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Changeset 2197 for branches/DEV_r1826_DOC/DOC/TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_SBC.tex – NEMO

2010-10-10T15:44:41+02:00 (14 years ago)

ticket:#658 in LDF, add the mixed lap-bilap doc see ticket:659

1 edited


  • branches/DEV_r1826_DOC/DOC/TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_SBC.tex

    r2195 r2197  
    375 To do this we need to treat evaporation/precipitation fluxes and river runoff differently in the \mdl{tra\_sbc} module.  We decided to separate them throughout the code, so that the variable emp represented solely evaporation minus precipitation fluxes, and a new 2d variable rnf was added which represents the volume flux of river runoff (in kg/m2s to remain consistent with emp).  This meant many uses of emp and emps needed to be changed, a list of all modules which use emp or emps and the changes made are below: 
     375To do this we need to treat evaporation/precipitation fluxes and river runoff differently in the \mdl{tra\_sbc} module.  We decided to separate them throughout the code, so that the variable \textit{emp} represented solely evaporation minus precipitation fluxes, and a new 2d variable rnf was added which represents the volume flux of river runoff (in kg/m2s to remain consistent with emp).  This meant many uses of emp and emps needed to be changed, a list of all modules which use emp or emps and the changes made are below: 
    380380It is convenient to introduce the river runoff in the model as a surface  
    381 fresh water flux. This is the defualt option within NEMO, and there is then 
     381fresh water flux. This is the default option within NEMO, and there is then 
    382382 the option for the user to increase vertical mixing in the vicinity of the rivermouth. 
     432\begin{figure}[!t] \label{Fig_SBC_diurnal}  \begin{center} 
     434\caption{Example of recontruction of the diurnal cycle variation of short wave flux   
     435from daily mean values. The reconstructed diurnal cycle (red squares) is chosen  
     436as the mid time step value of the analytically cycle (blue line), not as  
     437the mean value of the analytical cycle over a time step (black line).  
     438The misfit is however small and without systematic bias. From \citet{Bernie_al_CD07}.} 
     439\end{center}   \end{figure} 
    431442% ================================================================ 
    450461in \NEMO by setting \np{ln\_dm2dc}=true (a \textit{namsbc} namelist parameter) when using  
    451462CORE bulk formulea (\np{ln\_blk\_core}=true) or the flux formulation (\np{ln\_flx}=true).  
    452 The algorithm used is detailed in the appendix~A of \cite{Bernie_al_CD07}  
    453 and illustrated on Fig.\ref{Fig_SBC_diurnal}.  
    455 Note that the reconstruction can change the daily mean value of SWF by a few tenth of  
    456 W/m$^2$ ($\pm 0.5$~W/m$^2$ with a 1~h sampling) but this is not a systematic bias.  
     463The reconstruction is performed in the \mdl{sbcdcy} module. The detail of the algoritm used  
     464can be found in the appendix~A of \cite{Bernie_al_CD07}. It is not a strictly conservative  
     465algorithm as the mid time step analytical value is used instead of the mean value of  
     466the analytical cycle over a time step (Fig.\ref{Fig_SBC_diurnal}). Nevertheless, the error is   
     467quite small, reaching locally a maximum value of a few tenth of W/m$^2$ with a 2~h sampling,  
     468the error decreasing with increasing the sampling. Moreover, the error is not a systematic, and  
     469thus does not lead to seasonal bias.  
     471Fig.\ref{Fig_SBC_dcy} show an example of 12 reconstructed diurnal cycle, one every 2~hours  
     472(from 1am to 11pm). The difference between the original daily mean and the daily mean  
     473reconstructed diurnal cycle (not shown) is small (extrema of $\pm$0.4 W/m$^2$). 
     476\begin{figure}[!t] \label{Fig_SBC_dcy}  \begin{center} 
     478\caption{Example of recontruction of the diurnal cycle variation of short wave flux   
     479from daily mean values on an ORCA2 grid with a time sampling of 2~hours (from 1am to 11pm).  
     480The display is on (i,j) plane. } 
     481\end{center}   \end{figure} 
    457484Note also that the setting a diurnal cycle in SWF is highly recommended  when  
    458485the top layer thickness approach 1~m or less, otherwise large error in SST can  
    459486appear due to an inconsistency between the scale of the vertical resolution  
    460487and the forcing acting on that scale. 
    462 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
    463 \begin{figure}[!t] \label{Fig_SBC_diurnal}  \begin{center} 
    464 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_SBC_diurnal.pdf} 
    465 \caption{Example of recontruction of the diurnal cycle variation of short wave flux   
    466 from daily mean values. From \citet{Bernie_al_CD07}.} 
    467 \end{center}   \end{figure} 
    468 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
    470489% ================================================================ 
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