
Version 48 (modified by jpolcher, 9 years ago) (diff)


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Drivers of ORCHIDEE model

ORCHIDEE needs several forcing data in order to run correctly. The number of requested data is dependant of the configuration used.

In On-Line mode, the data needed are related to soil texture and color. If the vegetation is prescribed, ORCHIDEE needs in addition a vegetation information defining the fraction of each PFT per gridcell. Vegetation types gathered in these vegetation maps can be either PFT or Holson categories.

In Off-Line mode, ORCHIDEE is forced by weather data based on observations or climate model reanalysis. Last, depending of the options activated within a run of ORCHIDEE, additional maps might be used for irrigation, slope for routing scheme, ...

This document Description_Forcing_Files.pdf provides detail of how forcing files need to be prepared. It addresses in particular the issues one may face when the fluxes are averaged and scalar variables instantaneous. The driver needs to take this into account else the diurnal cycle needs to be misplaced. Some data providers have different convention for representing averaged fluxes and this type of details matter.

1. Weather Data

These forcing files are stored in the shared accounts in IGCM/BC/OOL/OL2 directory. The shared accounts are found :

  • At TGCC: /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p86ipsl/IGCM
  • At IDRIS:
    • On the ada machine: /workgpfs/rech/psl/rpsl035/IGCM
    • On the ergon machine: /u/rech/psl/rpsl035/IGCM
  • LSCE, obelix : /home/orchideeshare/igcmg/IGCM
  • IPSL Ciclad : /prodigfs/ipslfs/igcmg/IGCM
  • IPSL Clismerv : /bdd/ORCHIDEE_Forcing/BC/OOL/OL2
  • At DODS : ​

1.1 CRU

Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB -180:180; -90:90 720x360 1901 2002 103 monthly oct 2004 10.7 GB -180:180; -90:90 720x360 1901_1909 1994_2002 7 monthly oct 2004


There are several versions of CRU-NCEP. The latest version containing bug corrections and an improved description of the time methods is the v5.4.

  • v5.4
  1. halfdeg
Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
cruncep_halfdeg_????.nc -180:180; -90:90 720x360 1901 2013 113 6H 8 avril 2015 346 GB
  • v5.3.2
  1. halfdeg
Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
cruncep_halfdeg_????.nc -180:180; -90:90 720x360 1901 2013 113 6H 8 avril 2015 346 GB
  1. onedeg
Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
cruncep_onedeg_????.nc -180:180; -90:90 360x180 1901 2013 113 6H 8 avril 2015 359 GB
  1. twodeg
Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
cruncep_twodeg_????.nc -180:180; -90:90 720x360 1901 2013 113 6H 8 avril 2015 90 GB
  • v5.3
  1. halfdeg
Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
cruncep_halfdeg_????.nc -180:180; -90:90 720x360 1901 2013 113 6H 1 oct 2014 346 GB
  1. onedeg
Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
cruncep_onedeg_????.nc -180:180; -90:90 360x180 1901 2013 113 6H 1 oct 2014 359 GB
  1. twodeg
Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
cruncep_twodeg_????.nc -180:180; -90:90 720x360 1901 2013 113 6H 1 oct 2014 90 GB
  • v5.2
Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
cruncep_????.nc -180:180; -90:90 720x360 1901 2012 112 6H 25 sept 2013 343 GB
  • v5.2_2x2deg
Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
cruncep_???? -180:180; -90:90 180x90 1901 2012 112 6H 25 sept 2013 89 GB
  • v2
Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
cruncep_halfdeg_????.nc -180:180; -90:90 720x360 1901 2010 110 6H 5 juin 2013 362 GB
cruncep_halfdeg_???? -180:180; -90:90 720x360 1904 2008 27 6H 5 juin 2013 89 GB
cruncep_halfdeg_???? -180:180; -90:90 720x360 1904 2008 27 6H 5 juin 2013 89 GB

Default is to use the noleap files (through symbolic links).

1.3 ERA_New_Global

Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
ERA_Global_????.nc -180:180; -90:90 512x256 1979 2012 34 3H 22 juin 2013 437 GB


Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB eg. / in-situ site-specific 30minutes 4Mo per year

The data have been prepared for all sites of the Free Access Fluxnet database ( as available in August, 2012 (~150 sites).

2. Older Weather Data

These forcing data sets have been superseded by more recent re-analysis of meteorological observations and more complete meta-data have been included in the forcing file.


Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB -180:180; -90:90 360x179 1987 1987 1 6H 28 jun 2005 1.1 GB


Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
islscp_for_????.nc -180:180; -90:90 360x179 1982 1995 14 3H (6H for 1982) 28 jun 2005 19 GB

2.3 NCC

Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
ncc_for_????.nc -180:180; -90:90 360x180 1948 2000 52 6H info sept 2005 ref 37 GB


Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
orchidee_NLDAS_forcing_??????.nc -67:-24; 25:52 464x224 199701 200212 6 1H mai 2008 197 GB

2.5 WFD3/annual

Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
WFD_????.nc -180:180; -90:90 720x360 1958 2001 44 3H april 2010 300 GB

2.6 WFDEI (WFDEI_GPCC/v1/noleap)

Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
WFDEI_GPCC_????.nc -180:180; -90:90 720x300 1979 2009 31 3H 3 juin 2013 182 GB

2.7 WFDEI_GPCC/v2/leap

Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
WFDEI_GPCC_????.nc -180:180; -90:90 720x360 1990 2011 33 3H 26 avril 2014 265 GB

NB: Year 2011 is incomplete.

2.8 WG

Name Spatial information Temporal information Web documentation Size
Abbreviation Full name Coverage Resolution First year Last year Number of years Resolution Informations Data download References GB
WG_??.nc -180:180; -90:90 320x160 79 93 15 1M may 2007 20 MB (noleap) -180:180; -90:90 720x360 1 1M may 2007 37 GB

2.9 Scripts examples

  • FORTRAN 90 script to create a land points only forcing file (use of the compress attribute) mk_grid.f90

3. Vegetation information

ORCHIDEE model can read vegetation map based on Olson categories or on PFT categories. When a PFT map is used as an input, the parameter land_use in the .def file should be set to TRUE, else to FALSE.

3.1 Olson map

A map at 5km resolution with the dominant Olson class has been generated by Nicolas Viovy based on a 1km IGBP map. The map is available on the common repository of ORCHIDEE forcing files on CCRT, IDRIS and other platforms. It is also available here. This map contains 94 land categories. The conversion from Olson to PFT categories is done within the code of ORCHIDEE. Up to the version, there was a bug when converting Olson category 79 (warm C4 woody savanna). It was distributed into tropical broad-leaved raingreen (40%) and C3 grass (40%) while it should have been tropical broad-leaved raingreen (40%) and C4 grass (40%). This bug has been fixed in the version 1.9.6.

3.2 PFT maps

3.2.1 Based on Olson

Static maps

A Python script have been developed by Martial Mancip in order to convert 'offline' Olson-based map to PFT-based map. For this purpose, an Olson map has been generated at a 0.5 deg resolution, in which fractions of Olson categories are defined for each cell (and not only the dominant category). The 0.5° Olson map is available here. The PFT map generated by this script is available ????.

Dynamic maps

The PFT map based on Olson categories has been combined with some historical trends and future projections datasets of Land-Use changes. This work has been carried out by Nathalie de Noblet within the frame of the AR5 IPCC exercise. The historical dataset is the HYDE 3.0 dataset (Klein Goldewijk) and the future projections are delivered by the four Integrated assessments models for the four Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP): MESSAGE (RCP 8.5), AIM (RCP 6), MiniCAM (RCP 4.5), IMAGE (RCP 3.0). A report and a presentation on the methodology developped have been written by Nathalie. Both documents are availabe [

3.2.2 Maps based on recent Satellite Land Cover products

In a recent paper (see reference below) B. Poulter has proposed a method to convert satellite land cover products (GLC2000, Globcover, MODIS) into PFT maps, using Köppen-Geiger bioclimatic zones.

  1. Macbean and B. Poulter have updated the cross-walking approach based on discussions with the Globcover team in July 2012 at UCL.

The new land cover CCI should be available at end of 2012 for use with ORCHIDEE.

  1. Poulter has developed tools to do conversions at any spatial resolution. N. Macbean has equivalent tools in python. Please contact them directly to know more about this. The objective is to have these tools available later for everybody under the TOOLS directory.

Poulter, B., Ciais, P., Hodson, E., Lischke, H., Maignan, F., Plummer, S. & Zimmerman, N. E. (2011). Plant functional type mapping for earth system models. Geoscientific Model Development, 4, 993–1010, doi:10.5194/gmd-4-993-2011

3.2.3 Global Land Use modeling data formatted for ORCHIDEE

3.2.4 Future projections based on RCP's

4. Soil texture and color data

5. Irrigation

6. Slope

Attachments (6)