
Version 1 (modified by jgipsl, 11 years ago) (diff)


How to create a new branch or a personal version

Here is some short help on how to create and commit in a personal directory or a branche.

Create your folder

First, ask for a login on svn and a personal directory on the svn repository, use orchidee-help mailing liste. When this is done, you can extracte this folder which is in the beginning empty, change in following commands to use your name :

svn co svn:// mypersofolder

If you got error message "svn: Authorization failed", then add --username firstname.lastname in the commande svn.

svn --username firstname.lastname co svn:// mypersofolder

Commit in your folder

In your personal svn directory you can now commit sources code and scripts. You should not commit netcdf files, executables or other big files.

For exemple you want to copy revision number X from the ORCHIDEE trunk into your personal folder :

svn cp -r X svn:// svn://

For exemple how to copy the tag 1.9.6 into your personal folder :

svn cp svn:// svn:// 

Vizualise using web interface

If you have an login to the machine forge where the wiki and svn of ORCHIDEE is stored, then you can visualize your account at forge : Ask for an acount on forge using the email list orchidee-help. This login can be used to modify the wiki, create and comment tickets and to vizualize your personal folder and all branches you have acces to.