New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Custom Query – NEMO

Custom Query (28 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Priority
#2147 VALID-12_CLEVY_CoupledInterface clevy high
#2060 VALID-11_cethe_TOP_Offline cetlod high
#2026 VALID-10_GeorgeN-evalOSMOSIS agn high
#2013 VALID-09_Lovato_TestWave_MedSea gmattia high
#2014 VALID-08_Drudi_Wave_ORCA2 mdrudi high
#2028 VALID-07_odea-AMM deazer high
#2030 VALID-06_storkey_global validation of proto-NEMO 4.0 release in ORCA1, ORCA025 and ORCA12 davestorkey high
#2048 VALID-03_SFlavoni_global_configuration flavoni high
#2024 VALID-01_cbricaud_HR cbricaud high
#2205 Update BDY documentation mathiot low
#2000 ROBUST-14(2017WP) Removal of configuration-dependent hardcoding from closea module in OPA davestorkey normal
#2047 ROBUST-07_SFlavoni-Notebook-testcases flavoni normal
#2025 ROBUST-06_Andrew-reporting acc high
#2037 ROBUST-05_clevy_shaconemo_future clevy normal
#2061 ROBUST-01_rbourdal_C1D rbourdal high
#1426 ROBUST-01(2015WP)/MERCATOR-6 online coarsening cbricaud normal
#2056 PUBLI-02_nicolas_Project_Bibliography nicolasmartin normal
#1962 HPC-07(2017WP) Write restart file using XIOS andmirek high
#1953 HPC-06(2017WP) XIOS restart read functionality andmirek high
#2021 HPC-05_AndrewC-extendedhaloes acc normal
#2010 HPC-03_Mocavero_globcomm francesca high
#1943 HPC-02(2017WP)_Francesca Development of the NEMO hybrid parallel version based on MPI/OpenMP francesca normal
#2053 ENHANCE-13_Olivier-Vertical_Sinking aumont normal
#2020 ENHANCE-12_Yevgeny-Icewaves acc normal
#2042 ENHANCE-05_Gurvan-Vertical_Advection acc normal
#2019 ENHANCE-03_jchanut-ZTILDE jchanut normal
#2017 AGRIF-03_jchanut-TOOLS jchanut high
#2031 AGRIF-02_crousset-LIM3 clem high
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.