
Version 3 (modified by luyssaert, 9 years ago) (diff)


Why would I want to install another netcdf library?

You don't want to install another netcdf library. In general all is taken care of by the TCCG and the libIGCM team. Nevertheless, there was a netcdf-related problem in March 2015 and this was the procedure to load a different netcdf library, use it for the compilation and use it for running the model. Check which modules are loaded

module list

Unload the module you no longer want to use, i.e., netcdf/4.2_hdf5_parallel. Note that there could be dependencies between modules. If so unload whatever needs to be unloaded.
unload module netcdf/4.2_hdf5_parallel (NetCDF)

Check if the new module was loaded
module list

load module netcdf/
module show netcdf/

setenv		NETCDF_ROOT	/usr/local/netcdf-
setenv		NETCDF_EXEDIR	/usr/local/netcdf-
setenv		NETCDF_INCDIR	/usr/local/netcdf-
setenv		NETCDF_LIBDIR	/usr/local/netcdf-


NETCDF_INC_DIR is deprecated and has been replaced by NETCDF_INCDIR
