New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Custom Query – NEMO

Custom Query (2720 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 2720)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#63 dev_001_SBC: problem in the computation of p_dqla(:,:), prf1(:,:) p_fr2(:,:) fields in CORE bulk formulae ctlod Bug closed normal
#68 NVTK: correct bugs related to the launch of jobs nemo Bug closed normal
#69 bug in calculating the Richardson number in zdfkpp.F90 gm Bug closed normal
#70 Change fait_AA_make nemo Enhancement closed normal
#71 introduce LIM3 new sea-ice model nemo Enhancement closed normal
#73 tradmp.F90 never called when using AGRIF because lk_tradmp is set to FALSE in agrif-user.F90 nemo Bug closed normal
#77 LIM3 optimization and parallelisation nemo Enhancement closed normal
#78 BUGS lim_rhg in LIM3 nemo Bug closed normal
#81 Correct lines which do not compile on IBM nemo Bug closed normal
#82 To ensure the restartability with LIM 3.0 nemo Bug closed normal
#83 change the starting/ending FCF do loop indices and change jptra to jp_cfc nemo Enhancement closed normal
#84 change the starting/ending LOBSTER do loop indices nemo Bug closed normal
#85 bug in computation of ocean volume in case of degrad option nemo Bug closed normal
#86 initialisation of CFC : add the key_cfc to take it into account nemo Bug closed normal
#87 suppression of trb=trn to ensure restartability of passive tracer models nemo Bug closed normal
#88 include the USE of the PISCES module - p4zprg - in the main program of passive tracer model nemo Bug closed normal
#89 move all the files in directory TOP_SRC/PISCES to TOP_SRC/PISCES_SMS nemo Enhancement closed normal
#90 rename the directory TOP_SRC/PISCES_SMS to TOP_SRC/PISCES nemo Enhancement closed normal
#91 include the new version of PISCES SMS model nemo Enhancement closed normal
#92 remove unused modules nemo Enhancement closed normal
#93 update the fait_AA_make and fait_config scripts to take into account the new TOP architecture nemo Enhancement closed normal
#95 Use of tags to identify a specific NEMO release ctlod Defect closed normal
#97 dev_001_SBC: use correct component (ztio_v(:,:) instead ztio_u) when computing ice_ocean stress zvtau(:,:) at U-point nemo Bug closed normal
#100 dev_001_SBC: add the TURB_CORE_2Z() function to compute drag coefficents using air temperature & humidity data referenced at 2m instead 10m ctlod Enhancement closed normal
#106 AGRIF with time-splitting nemo Enhancement closed normal
#107 AGRIF with time-splitting nemo Enhancement closed normal
#108 AGRIF with ice nemo Enhancement closed normal
#112 dev_001_SBC: Step II: adapt new SBC to LIM 3.0 component ctlod Enhancement closed normal
#113 merge dev_001_SBC branche with the trunk to include the New Surface Module package nemo Enhancement closed normal
#115 ldf coefficient ctlod Enhancement closed normal
#118 trazdf_imp and key_ldf_slp nemo Bug closed normal
#119 restart with agrif nemo Bug closed normal
#121 remove the sdvt(:,:) variable which is not initialized at all but is used in the computation of the friction velocity ust2s(:,:) nemo Bug closed normal
#124 trcrst.F90 : division by zero in at the end of trc_rst_wri nemo Bug closed normal
#125 Re-organisation of ocean namelists to improve readability nemo Enhancement closed normal
#126 Implementation of the BDY package nemo Enhancement closed normal
#127 Arrays goout of bounds nemo Bug closed normal
#129 Use of F95 signed zero causes incorrect results nemo Bug closed normal
#131 move the set to zero of qsr(:,:) (when more than 50% of sea-ice) from sbcblk_clio.F90 into sbcice_lim.F90 necessary for the freeze(:,:) array when making restarts nemo Bug closed normal
#132 Runoff not defined in traadv_cen2 nemo Bug closed normal
#133 AGRIF vs SBC nemo Bug closed normal
#155 Implementation of a new coupling interface smasson Enhancement closed normal
#182 update trcstp.F90 routine according to new TOP re-organization cetlod Bug closed normal
#195 LIM-3 a damping option should be added for regional configurations NEMO team or others? Enhancement closed normal
#196 TOP namelists NEMO team - christian Enhancement closed normal
#197 namelist style in OPA, LIM2 and LIM3 nemo Enhancement closed normal
#202 Bug in key_vvl with ln_trazdf=T and OBC, BDY or AGRIF zoom nemo Bug closed normal
#208 fait_AA_make and co nemo Enhancement closed normal
#224 obc nemo Enhancement closed normal
#235 Incorrect sign used when applying empold correction to freshwater budget nemo Bug closed normal
#237 Undefined behaviour writing to ocean.output from multiple pes nemo Bug closed normal
#248 New trends diagnostics organization in TOP nemo Enhancement closed normal
#252 impossible to run 2 years in a row nemo Bug closed normal
#258 Problem with the name of input restart file "" nemo Task closed normal
#263 Allocatable arrays in fldread nemo Bug closed normal
#274 compiltation issues of the 1D configuration in release v3 ctlod Bug closed normal
#275 1D stability issues with surface boundary conditions ctlod Defect closed normal
#286 Activate sea surface height in LIM3, improves its stability nemo Enhancement closed normal
#287 add surface tilt in EVP rheology of LIM3 nemo Enhancement closed normal
#292 incorrect calculation of icycle in dynspg_ts.F90 nemo Bug closed normal
#294 Problems with the update of fluxes in sbcflx.F90 when running with surface relaxation. nemo Bug closed normal
#296 obcdta_bt out of date nemo Bug closed normal
#312 The biological trends variables are not initialized when restarting nemo Bug closed normal
#315 undefined passive tracers horizontal derivatives at the first time step nemo Bug closed normal
#329 vvl and time splitting cbricaud Bug closed normal
#346 bug correction on the wind module computation for LIM 3.0 nemo Bug closed normal
#354 ORCA-LIM3 MPI problem? vancop Defect closed normal
#365 wrong scale factors used in bdyvol nemo Bug closed normal
#372 problem with netcdf syncing nemo Bug closed normal
#387 introduce iom_put and the use of the new ioserver nemo Enhancement closed normal
#389 entry point for VVL nemo Enhancement closed normal
#390 scale factors for VVL nemo Bug closed normal
#394 ssh time stepping for VVL nemo Bug closed normal
#397 rewritting domvvl nemo Bug closed normal
#398 re-introduce time stepping in VVL case nemo Enhancement closed normal
#420 update ioserver + change NVTK to properly use it nemo Enhancement closed normal
#429 VVL reorganisation nemo Enhancement closed normal
#434 mesh_zgr inconsistency when using zps nemo Bug closed normal
#435 wrong index uslpml & vslpml in ldfslp.F90 (v3.2 & v3.3beta) nemo Bug closed normal
#436 Implementation of CICE and UM coupling code as part of S0.1 and S0.3 nemo Enhancement closed normal
#439 Array index out of bounds in limsbc.F90 nemo Bug closed normal
#443 Coordinates cannot be read under AGRIF nemo Bug closed normal
#464 Hard coded number of ice categories vancop Bug closed normal
#465 River coding in NEMO shelf rachel.furner Enhancement closed normal
#474 time splitting on velocity rblod Enhancement closed normal
#505 Correct 3 bugs in LIM-3 nemo Bug closed normal
#507 wrong scale factors in VLL nemo Bug closed normal
#528 Bug in dtatem and dtasal with key_vvl nemo Bug closed normal
#538 bug in ice-ocean surface stress with nn_ico_cpl = 2 nemo Bug closed normal
#568 Bug in dynspg_flt with vvl and vector invariant form nemo Bug closed normal
#578 receive wind stress module in coupled mode nemo Enhancement closed normal
#585 impact of HF wind in TKE nemo Enhancement closed normal
#588 bfr stability nemo Bug closed normal
#604 iom_put for scalar values nemo Enhancement closed normal
#612 Problem with ORCA2 coordinates at NEMO vn2+ nemo Bug closed normal Unscheduled
#630 iomput with AGRIF nemo Defect closed normal
#635 misplaced modification of fstravs in trczdf_iso.F90 nemo Bug closed normal
#637 big bugs on ORCA025 and ORCA12 grid on the north pole cbricaud Bug closed normal Unscheduled
#645 Pb in lib_mpp for nbondj = 2 rblod Bug closed normal Unscheduled
#647 OBC in NEMO3.2 nemo Bug closed normal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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