oasis'}]: 
     1349     The \forcode{'oasis'} is a prototype of what could be a method to spread precipitation on Antarctic ice sheet as ice shelf melt inside the cavity when a coupled model Atmosphere/Ocean is used.  
     1350     It has not been tested and therefore the model will stop if you try to use it.  
     1351     Action will be undertake in 2020 to build a comprehensive interface to do so for Greenland, Antarctic and ice shelf (cav), ice shelf (par), icebergs, subglacial runoff and runoff. 
    12281353  \end{description} 
    1230   Temperature and salinity used to compute the melt are the average temperature in the top boundary layer \citet{losch_JGR08}. 
    1231   Its thickness is defined by \np{rn_hisf_tbl}{rn\_hisf\_tbl}. 
    1232   The fluxes and friction velocity are computed using the mean temperature, salinity and velocity in the the first \np{rn_hisf_tbl}{rn\_hisf\_tbl} m. 
    1233   Then, the fluxes are spread over the same thickness (ie over one or several cells). 
    1234   If \np{rn_hisf_tbl}{rn\_hisf\_tbl} larger than top $e_{3}t$, there is no more feedback between the freezing point at the interface and the the top cell temperature. 
    1235   This can lead to super-cool temperature in the top cell under melting condition. 
    1236   If \np{rn_hisf_tbl}{rn\_hisf\_tbl} smaller than top $e_{3}t$, the top boundary layer thickness is set to the top cell thickness.\\ 
    1238   Each melt bulk formula depends on a exchange coeficient ($\Gamma^{T,S}$) between the ocean and the ice. 
    1239   There are 3 different ways to compute the exchange coeficient: 
    1240   \begin{description} 
    1241   \item [{\np[=0]{nn_gammablk}{nn\_gammablk}}]: The salt and heat exchange coefficients are constant and defined by \np{rn_gammas0}{rn\_gammas0} and \np{rn_gammat0}{rn\_gammat0}. 
    1242     \begin{gather*} 
    1243        % \label{eq:SBC_isf_gamma_iso} 
    1244       \gamma^{T} = rn\_gammat0 \\ 
    1245       \gamma^{S} = rn\_gammas0 
    1246     \end{gather*} 
    1247     This is the recommended formulation for ISOMIP. 
    1248   \item [{\np[=1]{nn_gammablk}{nn\_gammablk}}]: The salt and heat exchange coefficients are velocity dependent and defined as 
    1249     \begin{gather*} 
    1250       \gamma^{T} = rn\_gammat0 \times u_{*} \\ 
    1251       \gamma^{S} = rn\_gammas0 \times u_{*} 
    1252     \end{gather*} 
    1253     where $u_{*}$ is the friction velocity in the top boundary layer (ie first \np{rn_hisf_tbl}{rn\_hisf\_tbl} meters). 
    1254     See \citet{jenkins.nicholls.ea_JPO10} for all the details on this formulation. It is the recommended formulation for realistic application. 
    1255   \item [{\np[=2]{nn_gammablk}{nn\_gammablk}}]: The salt and heat exchange coefficients are velocity and stability dependent and defined as: 
    1256     \[ 
    1257       \gamma^{T,S} = \frac{u_{*}}{\Gamma_{Turb} + \Gamma^{T,S}_{Mole}} 
    1258     \] 
    1259     where $u_{*}$ is the friction velocity in the top boundary layer (ie first \np{rn_hisf_tbl}{rn\_hisf\_tbl} meters), 
    1260     $\Gamma_{Turb}$ the contribution of the ocean stability and 
    1261     $\Gamma^{T,S}_{Mole}$ the contribution of the molecular diffusion. 
    1262     See \citet{holland.jenkins_JPO99} for all the details on this formulation. 
    1263     This formulation has not been extensively tested in \NEMO\ (not recommended). 
    1264   \end{description} 
    1265 \item [{\np[=2]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf}}]: The ice shelf cavity is not represented. 
    1266   The fwf and heat flux are computed using the \citet{beckmann.goosse_OM03} parameterisation of isf melting. 
    1267   The fluxes are distributed along the ice shelf edge between the depth of the average grounding line (GL) 
    1268   (\np{sn_depmax_isf}{sn\_depmax\_isf}) and the base of the ice shelf along the calving front 
    1269   (\np{sn_depmin_isf}{sn\_depmin\_isf}) as in (\np[=3]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf}). 
    1270   The effective melting length (\np{sn_Leff_isf}{sn\_Leff\_isf}) is read from a file. 
    1271 \item [{\np[=3]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf}}]: The ice shelf cavity is not represented. 
    1272   The fwf (\np{sn_rnfisf}{sn\_rnfisf}) is prescribed and distributed along the ice shelf edge between 
    1273   the depth of the average grounding line (GL) (\np{sn_depmax_isf}{sn\_depmax\_isf}) and 
    1274   the base of the ice shelf along the calving front (\np{sn_depmin_isf}{sn\_depmin\_isf}). 
    1275   The heat flux ($Q_h$) is computed as $Q_h = fwf \times L_f$. 
    1276 \item [{\np[=4]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf}}]: The ice shelf cavity is opened (\np[=.true.]{ln_isfcav}{ln\_isfcav} needed). 
    1277   However, the fwf is not computed but specified from file \np{sn_fwfisf}{sn\_fwfisf}). 
    1278   The heat flux ($Q_h$) is computed as $Q_h = fwf \times L_f$. 
    1279   As in \np[=1]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf}, the fluxes are spread over the top boundary layer thickness (\np{rn_hisf_tbl}{rn\_hisf\_tbl}) 
    1280 \end{description} 
    1282 $\bullet$ \np[=1]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf} and \np[=2]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf} compute a melt rate based on 
     1355\np{cn_isfcav_mlt}{cn\_isfcav\_mlt}\forcode{ = '2eq'}, \np{cn_isfcav_mlt}{cn\_isfcav\_mlt}\forcode{ = '3eq'} and \np{cn_isfpar_mlt}{cn\_isfpar\_mlt}\forcode{ = 'bg03'} compute a melt rate based on 
    12831356the water mass properties, ocean velocities and depth. 
    1284 This flux is thus highly dependent of the model resolution (horizontal and vertical), 
    1285 realism of the water masses onto the shelf ...\\ 
    1287 $\bullet$ \np[=3]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf} and \np[=4]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf} read the melt rate from a file. 
     1357The resulting fluxes are thus highly dependent of the model resolution (horizontal and vertical) and  
     1358realism of the water masses onto the shelf.\\ 
     1360\np{cn_isfcav_mlt}{cn\_isfcav\_mlt}\forcode{ = 'spe'} and \np{cn_isfpar_mlt}{cn\_isfpar\_mlt}\forcode{ = 'spe'} read the melt rate from a file. 
    12881361You have total control of the fwf forcing. 
    12891362This can be useful if the water masses on the shelf are not realistic or 
    12901363the resolution (horizontal/vertical) are too coarse to have realistic melting or 
    1291 for studies where you need to control your heat and fw input.\\ 
    1293 The ice shelf melt is implemented as a volume flux as for the runoff. 
    1294 The fw addition due to the ice shelf melting is, at each relevant depth level, added to 
    1295 the horizontal divergence (\textit{hdivn}) in the subroutine \rou{sbc\_isf\_div}, called from \mdl{divhor}. 
     1364for studies where you need to control your heat and fw input.  
     1365However, if your forcing is not consistent with the dynamics below you can reach unrealistic low water temperature.\\ 
     1367The ice shelf fwf is implemented as a volume flux as for the runoff. 
     1368The fwf addition due to the ice shelf melting is, at each relevant depth level, added to 
     1369the horizontal divergence (\textit{hdivn}) in the subroutine \rou{isf\_hdiv}, called from \mdl{divhor}. 
    12961370See the runoff section \autoref{sec:SBC_rnf} for all the details about the divergence correction.\\ 
     1372Description and result of sensitivity tests to \np{ln_isfcav_mlt}{ln\_isfcav\_mlt} and \np{ln_isfpar_mlt}{ln\_isfpar\_mlt} are presented in \citet{mathiot.jenkins.ea_GMD17}.  
     1373The different options are illustrated in \autoref{fig:ISF}. 
    12991376  \centering 
    1300   \includegraphics[width=0.66\textwidth]{SBC_isf} 
     1377  \includegraphics[width=0.66\textwidth]{SBC_isf_v4.2} 
    13011378  \caption[Ice shelf location and fresh water flux definition]{ 
    13021379    Illustration of the location where the fwf is injected and 
    1303     whether or not the fwf is interactif or not depending of \protect\np{nn_isf}{nn\_isf}.} 
    1304   \label{fig:SBC_isf} 
     1380    whether or not the fwf is interactive or not.} 
     1381  \label{fig:ISF} 
    1307 %% ================================================================================================= 
    1308 \section{Ice sheet coupling} 
    1309 \label{sec:SBC_iscpl} 
    1311 \begin{listing} 
    1312   \nlst{namsbc_iscpl} 
    1313   \caption{\forcode{&namsbc_iscpl}} 
    1314   \label{lst:namsbc_iscpl} 
    1315 \end{listing} 
     1384\subsection{Available outputs} 
     1385The following outputs are availables via XIOS: 
     1387   \item[for parametrised cavities]: 
     1388      \begin{xmllines} 
     1389 <field id="isftfrz_par"     long_name="freezing point temperature in the parametrization boundary layer" unit="degC"     /> 
     1390 <field id="fwfisf_par"      long_name="Ice shelf melt rate"                           unit="kg/m2/s"  /> 
     1391 <field id="qoceisf_par"     long_name="Ice shelf ocean  heat flux"                    unit="W/m2"     /> 
     1392 <field id="qlatisf_par"     long_name="Ice shelf latent heat flux"                    unit="W/m2"     /> 
     1393 <field id="qhcisf_par"      long_name="Ice shelf heat content flux of injected water" unit="W/m2"     /> 
     1394 <field id="fwfisf3d_par"    long_name="Ice shelf melt rate"                           unit="kg/m2/s"  grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> 
     1395 <field id="qoceisf3d_par"   long_name="Ice shelf ocean  heat flux"                    unit="W/m2"     grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> 
     1396 <field id="qlatisf3d_par"   long_name="Ice shelf latent heat flux"                    unit="W/m2"     grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> 
     1397 <field id="qhcisf3d_par"    long_name="Ice shelf heat content flux of injected water" unit="W/m2"     grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> 
     1398 <field id="ttbl_par"        long_name="temperature in the parametrisation boundary layer" unit="degC" /> 
     1399 <field id="isfthermald_par" long_name="thermal driving of ice shelf melting"          unit="degC"     /> 
     1400      \end{xmllines} 
     1401   \item[for open cavities]: 
     1402      \begin{xmllines} 
     1403 <field id="isftfrz_cav"     long_name="freezing point temperature at ocean/isf interface"                unit="degC"     /> 
     1404 <field id="fwfisf_cav"      long_name="Ice shelf melt rate"                           unit="kg/m2/s"  /> 
     1405 <field id="qoceisf_cav"     long_name="Ice shelf ocean  heat flux"                    unit="W/m2"     /> 
     1406 <field id="qlatisf_cav"     long_name="Ice shelf latent heat flux"                    unit="W/m2"     /> 
     1407 <field id="qhcisf_cav"      long_name="Ice shelf heat content flux of injected water" unit="W/m2"     /> 
     1408 <field id="fwfisf3d_cav"    long_name="Ice shelf melt rate"                           unit="kg/m2/s"  grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> 
     1409 <field id="qoceisf3d_cav"   long_name="Ice shelf ocean  heat flux"                    unit="W/m2"     grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> 
     1410 <field id="qlatisf3d_cav"   long_name="Ice shelf latent heat flux"                    unit="W/m2"     grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> 
     1411 <field id="qhcisf3d_cav"    long_name="Ice shelf heat content flux of injected water" unit="W/m2"     grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> 
     1412 <field id="ttbl_cav"        long_name="temperature in Losch tbl"                      unit="degC"     /> 
     1413 <field id="isfthermald_cav" long_name="thermal driving of ice shelf melting"          unit="degC"     /> 
     1414 <field id="isfgammat"       long_name="Ice shelf heat-transfert velocity"             unit="m/s"      /> 
     1415 <field id="isfgammas"       long_name="Ice shelf salt-transfert velocity"             unit="m/s"      /> 
     1416 <field id="stbl"            long_name="salinity in the Losh tbl"                      unit="1e-3"     /> 
     1417 <field id="utbl"            long_name="zonal current in the Losh tbl at T point"      unit="m/s"      /> 
     1418 <field id="vtbl"            long_name="merid current in the Losh tbl at T point"      unit="m/s"      /> 
     1419 <field id="isfustar"        long_name="ustar at T point used in ice shelf melting"    unit="m/s"      /> 
     1420 <field id="qconisf"         long_name="Conductive heat flux through the ice shelf"    unit="W/m2"     /> 
     1421      \end{xmllines} 
     1424%% ================================================================================================= 
     1425\subsection{Ice sheet coupling} 
    13171428Ice sheet/ocean coupling is done through file exchange at the restart step. 
    1318 At each restart step: 
    1320 \begin{enumerate} 
    1321 \item the ice sheet model send a new bathymetry and ice shelf draft netcdf file. 
    1322 \item a new file is built using the DOMAINcfg tools. 
    1323 \item \NEMO\ run for a specific period and output the average melt rate over the period. 
    1324 \item the ice sheet model run using the melt rate outputed in step 4. 
    1325 \item go back to 1. 
    1326 \end{enumerate} 
    1328 If \np[=.true.]{ln_iscpl}{ln\_iscpl}, the isf draft is assume to be different at each restart step with 
     1429At each restart step, the procedure is this one: 
     1432\item[Step 1]: the ice sheet model send a new bathymetry and ice shelf draft netcdf file. 
     1433\item[Step 2]: a new file is built using the DOMAINcfg tools. 
     1434\item[Step 3]: NEMO run for a specific period and output the average melt rate over the period. 
     1435\item[Step 4]: the ice sheet model run using the melt rate outputed in step 3. 
     1436\item[Step 5]: go back to 1. 
     1439If \np{ln_iscpl}{ln\_iscpl}\forcode{ = .true.}, the isf draft is assume to be different at each restart step with 
    13291440potentially some new wet/dry cells due to the ice sheet dynamics/thermodynamics. 
    1330 The wetting and drying scheme applied on the restart is very simple and described below for the 6 different possible cases: 
     1441The wetting and drying scheme, applied on the restart, is very simple. The 6 different possible cases for the tracer and ssh are: 
    1333 \item [Thin a cell down]: T/S/ssh are unchanged and U/V in the top cell are corrected to keep the barotropic transport (bt) constant 
    1334   ($bt_b=bt_n$). 
    1335 \item [Enlarge  a cell]: See case "Thin a cell down" 
    1336 \item [Dry a cell]: mask, T/S, U/V and ssh are set to 0. 
    1337   Furthermore, U/V into the water column are modified to satisfy ($bt_b=bt_n$). 
    1338 \item [Wet a cell]: mask is set to 1, T/S is extrapolated from neighbours, $ssh_n = ssh_b$ and U/V set to 0. 
    1339   If no neighbours, T/S is extrapolated from old top cell value. 
    1340   If no neighbours along i,j and k (both previous test failed), T/S/U/V/ssh and mask are set to 0. 
    1341 \item [Dry a column]: mask, T/S, U/V are set to 0 everywhere in the column and ssh set to 0. 
    1342 \item [Wet a column]: set mask to 1, T/S is extrapolated from neighbours, ssh is extrapolated from neighbours and U/V set to 0. 
    1343   If no neighbour, T/S/U/V and mask set to 0. 
     1444   \item[Thin a cell]: 
     1445   T/S/ssh are unchanged. 
     1447   \item[Enlarge  a cell]: 
     1448   See case "Thin a cell down" 
     1450   \item[Dry a cell]: 
     1451   Mask, T/S, U/V and ssh are set to 0. 
     1453   \item[Wet a cell]:  
     1454   Mask is set to 1, T/S is extrapolated from neighbours, $ssh_n = ssh_b$. 
     1455   If no neighbours, T/S is extrapolated from old top cell value.  
     1456   If no neighbours along i,j and k (both previous tests failed), T/S/ssh and mask are set to 0. 
     1458   \item[Dry a column]: 
     1459   mask, T/S and ssh are set to 0. 
     1461   \item[Wet a column]: 
     1462   set mask to 1, T/S/ssh are extrapolated from neighbours. 
     1463   If no neighbour, T/S/ssh and mask set to 0. 
     1466The method described above will strongly affect the barotropic transport under an ice shelf when the geometry change. 
     1467In order to keep the model stable, an adjustment of the dynamics at the initialisation after the coupling step is needed.  
     1468The idea behind this is to keep $\pd[\eta]{t}$ as it should be without change in geometry at the initialisation.  
     1469This will prevent any strong velocity due to large pressure gradient.  
     1470To do so, we correct the horizontal divergence before $\pd[\eta]{t}$ is computed in the first time step.\\ 
    13461472Furthermore, as the before and now fields are not compatible (modification of the geometry), 
    13491475The horizontal extrapolation to fill new cell with realistic value is called \np{nn_drown}{nn\_drown} times. 
    13501476It means that if the grounding line retreat by more than \np{nn_drown}{nn\_drown} cells between 2 coupling steps, 
    1351 the code will be unable to fill all the new wet cells properly. 
     1477the code will be unable to fill all the new wet cells properly and the model is likely to blow up at the initialisation. 
    13521478The default number is set up for the MISOMIP idealised experiments. 
    13531479This coupling procedure is able to take into account grounding line and calving front migration. 
    1354 However, it is a non-conservative processe. 
     1480However, it is a non-conservative proccess.  
    13551481This could lead to a trend in heat/salt content and volume.\\ 
    13571483In order to remove the trend and keep the conservation level as close to 0 as possible, 
    1358 a simple conservation scheme is available with \np[=.true.]{ln_hsb}{ln\_hsb}. 
    1359 The heat/salt/vol. gain/loss is diagnosed, as well as the location. 
    1360 A correction increment is computed and apply each time step during the next \np{rn_fiscpl}{rn\_fiscpl} time steps. 
    1361 For safety, it is advised to set \np{rn_fiscpl}{rn\_fiscpl} equal to the coupling period (smallest increment possible). 
    1362 The corrective increment is apply into the cell itself (if it is a wet cell), the neigbouring cells or the closest wet cell (if the cell is now dry). 
     1484a simple conservation scheme is available with \np{ln_isfcpl_cons}{ln\_isfcpl\_cons}\forcode{ = .true.}. 
     1485The heat/salt/vol. gain/loss are diagnosed, as well as the location. 
     1486A correction increment is computed and applied each time step during the model run. 
     1487The corrective increment are applied into the cells itself (if it is a wet cell), the neigbouring cells or the closest wet cell (if the cell is now dry). 
    13641489%% ================================================================================================= 
    14091534Melt water (and other variables on the configuration grid) are written into the main \NEMO\ model output files. 
     1536By default, iceberg thermodynamic and dynamic are computed using ocean surface variable (sst, ssu, ssv) and the icebergs are not sensible to the bathymetry (only to land) whatever the iceberg draft.  
     1537\citet{Merino_OM2016} developed an option to use vertical profiles of ocean currents and temperature instead (\np{ln_M2016}{ln\_M2016}). 
     1538Full details on the sensitivity to this parameter in done in \citet{Merino_OM2016}.  
     1539If \np{ln_M2016}{ln\_M2016} activated, \np{ln_icb_grd}{ln\_icb\_grd} activate (or not) an option to prevent thick icebergs to move across shallow bank (ie shallower than the iceberg draft). 
     1540This option need to be used with care as it could required to either change the distribution to prevent generation of icebergs with draft larger than the bathymetry  
     1541or to build a variable \forcode{maxclass} to prevent NEMO filling the icebergs classes too thick for the local bathymetry. 
    14111543Extensive diagnostics can be produced. 
    14121544Separate output files are maintained for human-readable iceberg information. 
    14651597Then using the routine \rou{sbcblk\_algo\_ncar} and starting from the neutral drag coefficent provided, 
    14661598the drag coefficient is computed according to the stable/unstable conditions of the 
    1467 air-sea interface following \citet{large.yeager_rpt04}. 
     1599air-sea interface following \citet{large.yeager_trpt04}. 
    14691601%% ================================================================================================= 
    15771709The surface stress felt by the ocean is the atmospheric stress minus the net stress going 
    1578 into the waves \citep{janssen.breivik.ea_rpt13}. Therefore, when waves are growing, momentum and energy is spent and is not 
     1710into the waves \citep{janssen.breivik.ea_trpt13}. Therefore, when waves are growing, momentum and energy is spent and is not 
    15791711available for forcing the mean circulation, while in the opposite case of a decaying sea 
    15801712state, more momentum is available for forcing the ocean. 
    1797 For global ocean simulation, it can be useful to introduce a control of the mean sea level in order to 
    1798 prevent unrealistic drift of the sea surface height due to inaccuracy in the freshwater fluxes. 
    1799 In \NEMO, two way of controlling the freshwater budget are proposed: 
     1930  \nlst{namsbc_fwb} 
     1931  \caption{\forcode{&namsbc_fwb}} 
     1932  \label{lst:namsbc_fwb} 
     1935For global ocean simulations, it can be useful to introduce a control of the 
     1936mean sea level in order to prevent unrealistic drifting of the sea surface 
     1937height due to unbalanced freshwater fluxes. In \NEMO, two options for 
     1938controlling the freshwater budget are proposed. 
    1802 \item [{\np[=0]{nn_fwb}{nn\_fwb}}] no control at all. 
    1803   The mean sea level is free to drift, and will certainly do so. 
    1804 \item [{\np[=1]{nn_fwb}{nn\_fwb}}] global mean \textit{emp} set to zero at each model time step. 
     1941\item [{\np[=0]{nn_fwb}{nn\_fwb}}:] No control at all; the mean sea level is 
     1942  free to drift, and will certainly do so. 
     1943\item [{\np[=1]{nn_fwb}{nn\_fwb}}:] The global mean \textit{emp} is set to zero at each model time step. 
    18051944  %GS: comment below still relevant ? 
    18061945  %Note that with a sea-ice model, this technique only controls the mean sea level with linear free surface and no mass flux between ocean and ice (as it is implemented in the current ice-ocean coupling). 
    1807 \item [{\np[=2]{nn_fwb}{nn\_fwb}}] freshwater budget is adjusted from the previous year annual mean budget which 
    1808   is read in the \textit{EMPave\_old.dat} file. 
    1809   As the model uses the Boussinesq approximation, the annual mean fresh water budget is simply evaluated from 
    1810   the change in the mean sea level at January the first and saved in the \textit{EMPav.dat} file. 
     1946\item [{\np[=2]{nn_fwb}{nn\_fwb}}:] \textit{emp} is adjusted by adding a 
     1947  spatially uniform, annual-mean freshwater flux that balances the freshwater 
     1948  budget at the end of the previous year; as the model uses the Boussinesq 
     1949  approximation, the freshwater budget can be evaluated from the change in the 
     1950  mean sea level and in the ice and snow mass after the end of each simulation 
     1951  year; at the start of the model run, an initial adjustment flux can be set 
     1952  using parameter \np{rn_rwb0}{rn\_fwb0} in namelist \nam{sbc_fwb}{sbc\_fwb}. 
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    55\chapter{Stochastic Parametrization of EOS (STO)} 
    8 \thispagestyle{plain} 
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    55\chapter{Ocean Tracers (TRA)} 
    8 \thispagestyle{plain} 
    930928When \np{nn_geoflx}{nn\_geoflx} is set to 2, 
    931929a spatially varying geothermal heat flux is introduced which is provided in 
    932 the \ifile{geothermal\_heating} NetCDF file 
     930the \textit{geothermal\} NetCDF file 
    933931(\autoref{fig:TRA_geothermal}) \citep{emile-geay.madec_OS09}. 
    1153 For generating \ifile{resto}, 
     1151For generating \textit{}, 
    11541152see the documentation for the DMP tools provided with the source code under \path{./tools/DMP_TOOLS}. 
    11751173$\gamma$ is initialized as \np{rn_atfp}{rn\_atfp}, its default value is \forcode{10.e-3}. 
    11761174Note that the forcing correction term in the filter is not applied in linear free surface 
    1177 (\jp{ln\_linssh}\forcode{=.true.}) (see \autoref{subsec:TRA_sbc}). 
     1175(\np[=.true.]{ln_linssh}{ln\_linssh}) (see \autoref{subsec:TRA_sbc}). 
    11781176Not also that in constant volume case, the time stepping is performed on $T$, 
    11791177not on its content, $e_{3t}T$. 
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    3 %% Custom aliases 
    4 \newcommand{\cf}{\ensuremath{C\kern-0.14em f}} 
    85\chapter{Vertical Ocean Physics (ZDF)} 
    11 \thispagestyle{plain} 
    198193$\bar{e}_o = e_{bb} |\tau| / \rho_o$, with $e_{bb}$ the \np{rn_ebb}{rn\_ebb} namelist parameter. 
    199194The default value of $e_{bb}$ is 3.75. \citep{gaspar.gregoris.ea_JGR90}), however a much larger value can be used when 
    200 taking into account the surface wave breaking (see below Eq. \autoref{eq:ZDF_Esbc}). 
     195taking into account the surface wave breaking (see below \autoref{eq:ZDF_Esbc}). 
    201196The bottom value of TKE is assumed to be equal to the value of the level just above. 
    202197The time integration of the $\bar{e}$ equation may formally lead to negative values because 
    532527the TKE case described in \autoref{subsec:ZDF_tke_ene} \citep{burchard_OM02}. 
    533528Evaluation of the 4 GLS turbulent closure schemes can be found in \citet{warner.sherwood.ea_OM05} in ROMS model and 
    534  in \citet{reffray.guillaume.ea_GMD15} for the \NEMO\ model. 
     529 in \citet{reffray.bourdalle-badie.ea_GMD15} for the \NEMO\ model. 
    536531% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    594589Obsolete namelist parameters include: 
    596    \item \protect\np{ln_use_osm_la}\np{ln\_use\_osm\_la} With \protect\np[=0]{nn_osm_wave}{nn\_osm\_wave}, 
    597       \protect\np{rn_osm_dstokes} {rn\_osm\_dstokes} is always used to specify the Stokes 
    598       penetration depth. 
    599    \item \protect\np{nn_ave} {nn\_ave} Choice of averaging method for KPP-style Ri \# 
    600       mixing. Not taken account of. 
    601    \item \protect\np{rn_osm_hbl0} {rn\_osm\_hbl0} Depth of initial boundary layer is now set 
    602      by a density criterion similar to that used in calculating \emph{hmlp} (output as \texttt{mldr10\_1}) in \mdl{zdfmxl}. 
     591\item \protect\np{ln_use_osm_la}\np{ln\_use\_osm\_la} With \protect\np[=0]{nn_osm_wave}{nn\_osm\_wave}, 
     592  \protect\np{rn_osm_dstokes} {rn\_osm\_dstokes} is always used to specify the Stokes 
     593  penetration depth. 
     594\item \protect\np{nn_ave} {nn\_ave} Choice of averaging method for KPP-style Ri \# 
     595  mixing. Not taken account of. 
     596\item \protect\np{rn_osm_hbl0} {rn\_osm\_hbl0} Depth of initial boundary layer is now set 
     597  by a density criterion similar to that used in calculating \emph{hmlp} (output as \texttt{mldr10\_1}) in \mdl{zdfmxl}. 
    608603classical shear turbulence. Instead they are in a regime known as 
    609604`Langmuir turbulence',  dominated by an 
    610 interaction between the currents and the Stokes drift of the surface waves \citep[e.g.][]{mcwilliams.ea_JFM97}. 
     605interaction between the currents and the Stokes drift of the surface waves \citep[e.g.][]{mcwilliams.sullivan.ea_JFM97}. 
    611606This regime is characterised by strong vertical turbulent motion, and appears when the surface Stokes drift $u_{s0}$ is much greater than the friction velocity $u_{\ast}$. More specifically Langmuir turbulence is thought to be crucial where the turbulent Langmuir number $\mathrm{La}_{t}=(u_{\ast}/u_{s0}) > 0.4$. 
    617612The OSMOSIS turbulent closure scheme is a similarity-scale scheme in 
    618613the same spirit as the K-profile 
    619 parameterization (KPP) scheme of \citet{large.ea_RG97}. 
     614parameterization (KPP) scheme of \citet{large.mcwilliams.ea_RG94}. 
    620615A specified shape of diffusivity, scaled by the (OSBL) depth 
    621616$h_{\mathrm{BL}}$ and a turbulent velocity scale, is imposed throughout the 
    628623as in KPP, it is set by a prognostic equation that is informed by 
    629624energy budget considerations reminiscent of the classical mixed layer 
    630 models of \citet{kraus.turner_tellus67}. 
     625models of \citet{kraus.turner_T67}. 
    631626The model also includes an explicit parametrization of the structure 
    632627of the pycnocline (the stratified region at the bottom of the OSBL). 
    634629Presently, mixing below the OSBL is handled by the Richardson 
    635 number-dependent mixing scheme used in \citet{large.ea_RG97}. 
    637 Convective parameterizations such as described in \ref{sec:ZDF_conv} 
     630number-dependent mixing scheme used in \citet{large.mcwilliams.ea_RG94}. 
     632Convective parameterizations such as described in \autoref{sec:ZDF_conv} 
    638633below should not be used with the OSMOSIS-OBL model: instabilities 
    639634within the OSBL are part of the model, while instabilities below the 
    642637\subsubsection{Depth and velocity scales} 
    643 The model supposes a boundary layer of thickness $h_{\mathrm{bl}}$ enclosing a well-mixed layer of thickness $h_{\mathrm{ml}}$ and a relatively thin pycnocline at the base of thickness $\Delta h$; Fig.~\ref{fig: OSBL_structure} shows typical (a) buoyancy structure and (b) turbulent buoyancy flux profile for the unstable boundary layer (losing buoyancy at the surface; e.g.\ cooling). 
     638The model supposes a boundary layer of thickness $h_{\mathrm{bl}}$ enclosing a well-mixed layer of thickness $h_{\mathrm{ml}}$ and a relatively thin pycnocline at the base of thickness $\Delta h$; \autoref{fig:OSBL_structure} shows typical (a) buoyancy structure and (b) turbulent buoyancy flux profile for the unstable boundary layer (losing buoyancy at the surface; e.g.\ cooling). 
    645640  \begin{center} 
    646641    %\includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{ZDF_OSM_structure_of_OSBL} 
    647642    \caption{ 
    648       \protect\label{fig: OSBL_structure} 
     643      \protect\label{fig:OSBL_structure} 
    649644     The structure of the entraining  boundary layer. (a) Mean buoyancy profile. (b) Profile of the buoyancy flux. 
    650645    } 
    655650Consideration of the power input by wind acting on the Stokes drift suggests that the Langmuir turbulence has velocity scale: 
    656 \begin{equation}\label{eq:w_La} 
    657 w_{*L}= \left(u_*^2 u_{s\,0}\right)^{1/3}; 
     652  \label{eq:ZDF_w_La} 
     653  w_{*L}= \left(u_*^2 u_{s\,0}\right)^{1/3}; 
    659655but at times the Stokes drift may be weak due to e.g.\ ice cover, short fetch, misalignment with the surface stress, etc.\ so  a composite velocity scale is assumed for the stable (warming) boundary layer: 
    660 \begin{equation}\label{eq:composite-nu} 
     657  \label{eq:ZDF_composite-nu} 
    661658  \nu_{\ast}= \left\{ u_*^3 \left[1-\exp(-.5 \mathrm{La}_t^2)\right]+w_{*L}^3\right\}^{1/3}. 
    663660For the unstable boundary layer this is merged with the standard convective velocity scale $w_{*C}=\left(\overline{w^\prime b^\prime}_0 \,h_\mathrm{ml}\right)^{1/3}$, where $\overline{w^\prime b^\prime}_0$ is the upwards surface buoyancy flux, to give: 
    664 \begin{equation}\label{eq:vel-scale-unstable} 
    665 \omega_* = \left(\nu_*^3 + 0.5 w_{*C}^3\right)^{1/3}. 
     662  \label{eq:ZDF_vel-scale-unstable} 
     663  \omega_* = \left(\nu_*^3 + 0.5 w_{*C}^3\right)^{1/3}. 
    668666\subsubsection{The flux gradient model} 
    669667The flux-gradient relationships used in the OSMOSIS scheme take the form: 
    670 % 
    671 \begin{equation}\label{eq:flux-grad-gen} 
    672 \overline{w^\prime\chi^\prime}=-K\frac{\partial\overline{\chi}}{\partial z} + N_{\chi,s} +N_{\chi,b} +N_{\chi,t}, 
    673 \end{equation} 
    674 % 
     670  \label{eq:ZDF_flux-grad-gen} 
     671  \overline{w^\prime\chi^\prime}=-K\frac{\partial\overline{\chi}}{\partial z} + N_{\chi,s} +N_{\chi,b} +N_{\chi,t}, 
    675674where $\chi$ is a general variable and $N_{\chi,s}, N_{\chi,b} \mathrm{and} N_{\chi,t}$  are the non-gradient terms, and represent the effects of the different terms in the turbulent flux-budget on the transport of $\chi$. $N_{\chi,s}$ represents the effects that the Stokes shear has on the transport of $\chi$, $N_{\chi,b}$  the effect of buoyancy, and $N_{\chi,t}$ the effect of the turbulent transport.  The same general form for the flux-gradient relationship is used to parametrize the transports of momentum, heat and salinity. 
    677676In terms of the non-dimensionalized depth variables 
    678 % 
    679 \begin{equation}\label{eq:sigma} 
    680 \sigma_{\mathrm{ml}}= -z/h_{\mathrm{ml}}; \;\sigma_{\mathrm{bl}}= -z/h_{\mathrm{bl}}, 
    681 \end{equation} 
    682 % 
     679  \label{eq:ZDF_sigma} 
     680  \sigma_{\mathrm{ml}}= -z/h_{\mathrm{ml}}; \;\sigma_{\mathrm{bl}}= -z/h_{\mathrm{bl}}, 
    683683in unstable conditions the eddy diffusivity ($K_d$) and eddy viscosity ($K_\nu$) profiles are parametrized as: 
    684 % 
    685 \begin{align}\label{eq:diff-unstable} 
    686 K_d=&0.8\, \omega_*\, h_{\mathrm{ml}} \, \sigma_{\mathrm{ml}} \left(1-\beta_d \sigma_{\mathrm{ml}}\right)^{3/2} 
    687 \\\label{eq:visc-unstable} 
    688 K_\nu =& 0.3\, \omega_* \,h_{\mathrm{ml}}\, \sigma_{\mathrm{ml}} \left(1-\beta_\nu \sigma_{\mathrm{ml}}\right)\left(1-\tfrac{1}{2}\sigma_{\mathrm{ml}}^2\right) 
     686  \label{eq:ZDF_diff-unstable} 
     687  K_d=&0.8\, \omega_*\, h_{\mathrm{ml}} \, \sigma_{\mathrm{ml}} \left(1-\beta_d \sigma_{\mathrm{ml}}\right)^{3/2} 
     688  \\ 
     689  \label{eq:ZDF_visc-unstable} 
     690  K_\nu =& 0.3\, \omega_* \,h_{\mathrm{ml}}\, \sigma_{\mathrm{ml}} \left(1-\beta_\nu \sigma_{\mathrm{ml}}\right)\left(1-\tfrac{1}{2}\sigma_{\mathrm{ml}}^2\right) 
    690 % 
    691 where $\beta_d$ and $\beta_\nu$ are parameters that are determined by matching Eqs \ref{eq:diff-unstable} and \ref{eq:visc-unstable} to the eddy diffusivity and viscosity at the base of the well-mixed layer, given by 
    692 % 
    693 \begin{equation}\label{eq:diff-wml-base} 
    694 K_{d,\mathrm{ml}}=K_{\nu,\mathrm{ml}}=\,0.16\,\omega_* \Delta h. 
    695 \end{equation} 
    696 % 
     693where $\beta_d$ and $\beta_\nu$ are parameters that are determined by matching \autoref{eq:ZDF_diff-unstable} and \autoref{eq:ZDF_visc-unstable} to the eddy diffusivity and viscosity at the base of the well-mixed layer, given by 
     696  \label{eq:ZDF_diff-wml-base} 
     697  K_{d,\mathrm{ml}}=K_{\nu,\mathrm{ml}}=\,0.16\,\omega_* \Delta h. 
    697700For stable conditions the eddy diffusivity/viscosity profiles are given by: 
    698 % 
    699 \begin{align}\label{diff-stable} 
    700 K_d= & 0.75\,\, \nu_*\, h_{\mathrm{ml}}\,\,  \exp\left[-2.8 \left(h_{\mathrm{bl}}/L_L\right)^2\right]\sigma_{\mathrm{ml}} \left(1-\sigma_{\mathrm{ml}}\right)^{3/2} \\\label{eq:visc-stable} 
    701 K_\nu = & 0.375\,\,  \nu_*\, h_{\mathrm{ml}} \,\, \exp\left[-2.8 \left(h_{\mathrm{bl}}/L_L\right)^2\right] \sigma_{\mathrm{ml}} \left(1-\sigma_{\mathrm{ml}}\right)\left(1-\tfrac{1}{2}\sigma_{\mathrm{ml}}^2\right). 
     703  \label{eq:ZDF_diff-stable} 
     704  K_d= & 0.75\,\, \nu_*\, h_{\mathrm{ml}}\,\,  \exp\left[-2.8 
     705       \left(h_{\mathrm{bl}}/L_L\right)^2\right]\sigma_{\mathrm{ml}} 
     706       \left(1-\sigma_{\mathrm{ml}}\right)^{3/2} \\ 
     707  \label{eq:ZDF_visc-stable} 
     708  K_\nu = & 0.375\,\,  \nu_*\, h_{\mathrm{ml}} \,\, \exp\left[-2.8 \left(h_{\mathrm{bl}}/L_L\right)^2\right] \sigma_{\mathrm{ml}} \left(1-\sigma_{\mathrm{ml}}\right)\left(1-\tfrac{1}{2}\sigma_{\mathrm{ml}}^2\right). 
    703 % 
    704711The shape of the eddy viscosity and diffusivity profiles is the same as the shape in the unstable OSBL. The eddy diffusivity/viscosity depends on the stability parameter $h_{\mathrm{bl}}/{L_L}$ where $ L_L$ is analogous to the Obukhov length, but for Langmuir turbulence: 
    705 \begin{equation}\label{eq:L_L} 
     713  \label{eq:ZDF_L_L} 
    706714  L_L=-w_{*L}^3/\left<\overline{w^\prime b^\prime}\right>_L, 
    708716with the mean turbulent buoyancy flux averaged over the boundary layer given in terms of its surface value $\overline{w^\prime b^\prime}_0$ and (downwards) )solar irradiance $I(z)$ by 
    709 \begin{equation} \label{eq:stable-av-buoy-flux} 
    710 \left<\overline{w^\prime b^\prime}\right>_L = \tfrac{1}{2} {\overline{w^\prime b^\prime}}_0-g\alpha_E\left[\tfrac{1}{2}(I(0)+I(-h))-\left<I\right>\right]. 
    711 \end{equation} 
    712 % 
     718  \label{eq:ZDF_stable-av-buoy-flux} 
     719  \left<\overline{w^\prime b^\prime}\right>_L = \tfrac{1}{2} {\overline{w^\prime b^\prime}}_0-g\alpha_E\left[\tfrac{1}{2}(I(0)+I(-h))-\left<I\right>\right]. 
    713722In unstable conditions the eddy diffusivity and viscosity depend on stability through the velocity scale $\omega_*$, which depends on the two velocity scales $\nu_*$ and $w_{*C}$. 
    715 Details of the non-gradient terms in \eqref{eq:flux-grad-gen} and of the fluxes within the pycnocline $-h_{\mathrm{bl}}<z<h_{\mathrm{ml}}$ can be found in Grant (2019). 
     724Details of the non-gradient terms in \autoref{eq:ZDF_flux-grad-gen} and of the fluxes within the pycnocline $-h_{\mathrm{bl}}<z<h_{\mathrm{ml}}$ can be found in Grant (2019). 
    717726\subsubsection{Evolution of the boundary layer depth} 
    719 The prognostic equation for the depth of the neutral/unstable boundary layer is given by \citep{grant+etal18}, 
    721 \begin{equation} \label{eq:dhdt-unstable} 
     728The prognostic equation for the depth of the neutral/unstable boundary layer is given by \iffalse \citep{grant+etal18?}, \fi 
     731  \label{eq:ZDF_dhdt-unstable} 
    722732%\frac{\partial h_\mathrm{bl}}{\partial t} + \mathbf{U}_b\cdot\nabla h_\mathrm{bl}= W_b - \frac{{\overline{w^\prime b^\prime}}_\mathrm{ent}}{\Delta B_\mathrm{bl}} 
    723 \frac{\partial h_\mathrm{bl}}{\partial t} = W_b - \frac{{\overline{w^\prime b^\prime}}_\mathrm{ent}}{\Delta B_\mathrm{bl}} 
     733   \frac{\partial h_\mathrm{bl}}{\partial t} = W_b - \frac{{\overline{w^\prime b^\prime}}_\mathrm{ent}}{\Delta B_\mathrm{bl}} 
    725735where $h_\mathrm{bl}$ is the horizontally-varying depth of the OSBL, 
    732742equation for the case when the pycnocline has a finite thickness, 
    733743based on the potential energy budget of the OSBL, is the leading term 
    734 \citep{grant+etal18} of a generalization of that used in mixed-layer 
    735 models e.g.\ \citet{kraus.turner_tellus67}, in which the thickness of the pycnocline is taken to be zero. 
     744\iffalse \citep{grant+etal18?} \fi of a generalization of that used in mixed-layer 
     745models e.g.\ \citet{kraus.turner_T67}, in which the thickness of the pycnocline is taken to be zero. 
    737747The entrainment flux for the combination of convective and Langmuir turbulence is given by 
    738 \begin{equation} \label{eq:entrain-flux} 
     749  \label{eq:ZDF_entrain-flux} 
    739750  {\overline{w^\prime b^\prime}}_\mathrm{ent} = -\alpha_{\mathrm{B}} {\overline{w^\prime b^\prime}}_0 - \alpha_{\mathrm{S}} \frac{u_*^3}{h_{\mathrm{ml}}} 
    740751  + G\left(\delta/h_{\mathrm{ml}} \right)\left[\alpha_{\mathrm{S}}e^{-1.5\, \mathrm{La}_t}-\alpha_{\mathrm{L}} \frac{w_{\mathrm{*L}}^3}{h_{\mathrm{ml}}}\right] 
    744755For the stable boundary layer, the equation for the depth of the OSBL is: 
    746 \begin{equation}\label{eq:dhdt-stable} 
     758  \label{eq:ZDF_dhdt-stable} 
    747759\max\left(\Delta B_{bl},\frac{w_{*L}^2}{h_\mathrm{bl}}\right)\frac{\partial h_\mathrm{bl}}{\partial t} = \left(0.06 + 0.52\,\frac{ h_\mathrm{bl}}{L_L}\right) \frac{w_{*L}^3}{h_\mathrm{bl}} +\left<\overline{w^\prime b^\prime}\right>_L. 
    750 Equation. \ref{eq:dhdt-unstable} always leads to the depth of the entraining OSBL increasing (ignoring the effect of the mean vertical motion), but the change in the thickness of the stable OSBL given by Eq. \ref{eq:dhdt-stable} can be positive or negative, depending on the magnitudes of $\left<\overline{w^\prime b^\prime}\right>_L$ and $h_\mathrm{bl}/L_L$. The rate at which the depth of the OSBL can decrease is limited by choosing an effective buoyancy $w_{*L}^2/h_\mathrm{bl}$, in place of $\Delta B_{bl}$ which will be $\approx 0$ for the collapsing OSBL. 
     762\autoref{eq:ZDF_dhdt-unstable} always leads to the depth of the entraining OSBL increasing (ignoring the effect of the mean vertical motion), but the change in the thickness of the stable OSBL given by \autoref{eq:ZDF_dhdt-stable} can be positive or negative, depending on the magnitudes of $\left<\overline{w^\prime b^\prime}\right>_L$ and $h_\mathrm{bl}/L_L$. The rate at which the depth of the OSBL can decrease is limited by choosing an effective buoyancy $w_{*L}^2/h_\mathrm{bl}$, in place of $\Delta B_{bl}$ which will be $\approx 0$ for the collapsing OSBL. 
    10681080  \label{lst:namdrg} 
    10711084  \nlst{namdrg_top} 
    10731086  \label{lst:namdrg_top} 
    10761090  \nlst{namdrg_bot} 
    11611175When \np[=.true.]{ln_lin}{ln\_lin}, the value of $r$ used is \np{rn_Uc0}{rn\_Uc0}*\np{rn_Cd0}{rn\_Cd0}. 
    1162 Setting \np[=.true.]{ln_drg_OFF}{ln\_OFF} (and \forcode{ln_lin=.true.}) is equivalent to setting $r=0$ and leads to a free-slip boundary condition. 
     1176Setting \np[=.true.]{ln_drg_OFF}{ln\_drg\_OFF} (and \forcode{ln_lin=.true.}) is equivalent to setting $r=0$ and leads to a free-slip boundary condition. 
    11641178These values are assigned in \mdl{zdfdrg}. 
    11651179Note that there is support for local enhancement of these values via an externally defined 2D mask array 
    1166 (\np[=.true.]{ln_boost}{ln\_boost}) given in the \ifile{bfr\_coef} input NetCDF file. 
     1180(\np[=.true.]{ln_boost}{ln\_boost}) given in the \textit{bfr\} input NetCDF file. 
    11671181The mask values should vary from 0 to 1. 
    11681182Locations with a non-zero mask value will have the friction coefficient increased by 
    15471561by only a few extra physics choices namely: 
    1549 \begin{verbatim} 
    15501564     ln_dynldf_OFF = .false. 
    15511565     ln_dynldf_lap = .true. 
    15551569        nn_fct_h   =  2 
    15561570        nn_fct_v   =  2 
    1557 \end{verbatim} 
    15591573\noindent which were chosen to provide a slightly more stable and less noisy solution. The 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_cfgs.tex

    r11693 r14789  
    8 \thispagestyle{plain} 
    8583the SI3 model (ORCA-ICE) and possibly with PISCES biogeochemical model (ORCA-ICE-PISCES). 
    8684An appropriate namelist is available in \path{./cfgs/ORCA2_ICE_PISCES/EXPREF/namelist_cfg} for ORCA2. 
    87 The domain of ORCA2 configuration is defined in \ifile{ORCA\_R2\_zps\_domcfg} file, 
     85The domain of ORCA2 configuration is defined in \textit{ORCA\_R2\_zps\} file, 
    8886this file is available in tar file on the \NEMO\ community zenodo platform: \\ 
    152150Each of configuration is set through the \textit{domain\_cfg} domain configuration file, 
    153151which sets the grid size and configuration name parameters. 
    154 The \NEMO\ System Team provides only ORCA2 domain input file "\ifile{ORCA\_R2\_zps\_domcfg}" file 
     152The \NEMO\ System Team provides only ORCA2 domain input file "\textit{ORCA\_R2\_zps\}" file 
    158156  \centering 
    159157  \begin{tabular}{p{4cm} c c c c} 
    160     Horizontal Grid & \jp{ORCA\_index} & \jp{jpiglo} & \jp{jpjglo} \\ 
     158    Horizontal Grid & \texttt{ORCA\_index} & \texttt{jpiglo} & \texttt{jpjglo} \\ 
    161159    \hline \hline 
    162160    % 4   \deg\ &              4   &          92 &          76 \\ 
    198196(see \autoref{tab:CFGS_ORCA} and \autoref{fig:DOM_zgr_e3}). 
    199197The bottom topography and the coastlines are derived from the global atlas of Smith and Sandwell (1997). 
    200 The default forcing uses the boundary forcing from \citet{large.yeager_rpt04} (see \autoref{subsec:SBC_blk_ocean}), 
     198The default forcing uses the boundary forcing from \citet{large.yeager_trpt04} (see \autoref{subsec:SBC_blk_ocean}), 
    201199which was developed for the purpose of running global coupled ocean-ice simulations without 
    202200an interactive atmosphere. 
    203 This \citet{large.yeager_rpt04} dataset is available through 
     201This \citet{large.yeager_trpt04} dataset is available through 
    204202the \href{}{GFDL web site}. 
    205 The "normal year" of \citet{large.yeager_rpt04} has been chosen of the \NEMO\ distribution since release v3.3. 
     203The "normal year" of \citet{large.yeager_trpt04} has been chosen of the \NEMO\ distribution since release v3.3. 
    207205ORCA\_R2 pre-defined configuration can also be run with multiply online nested zooms (\ie\ with AGRIF, \key{agrif} defined). 
    243241Through \np[=.false.]{ln_read_cfg}{ln\_read\_cfg} in \nam{cfg}{cfg} namelist defined in 
    244242the reference configuration \path{./cfgs/GYRE_PISCES/EXPREF/namelist_cfg} 
    245 analytical definition of grid in GYRE is done in usrdef\_hrg, usrdef\_zgr routines. 
     243analytical definition of grid in GYRE is done in mdl{usrdef\_hrg}, \mdl{usrdef\_zgr} routines. 
    246244Its horizontal resolution (and thus the size of the domain) is determined by 
    247 setting \np{nn_GYRE}{nn\_GYRE} in \nam{usr_def}{usr\_def}: \\ 
    249 \jp{jpiglo} $= 30 \times$ \np{nn_GYRE}{nn\_GYRE} + 2   \\ 
    251 \jp{jpjglo} $= 20 \times$ \np{nn_GYRE}{nn\_GYRE} + 2   \\ 
     245setting \np{nn_GYRE}{nn\_GYRE} in \nam{usr_def}{usr\_def}: 
     248   jpiglo = 30 \times \text{\np{nn_GYRE}{nn\_GYRE}} + 2 + 2 \times \text{\np{nn_hls}{nn\_hls}} \\ 
     249   jpjglo = 20 \times \text{\np{nn_GYRE}{nn\_GYRE}} + 2 + 2 \times \text{\np{nn_hls}{nn\_hls}} 
    253252Obviously, the namelist parameters have to be adjusted to the chosen resolution, 
    254253see the Configurations pages on the \NEMO\ web site (\NEMO\ Configurations). 
    255 In the vertical, GYRE uses the default 30 ocean levels (\jp{jpk}\forcode{ = 31}) (\autoref{fig:DOM_zgr_e3}). 
     254In the vertical, GYRE uses the default 30 ocean levels (\forcode{jpk = 31}, \autoref{fig:DOM_zgr_e3}). 
     257  \begin{forlines} 
     259&namusr_def    !   GYRE user defined namelist   
     261   nn_GYRE     =     1     !  GYRE resolution [1/degrees] 
     262   ln_bench    = .false.   !  ! =T benchmark with gyre: the gridsize is kept constant 
     263   jpkglo      =    31     !  number of model levels 
     265  \end{forlines} 
     266  \caption{\forcode{&namusr_def}} 
     267  \label{lst:namusr_def} 
    257270The GYRE configuration is also used in benchmark test as it is very simple to increase its resolution and 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_conservation.tex

    r11693 r14789  
    55\chapter{Invariants of the Primitive Equations} 
    8 \thispagestyle{plain} 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_misc.tex

    r12377 r14789  
    8 \thispagestyle{plain} 
    1513  \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 
    16     Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 
     14    Release     & Author(s)            & Modifications                      \\ 
    1715    \hline 
    18     {\em   4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 
    19     {\em   3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 
    20     {\em   3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 
    21     {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 
     16    {\em   X.X} & {\em Pierre Mathiot} & {Update of the closed sea section} \\ 
     17    {\em   4.0} & {\em ...           } & {\em ...                         } \\ 
     18    {\em   3.6} & {\em ...           } & {\em ...                         } \\ 
     19    {\em   3.4} & {\em ...           } & {\em ...                         } \\ 
     20    {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...           } & {\em ...                         } 
    2221  \end{tabularx} 
    111 \begin{figure}[!tbp] 
    112   \centering 
    113   \includegraphics[width=0.66\textwidth]{MISC_closea_mask_example} 
    114   \caption[Mask fields for the \protect\mdl{closea} module]{ 
    115     Example of mask fields for the \protect\mdl{closea} module. 
    116     \textit{Left}: a closea\_mask field; 
    117     \textit{Right}: a closea\_mask\_rnf field. 
    118     In this example, if \protect\np{ln_closea}{ln\_closea} is set to \forcode{.true.}, 
    119     the mean freshwater flux over each of the American Great Lakes will be set to zero, 
    120     and the total residual for all the lakes, if negative, will be put into 
    121     the St Laurence Seaway in the area shown.} 
    122   \label{fig:MISC_closea_mask_example} 
    123 \end{figure} 
    125110%% ================================================================================================= 
    126111\section[Closed seas (\textit{closea.F90})]{Closed seas (\protect\mdl{closea})} 
     115  \nlst{namclo} 
     116  \caption{\forcode{&namclo}} 
     117  \label{lst:namclo} 
    129120Some configurations include inland seas and lakes as ocean 
    138129to zero and put the residual flux into the ocean. 
    140 Prior to \NEMO\ 4 the locations of inland seas and lakes was set via 
    141 hardcoded indices for various ORCA configurations. From \NEMO\ 4 onwards 
    142 the inland seas and lakes are defined using mask fields in the 
    143 domain configuration file. The options are as follows. 
    145 \begin{enumerate} 
    146 \item {{\bfseries No ``closea\_mask'' field is included in domain configuration 
    147   file.} In this case the closea module does nothing.} 
    149 \item {{\bfseries A field called closea\_mask is included in the domain 
    150 configuration file and ln\_closea=.false. in namelist namcfg.} In this 
    151 case the inland seas defined by the closea\_mask field are filled in 
    152 (turned to land points) at run time. That is every point in 
    153 closea\_mask that is nonzero is set to be a land point.} 
    155 \item {{\bfseries A field called closea\_mask is included in the domain 
    156 configuration file and ln\_closea=.true. in namelist namcfg.} Each 
    157 inland sea or group of inland seas is set to a positive integer value 
    158 in the closea\_mask field (see \autoref{fig:MISC_closea_mask_example} 
    159 for an example). The net surface flux over each inland sea or group of 
     131The inland seas and lakes are defined using mask fields in the 
     132domain configuration file. Special treatment of the closed sea (redistribution of net freshwater or mask those), are defined in \autoref{lst:namclo} and 
     133can be trigger by \np{ln_closea}{ln\_closea}\forcode{=.true.} in namelist namcfg. 
     135The options available are the following: 
     137\item[\np{ln_maskcs}{ln\_maskcs}\forcode{ = .true.}] All the closed seas are masked using \textit{mask\_opensea} variable. 
     138\item[\np{ln_maskcs}{ln\_maskcs}\forcode{ = .false.}] The net surface flux over each inland sea or group of 
    160139inland seas is set to zero each timestep and the residual flux is 
    161 distributed over the global ocean (ie. all ocean points where 
    162 closea\_mask is zero).} 
    164 \item {{\bfseries Fields called closea\_mask and closea\_mask\_rnf are 
    165 included in the domain configuration file and ln\_closea=.true. in 
    166 namelist namcfg.} This option works as for option 3, except that if 
    167 the net surface flux over an inland sea is negative (net 
    168 precipitation) it is put into the ocean at specified runoff points. A 
    169 net positive surface flux (net evaporation) is still spread over the 
    170 global ocean. The mapping from inland seas to runoff points is defined 
    171 by the closea\_mask\_rnf field. Each mapping is defined by a positive 
    172 integer value for the inland sea(s) and the corresponding runoff 
    173 points. An example is given in 
    174 \autoref{fig:MISC_closea_mask_example}. If no mapping is provided for a 
    175 particular inland sea then the residual is spread over the global 
    176 ocean.} 
    178 \item {{\bfseries Fields called closea\_mask and closea\_mask\_emp are 
    179 included in the domain configuration file and ln\_closea=.true. in 
    180 namelist namcfg.} This option works the same as option 4 except that 
    181 the nonzero net surface flux is sent to the ocean at the specified 
    182 runoff points regardless of whether it is positive or negative. The 
    183 mapping from inland seas to runoff points in this case is defined by 
    184 the closea\_mask\_emp field.} 
    185 \end{enumerate} 
    187 There is a python routine to create the closea\_mask fields and append 
    188 them to the domain configuration file in the utils/tools/DOMAINcfg directory. 
     140distributed over a target area. 
     143When \np{ln_maskcs}{ln\_maskcs}\forcode{ = .false.},  
     1443 options are available for the redistribution (set up of these options is done in the tool DOMAINcfg): 
     145\begin{description}[font=$\bullet$ ] 
     146\item[ glo]: The residual flux is redistributed globally. 
     147\item[ emp]: The residual flux is redistributed as emp in a river outflow. 
     148\item[ rnf]: The residual flux is redistributed as rnf in a river outflow if negative. If there is a net evaporation, the residual flux is redistributed globally. 
     151For each case, 2 masks are needed (\autoref{fig:MISC_closea_mask_example}):  
     153\item $\bullet$ one describing the 'sources' (ie the closed seas concerned by each options) called \textit{mask\_csglo}, \textit{mask\_csrnf}, \textit{mask\_csemp}.  
     154\item $\bullet$ one describing each group of inland seas (the Great Lakes for example) and the target area (river outflow or world ocean) for each group of inland seas (St Laurence for the Great Lakes for example) called 
     155\textit{mask\_csgrpglo}, \textit{mask\_csgrprnf}, \textit{mask\_csgrpemp}. 
     159  \centering 
     160  \includegraphics[width=0.66\textwidth]{MISC_closea_mask_example} 
     161  \caption[Mask fields for the \protect\mdl{closea} module]{ 
     162    Example of mask fields for the \protect\mdl{closea} module. 
     163    \textit{Left}: a \textit{mask\_csrnf} field; 
     164    \textit{Right}: a \textit{mask\_csgrprnf} field. 
     165    In this example, if \protect\np{ln_closea}{ln\_closea} is set to \forcode{.true.}, 
     166    the mean freshwater flux over each of the American Great Lakes will be set to zero, 
     167    and the total residual for all the lakes, if negative, will be put into 
     168    the St Laurence Seaway in the area shown.} 
     169  \label{fig:MISC_closea_mask_example} 
     172Closed sea not defined (because too small, issue in the bathymetry definition ...) are defined in \textit{mask\_csundef}. 
     173These points can be masked using the namelist option \np{ln_mask_csundef}{ln\_mask\_csundef}\forcode{= .true.} or used to correct the bathymetry input file.\\ 
     175The masks needed for the closed sea can be created using the DOMAINcfg tool in the utils/tools/DOMAINcfg directory. 
     176See \autoref{sec:clocfg} for details on the usage of definition of the closed sea masks. 
    190178%% ================================================================================================= 
    206194\noindent Consider an ORCA1 
    207 configuration using the extended grid domain configuration file: \ifile{eORCA1\} 
     195configuration using the extended grid domain configuration file: \textit{eORCA1\} 
    208196This file define a horizontal domain of 362x332.  The first row with 
    209197open ocean wet points in the non-isf bathymetry for this set is row 42 (\fortran\ indexing) 
    226214\noindent Note that with this option, the j-size of the global domain is (extended 
    227215j-size minus \np{open_ocean_jstart}{open\_ocean\_jstart} + 1 ) and this must match the \texttt{jpjglo} value 
    228 for the configuration. This means an alternative version of \ifile{eORCA1\} must 
     216for the configuration. This means an alternative version of \textit{eORCA1\} must 
    229217be created for when \np{ln_use_jattr}{ln\_use\_jattr} is active. The \texttt{ncap2} tool provides a 
    230218convenient way of achieving this: 
    236 The domain configuration file is unique in this respect since it also contains the value of \jp{jpjglo} 
     224The domain configuration file is unique in this respect since it also contains the value of \texttt{jpjglo} 
    237225that is read and used by the model. 
    238226Any other global, 2D and 3D, netcdf, input field can be prepared for use in a reduced domain by adding the 
    375363When more information is required for monitoring or debugging purposes, the various 
    376 forms of output can be selected via the \np{sn\_cfctl} structure. As well as simple 
     364forms of output can be selected via the \np{sn_cfctl}{sn\_cfctl} structure. As well as simple 
    377365on-off switches this structure also allows selection of a range of processors for 
    378366individual reporting (where appropriate) and a time-increment option to restrict 
    382370with their default settings: 
    384 \begin{verbatim} 
    385373   sn_cfctl%l_allon  = .FALSE.    ! IF T activate all options. If F deactivate all unless l_config is T 
    386374     sn_cfctl%l_config = .TRUE.     ! IF .true. then control which reports are written with the following 
    387 \end{verbatim} 
    389377The first switch is a convenience option which can be used to switch on and off all 
    390378sub-options. However, if it is false then switching off all sub-options is only done 
    391 if \texttt{sn_cfctl%l\_config} is also false. Specifically, the logic is: 
    393 \begin{verbatim} 
     379if \forcode{sn_cfctl%l\_config} is also false. Specifically, the logic is: 
    394382  IF ( sn_cfctl%l_allon ) THEN 
    395383    set all suboptions .TRUE. 
    400388    set all suboptions .FALSE. 
    401389  ENDIF 
    402 \end{verbatim} 
    404392Details of the suboptions follow but first an explanation of the stand-alone option: 
    405 \texttt{sn_cfctl%l_glochk}.  This option modifies the action of the early warning checks 
    406 carried out in \textt{stpctl.F90}. These checks detect probable numerical instabilites 
     393\forcode{sn_cfctl%l_glochk}.  This option modifies the action of the early warning checks 
     394carried out in \texttt{stpctl.F90}. These checks detect probable numerical instabilites 
    407395by searching for excessive sea surface heights or velocities and salinity values 
    408396outside a sensible physical range. If breaches are detected then the default behaviour 
    409397is to locate and report the local indices of the grid-point in breach. These indices 
    410398are included in the error message that precedes the model shutdown. When true, 
    411 \texttt{sn_cfctl%l_glochk} modifies this action by performing a global location of 
     399\forcode{sn_cfctl%l_glochk} modifies this action by performing a global location of 
    412400the various minimum and maximum values and the global indices are reported. This has 
    413401some value in locating the most severe error in cases where the first detected error 
    427415average tracer value for each passive tracer. Collecting these metrics involves 
    428416global communications and will impact on model efficiency so both these options are 
    429 disabled by default by setting the respective options, \texttt{sn\_cfctl%runstat} and 
    430 \texttt{sn\_cfctl%trcstat} to false. A compromise can be made by activating either or 
    431 both of these options and setting the \texttt{sn\_cfctl%timincr} entry to an integer 
     417disabled by default by setting the respective options, \forcode{sn\_cfctl%runstat} and 
     418\forcode{sn\_cfctl%trcstat} to false. A compromise can be made by activating either or 
     419both of these options and setting the \forcode{sn\_cfctl%timincr} entry to an integer 
    432420value greater than one. This increment determines the time-step frequency at which 
    433421the global metrics are collected and reported.  This increment also applies to the 
    440428any warning or error messages generated during execution. A \texttt{layout.dat} 
    441429file is also produced which details the MPI-decomposition used by the model. The 
    442 suboptions: \texttt{sn\_cfctl%oceout} and \texttt{sn\_cfctl%layout} can be used 
     430suboptions: \forcode{sn\_cfctl%oceout} and \forcode{sn\_cfctl%layout} can be used 
    443431to activate the creation of these files by all ocean processes.  For example, 
    444 when \texttt{sn\_cfctl%oceout} is true all processors produce their own version of 
     432when \forcode{sn\_cfctl%oceout} is true all processors produce their own version of 
    445433\texttt{ocean.output}.  All files, beyond the the normal reporting processor (narea == 1), are 
    446434named with a \_XXXX extension to their name, where XXXX is a 4-digit area number (with 
    449437systems so bug-hunting efforts using this facility should also utilise the \fortran: 
    451 \begin{verbatim}  
    452    CALL FLUSH(numout) 
    453 \end{verbatim} 
     439\forline|CALL FLUSH(numout)| 
    455441statement after any additional write statements to ensure that file contents reflect 
    456 the last model state. Associated with the \texttt{sn\_cfctl%oceout} option is the 
    457 additional \texttt{sn\_cfctl%oasout} suboption. This does not activate its own output 
     442the last model state. Associated with the \forcode{sn\_cfctl%oceout} option is the 
     443additional \forcode{sn\_cfctl%oasout} suboption. This does not activate its own output 
    458444file but rather activates the writing of addition information regarding the OASIS 
    459445configuration when coupling via oasis and the sbccpl routine. This information is 
    468454control print option in NEMO} The switches to activate production of the control sums 
    469 of trends for either the physics or passive tracers are the \texttt{sn\_cfctl%prtctl} 
    470 and \texttt{sn\_cfctl%prttrc} suboptions, respectively. Although, perhaps, of limited use for its 
     455of trends for either the physics or passive tracers are the \forcode{sn\_cfctl%prtctl} 
     456and \forcode{sn\_cfctl%prttrc} suboptions, respectively. Although, perhaps, of limited use for its 
    471457original intention, the ability to produce these control sums of trends in specific 
    472458areas provides another tool for diagnosing model behaviour.  If only the output from a 
    473459select few regions is required then additional options are available to activate options 
    474 for only a simple subset of processing regions. These are: \texttt{sn\_cfctl%procmin}, 
    475 \texttt{sn\_cfctl%procmax} and \texttt{sn\_cfctl%procincr} which can be used to specify 
     460for only a simple subset of processing regions. These are: \forcode{sn\_cfctl%procmin}, 
     461\forcode{sn\_cfctl%procmax} and \forcode{sn\_cfctl%procincr} which can be used to specify 
    476462the minimum and maximum active areas and the increment. The default values are set 
    477463such that all regions will be active. Note this subsetting can also be used to limit 
    484    sn_cfctl%l_glochk = .FALSE.    ! Range sanity checks are local (F) or global (T). Set T for debugging only 
    485    sn_cfctl%l_allon  = .FALSE.    ! IF T activate all options. If F deactivate all unless l_config is T 
    486      sn_cfctl%l_config = .TRUE.     ! IF .true. then control which reports are written with the following 
    487        sn_cfctl%l_runstat = .FALSE. ! switches and which areas produce reports with the proc integer settings. 
    488        sn_cfctl%l_trcstat = .FALSE. ! The default settings for the proc integers should ensure 
    489        sn_cfctl%l_oceout  = .FALSE. ! that  all areas report. 
    490        sn_cfctl%l_layout  = .FALSE. ! 
    491        sn_cfctl%l_prtctl  = .FALSE. ! 
    492        sn_cfctl%l_prttrc  = .FALSE. ! 
    493        sn_cfctl%l_oasout  = .FALSE. ! 
    494        sn_cfctl%procmin   = 0       ! Minimum area number for reporting [default:0] 
    495        sn_cfctl%procmax   = 1000000 ! Maximum area number for reporting [default:1000000] 
    496        sn_cfctl%procincr  = 1       ! Increment for optional subsetting of areas [default:1] 
    497        sn_cfctl%ptimincr  = 1       ! Timestep increment for writing time step progress info 
     470   sn_cfctl%l_glochk  = .false. ! Range sanity checks are local (F) or global (T). Set T for debugging only 
     471   sn_cfctl%l_allon   = .false. ! IF T activate all options. If F deactivate all unless l_config is T 
     472   sn_cfctl%l_config  = .true.  ! IF .true. then control which reports are written with the following 
     473   sn_cfctl%l_runstat = .false. ! switches and which areas produce reports with the proc integer settings. 
     474   sn_cfctl%l_trcstat = .false. ! The default settings for the proc integers should ensure 
     475   sn_cfctl%l_oceout  = .false. ! that  all areas report. 
     476   sn_cfctl%l_layout  = .false. ! 
     477   sn_cfctl%l_prtctl  = .false. ! 
     478   sn_cfctl%l_prttrc  = .false. ! 
     479   sn_cfctl%l_oasout  = .false. ! 
     480   sn_cfctl%procmin   = 0       ! Minimum area number for reporting [default:0] 
     481   sn_cfctl%procmax   = 1000000 ! Maximum area number for reporting [default:1000000] 
     482   sn_cfctl%procincr  = 1       ! Increment for optional subsetting of areas [default:1] 
     483   sn_cfctl%ptimincr  = 1       ! Timestep increment for writing time step progress info 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_model_basics.tex

    r11693 r14789  
    55\chapter{Model Basics} 
    8 \thispagestyle{plain} 
    706704In this case, the free surface equation is nonlinear, 
    707705and the variations of volume are fully taken into account. 
    708 These coordinates systems is presented in a report \citep{levier.treguier.ea_rpt07} available on 
     706These coordinates systems is presented in a report \citep{levier.treguier.ea_trpt07} available on 
    709707the \NEMO\ web site. 
    841839This problem can be at least partially overcome by mixing $s$-coordinate and 
    842840step-like representation of bottom topography 
    843 \citep{gerdes_JGR93*a,gerdes_JGR93*b,madec.delecluse.ea_JPO96}. 
    844842However, the definition of the model domain vertical coordinate becomes then a non-trivial thing for 
    845843a realistic bottom topography: 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_model_basics_zstar.tex

    r11693 r14789  
    55\chapter{ essai \zstar \sstar} 
    7 \thispagestyle{plain} 
    3129In that case, the free surface equation is nonlinear, and the variations of volume are fully taken into account. 
    32 These coordinates systems is presented in a report \citep{levier.treguier.ea_rpt07} available on the \NEMO\ web site. 
     30These coordinates systems is presented in a report \citep{levier.treguier.ea_trpt07} available on the \NEMO\ web site. 
    3432\colorbox{yellow}{  end of to be updated} 
    8786Options are defined through the \nam{_dynspg}{\_dynspg} namelist variables. 
    8887The surface pressure gradient term is related to the representation of the free surface (\autoref{sec:MB_hor_pg}). 
    9594which imposes a very small time step when an explicit time stepping is used. 
    9695Two methods are proposed to allow a longer time step for the three-dimensional equations: 
    97 the filtered free surface, which is a modification of the continuous equations %(see \autoref{eq:MB_flt?}), 
     96the filtered free surface, which is a modification of the continuous equations \iffalse (see \autoref{eq:MB_flt?}) \fi , 
    9897and the split-explicit free surface described below. 
    9998The extra term introduced in the filtered method is calculated implicitly, 
    171170The split-explicit formulation has a damping effect on external gravity waves, 
    172 which is weaker than the filtered free surface but still significant as shown by \citet{levier.treguier.ea_rpt07} in 
     171which is weaker than the filtered free surface but still significant as shown by \citet{levier.treguier.ea_trpt07} in 
    173172the case of an analytical barotropic Kelvin wave. 
    307306In the non-linear free surface formulation, the variations of volume are fully taken into account. 
    308 This option is presented in a report \citep{levier.treguier.ea_rpt07} available on the \NEMO\ web site. 
     307This option is presented in a report \citep{levier.treguier.ea_trpt07} available on the \NEMO\ web site. 
    309308The three time-stepping methods (explicit, split-explicit and filtered) are the same as in 
    310309\autoref{?:DYN_spg_linear?} except that the ocean depth is now time-dependent. 
  • NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r13747_HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline_DiagGPU/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_time_domain.tex

    r11693 r14789  
    8 \thispagestyle{plain} 
    1513  \begin{tabularx}{0.5\textwidth}{l||X|X} 
    16     Release          & Author(s)                                       & 
     14    Release          & Author(s)                                       &  
    1715    Modifications                                                      \\ 
    1816    \hline 
    19     {\em        4.0} & {\em J\'{e}r\^{o}me Chanut \newline Tim Graham} & 
     17    {\em        4.0} & {\em J\'{e}r\^{o}me Chanut \newline Tim Graham} &  
    2018    {\em Review \newline Update                                      } \\ 
    21     {\em        3.6} & {\em Christian \'{E}th\'{e}                   } & 
     19    {\em        3.6} & {\em Christian \'{E}th\'{e}                   } &  
    2220    {\em Update                                                      } \\ 
    23     {\em $\leq$ 3.4} & {\em Gurvan Madec                             } & 
     21    {\em $\leq$ 3.4} & {\em Gurvan Madec                             } &  
    2422    {\em First version                                               } \\ 
    2523  \end{tabularx} 
    4745The time stepping used in \NEMO\ is a three level scheme that can be represented as follows: 
    4948  \label{eq:TD} 
    5049  x^{t + \rdt} = x^{t - \rdt} + 2 \, \rdt \ \text{RHS}_x^{t - \rdt, \, t, \, t + \rdt} 
    5252where $x$ stands for $u$, $v$, $T$ or $S$; 
    5353RHS is the \textbf{R}ight-\textbf{H}and-\textbf{S}ide of the corresponding time evolution equation; 
    9999first designed by \citet{robert_JMSJ66} and more comprehensively studied by \citet{asselin_MWR72}, 
    100100is a kind of laplacian diffusion in time that mixes odd and even time steps: 
    102103  \label{eq:TD_asselin} 
    103104  x_F^t = x^t + \gamma \, \lt[ x_F^{t - \rdt} - 2 x^t + x^{t + \rdt} \rt] 
    105107where the subscript $F$ denotes filtered values and $\gamma$ is the Asselin coefficient. 
    106108$\gamma$ is initialized as \np{rn_atfp}{rn\_atfp} (namelist parameter). 
    134136The conditions for stability of second and fourth order horizontal diffusion schemes are 
    137140  \label{eq:TD_euler_stability} 
    142145  \end{cases} 
    144148where $e$ is the smallest grid size in the two horizontal directions and 
    145149$A^h$ is the mixing coefficient. 
    153157To overcome the stability constraint, a backward (or implicit) time differencing scheme is used. 
    154158This scheme is unconditionally stable but diffusive and can be written as follows: 
    156161  \label{eq:TD_imp} 
    170175where RHS is the right hand side of the equation except for the vertical diffusion term. 
    171176We rewrite \autoref{eq:TD_imp} as: 
    173179  \label{eq:TD_imp_mat} 
    174180  -c(k + 1) \; T^{t + 1}(k + 1) + d(k) \; T^{t + 1}(k) - \; c(k) \; T^{t + 1}(k - 1) \equiv b(k) 
    178186  c(k) = A_w^{vT} (k) \, / \, e_{3w} (k) \text{,} \quad 
    241249$Q$ is redistributed over several time step. 
    242250In the modified LF-RA environment, these two formulations have been replaced by: 
    244253  \label{eq:TD_forcing} 
    248257                    - \gamma \, \rdt \, \lt( Q^{t + \rdt / 2} - Q^{t - \rdt / 2} \rt) 
    250260The change in the forcing formulation given by \autoref{eq:TD_forcing} 
    251261(see \autoref{fig:TD_MLF_forcing}) has a significant effect: 
    377387  % 
    380391  \allowdisplaybreaks 
    389400  % 
    392404  \allowdisplaybreaks 
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