


15:04 Changeset [1442] by matthew.mcgrath
Changing the dimensions of circ_class_kill to match harvest_pool
09:14 Changeset [1441] by matthew.mcgrath
Dimensions need to be integers, and deux is real


12:47 Changeset [1440] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
all harvest ends-up in a single pool, still some minor issues with …
10:31 Documentation/UserGuide edited by mmcgrath
09:43 Changeset [1439] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
another almost working LCC version committed to avoid too many conflicts …


16:34 Changeset [1438] by matthew.mcgrath
removing an extra variable
12:07 Changeset [1437] by matthew.mcgrath
checking for syncing of biomass
11:09 Changeset [1436] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
some code cleaning, contains the new lcc but still debugging this module


17:34 Changeset [1435] by matthew.mcgrath
harvesting based on annual increment


17:13 Changeset [1434] by matthew.mcgrath
Uninitialized bugs
11:19 Changeset [1433] by matthew.mcgrath
removing some histwrites which seem to cause trouble


17:04 Changeset [1432] by matthew.mcgrath
bug fix
16:37 Changeset [1431] by xiuchen.wu
change the carbon allocation processes for crop
15:49 Changeset [1430] by matthew.mcgrath
Changing variable names, harvest in absolute numbers
13:35 Changeset [1429] by matthew.mcgrath
Not sure why the compiler didn't catch this
10:21 Changeset [1428] by matthew.mcgrath
cleaned up albedo


17:13 Changeset [1427] by matthew.mcgrath
Bug fix for multilevel albedo
09:00 Documentation/UserGuide/OutputFiles edited by jryder


17:00 Documentation/UserGuide edited by jryder
16:59 Documentation/UserGuide/OutputFiles created by jryder
11:09 Changeset [1426] by matthew.mcgrath
Splitting lpj_gap to human and natural...cleaning


17:50 Changeset [1425] by matthew.mcgrath
files renamed
14:50 Changeset [1424] by matthew.mcgrath
Changing stomate_forestry to sapiens_forestry


12:09 Changeset [1423] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
add control flags to the control-structure
12:07 Changeset [1422] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
add control flags to the control-structure
11:35 Changeset [1421] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
add control flags to the control-structure


15:58 Changeset [1420] by sebastiaan.luyssaert
changing some flags. Do not use. Debugging purpose


17:52 Changeset [1419] by matthew.mcgrath
First test looks good
17:40 Changeset [1418] by matthew.mcgrath
wood harvest pool
11:42 Changeset [1417] by pascal.maugis
oubli de supprimer des lignes pour debuggage le commit d'aujourd'hui …
11:38 Changeset [1416] by pascal.maugis
premieres modifications importantes de structure et de détail ; les …
08:59 Changeset [1415] by nicolas.vuichard
update : bounds of some variables have changed (for instance min_sechiba …


14:09 Changeset [1414] by nicolas.vuichard
Scalar parameter can now be set for each site - and so, not only PFT …
11:43 Changeset [1413] by matthew.mcgrath
Removing the FM flag for functional allocation
11:10 Changeset [1412] by anne.cozic
Add a flag to control histwrite of PARsuntab and PARshtab
11:02 Changeset [1411] by anne.cozic
Add a control flag on histwrite for variables PARsuntab and PARshtab
10:57 Changeset [1410] by anne.cozic
Correct a bug introduce during omp parallelisation : i forget the …


21:53 Documentation/UserGuide/LoopIGCM created by mmcgrath
21:36 Documentation/UserGuide edited by mmcgrath
16:44 Changeset [1409] by matthew.mcgrath
bug fix


10:53 Changeset [1408] by nicolas.vuichard
add a minimum and maximum temperature threshold - move gpp calculation …


19:17 Changeset [1407] by juliane.otto
2nd try, hopefully a revision that works with new snow cover fraction
17:19 Changeset [1406] by matthew.mcgrath
Now should be working
15:21 Changeset [1405] by matthew.mcgrath
Small bug fix for ncirc=1
15:15 Changeset [1404] by juliane.otto
snow cover fraction is replaced by equation from Yang et al 1997, …
09:57 Changeset [1403] by matthew.mcgrath
Bug fix for thinning


15:42 Changeset [1402] by matthew.mcgrath
more thinning and mortality upgrades


12:14 Changeset [1401] by josefine.ghattas
Corrected algorithme error for option WRITE_STEP=0 : Now this option …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.